Since this weekend was very mellow and I basically just ran around doing a bunch of chores and meal prep it isn’t very blogworthy so I am going to spare you. Instead I’ll finally post the photo wall I promised a few two people I would share.
I struggle with printing out my pictures, I mostly just back them up on an external hard drive so it was nice to finally get some printed and up on the wall.

Tools: Screwdriver or Drill ~ Hammer ~ Level ~ Paintbrush or foam brush
Cut List: From the 1x3xR/L boards cut 8 at 24″ and 3 at 32″. With the 1x2x6 board cut 2 at 26″ *SEE NOTE ONE
*Note One: Most boards might be advertised a specific length or width but in fact are actually a smidge smaller. Before you have the 1x2x6 board cut be sure and lay out all the 1×3 boards and measure the length then cut the 1x2x6 board to 1/2″ shorter so it doesn’t hang over the sides.
*Note Two: I have had my issues with Lowe’s and Home Depot cutting wood. I got gift cards to Home Depot for Christmas so I got wood cut there and the cashier tried to tell me that they can charge per board cut depending on who cuts the wood! Say what? You either charge or you don’t. Needless to say I prefer Lowe’s since it is less hassle and FREE. Just my opinion though, just ask before they cut. If they screw up know you can return the wood.
*Note Three: It would be cheaper to get a fixed length board. Again I am not used to Home Depot and didn’t realize the cost per board was by the foot not by the board. Live and learn.
*Note Four: I am including links to some items to help you find the same if you do the project. These are not affiliate links they are just to help you find same/like items.
Directions: Lay out the 1×3 cut boards (if there are any markings you don’t want to be seen be sure to keep that facing you) spacing out the longer lengths. I did about 2-3 of the 24″ length boards then a 32″ board and repeated. These don’t have to be exact just go with what you like. Once you like the look, place the two 1×2 cut pieces on top, one at the top and one at the bottom.

Flip the board over, you are ready to stain. I used the Rust-Oleum wood stain in American Walnut.

Seamus did amazing at the vet on Saturday. He finally got his sutures out and he didn’t flinch, even the vet was impressed since it’s such a sensitive area. His biopsy results came back, and it is a mast cell tumor which means it is cancerous. He has a Grade two which is a lower grade. According to PetMD: Grade 2 cells are intermediately differentiated with a potential for locally invasive metastasis. So while the prognosis isn’t great it is not bad either.
Basically if it is going to grow back it will grow back in the same spot, we are scheduling appointments once a month for the next six months and keeping an eye on it. If it grows back he will have surgery again. They can’t be overly aggressive the first time for worry they can take too much and damage the function of his urinary tract and surrounding tissues. Life expectancy shall it not come back is 2 or more years so fingers crossed.
As you can see he is his same old goofy self, he is much stronger than me that’s for sure.

How was your weekend?
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
I’m so sorry to hear about the test results for seamus – I’ll continue to pray for your sweet little pup! I love the reminder you put on you DIY – turned out great! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Thanks I am hoping it won’t come back but appreciated all the prayers for him! Haha! Better you learn from my mistakes.
Your photo board came out great! I’m sorry to hear it was cancer, but prayers that it never comes back. Have a great week!
Thank you, it makes the photos really pop too. Thanks, fingers crossed.
blech sorry to hear about the test results but at least you caught it and can now take the necessary steps to keep an eye on it and just make sure that things are the best for him (but you always do that anyway). love the board!!!
Yes we will monitor it very closely and hope for the best. Thanks!
your diy looks great, and thanks for the tips. i’m crossing my fingers for seamus!!
Thanks, it is a little behind the scenes so people don’t make the same mistakes. Thank you so much!
🙁 Love you Seamus. Don’t let it grow back little man, fight it!
He is such a fighter, he has done so well. Thank you!
LOL I was wondering where the stencil came from… I thought you just happened to find one that was perfect for you! I love the color you chose for your project – I’ll have to remember it if I ever DIY.
Haha! Yes that silhouette has come in handy! It is a nice mid range since I have a lot in the darker shade it was nice to meet in the middle.
I love how it turned out– the stain you chose and the little clips give it such a great look! Soo weird about Home Depot being wishy washy about whether or not there’s a charge for cutting wood! I’m so happy Seamus did well at the vet and seems to be getting back to his old self– praying that he continues to be healthy <3
It was so weird and I was so confused, like how can you change from person to person?! Also not everyone has a pickup and we need to fit the wood into our little sedans. Thank you so much, I hope he stays healthy.
You’re board looks amaze! I think I may try this for our living room, we have so much free space it’s not even funny. I’m glad Seamus is doing well! I hope it doesn’t grow back, those surgeries suck!
It is such a great way to add pictures without buying a ton of frames and easily to swap in new photos. Thank you, he wasn’t happy with being poked and prodded so I hope he stays healthy.
I hope it doesn’t grow back!
Your project looks good!
Thanks, fingers crossed. Thank you, I am excited to actually print pictures now.
Love how it turned out and great tutorial! That’s also good to know about Home Depot’s cutting vs. Lowes. Glad Seamus is doing better!
I was shocked they would charge per cute, most DIY’ers don’t own pickup trucks! So rude! Haha! Thank you! He is a fighter!
Your DIY project turned out great! Love the wood! I’m so glad Seamus is doing better and they plan to monitor him over the next few months.
Thank you, I am loving actually having pictures on the wall. I was so bad with changing them out in frames. He is doing so well and I am glad they are keeping an eye out because I have no idea what normal dog naughty bits should look like! Haha!
I’m glad it wasn’t a worse diagnosis…
I lost 2 of our last dogs with cancer & it blows my mind how common it is for dogs to get cancer anymore. I swear, I think its the food / treats. Gotta be something.
Praying that the tumor stays away for a long time! We all love Seamus
Yes, I 100% agree it is with food. They don’t monitor dog food like they do human food. I lost my kitty and my last dog to Cancer and it blows big time. Thank you so much for sending love to him!
LOVE that picture board! I need to be more crafty. Saying prayers for little Seamus!!!
I got through phases of craftiness. 😉 Thank you Seamus needs all the good thoughts.
Seamus is such a cute little goof ball. I’m gonna keep sending my positive vibes your/his way!
Thank you so much. I know, you wouldn’t even think anything was wrong. He is such a good love bug!
Barkley and Dobie send Seamus hugs and are telling him to hang in there (and their paws are crossed that it doesn’t come back). But it’s good to see him smiling. Dogs are so resilient.
Aww thanks Seamus loves the puppy love. Other than at the beginning when he was in pain he has been so happy go lucky. Dogs really are so resilient and they just go with the flow. Lessons to be learned for sure.
Nice photo wall! I like the simplicity of it. Good to know about Seamus. He looks happy and healthy. Sorry to hear it was cancerous but hopefully it doesn’t progress into anything worse.
Thank you. I really wanted the pictures to be the focal point. Thank you, I am just trying to stay positive that he will be ok.
Love this! What a great way to display all your photos!
Thank you, and so easy to keep them updated! Hopefully! 😉
Poor little guy…I’m so glad to hear he’s feeling like himself, at least. Prayers for positive results!
Thank you. We appreciate the prayers, much needed.
Your projects always turn out so great!
Aww thanks, trust me there are plenty of errors behind the scenes. Hehe.
That board is just too cool.
I hope Seamus continues to improve!
Thank you. He is doing so much better!
That’s an impressive DIY project! I’m not very crafty so I’m always impressed by others!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
This one was fairly easy and worth a shot. Thank you.
Oh, Seamus. I love his face. Hugs and prayers that it doesn’t come back. Your diy skills are always so impressive.
oh Kerry, i am so sorry about the prognosis!! I hope it does not come back. Be strong Seamus!! What a sweetie. I am sure he will be fine. I hope it!!!
love this project, so fancy! sorry about the issues with home depot, i’ll keep that in mind next time we need wood.
Thank you. I am trying to remain hopeful! I was kind of shocked about Home Depot and I figured people should just know so they can ask before the cut, if they say no that it shouldn’t be a problem. I was just thrown when I was at the cashier and she questioned me about it.
This came out amazing!! I love the clips and the addition of the stencil!
Thanks, the stencil really made it more me!
Aww poor Seamus. Glad they were able to cut out the tumor. Hopefully it won’t grow back *fingers crossed*
Love this photo project!
Thanks you I am hope he is cancer free in 6 months!
I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. I’ll be sending positive vibes your way! I love the photo project!
Thank you he needs all the positive vibes.
You did such a great job! This is a fun way to use pictures. Awesome!
Thank you. I love that I can easily swap out pictures too.
Your photo board turned out really cool! I love the color of the wood!
Love your photo boards! Sorry to hear about Seamus’ results, but happy to hear that he’ll be going back. I’ll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Sending him a belly rub! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
Such a neat idea for your pictures, it came out great! And I’m glad Seamus is feeling better, but I’m sorry to hear the cells are cancerous. Sending you lots of *hugs* and for the little guy as well <3
So glad Seamus is doing well!! 🙂 Great DIY project, too!