I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend without any family drama. My weekend was very low key since next weekend I will be in MAINE!!!! I am so excited for our girls weekend. It might be a lite posting week since it is going to be hectic. I also have a new bookcase/console table being delivered today so I want to put it together before I leave.
Okay I’m going to get to it since it was a busy weekend and since it is photo heavy I am going to try and limit the chatter. Enjoy!

I pulled out all my bins of decorations, and noticed I have a huge reindeer addiction. I spread them out over different spaces. My media center houses most of them though.

A little decor on my console table, which will hopefully fit on the new one. A few more reindeers made it in my dining room centerpiece.

How was your weekend?
Are you in a turkey coma?
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
I loved getting to see all the decor around your house!! You did such a great job with it and girl 80 hand written cards – that’s amazing!!! I love the bolder lips – looks great on you! Hope you have a great Monday! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Thank you, I loved putting it all up, and to think I skipped some of my decorations too. I think i need a bigger house! Hahaha! I am so not used to wearing lipstick but it was a nice change.
The house looks great! And so did you! I like the bold look. Happy to see you had a wonderful holiday. Kudos to getting your cards done. I haven’t even ordered mine yet. Maybe New Year’s cards are on the horizon…here’s to adventure in 2016. Have a great week!
Thank you, it makes it so cozy. It is so nice to have them done, this time is so hectic I like to just be done so I can just enjoy watching movies and sipping hot chocolate. I don’t want to be stressed. Hope lots of adventures happen for you in 2016.
glad you had no drama!! that is the worst. loved the vampy lip! yay for you getting everything decorated. i haven’t started yet–hopefully a tree and everything this week. and YAYYYY for maine! take me with you.
Thank you. I knew if I didn’t get it up now it was never going up. Haha! Maine is so much fun, I am excited.
Great pictures. I love the J⭐️Y! I am getting out more Christmas stuff today. I love our fake tree with lights already on. It’s 8 years old. No mess, paid for itself, and more safe. I usually get a small Rosemary tree for my front window. But, to each her own
Have a nice and easy week.
Love. Steph’s. Momma
I can totally see the benefit of having a fake tree with most of everything already done. It is a lot of work but I do love the smell of a real tree. Each is perfectly fine. 🙂
Love your tree… and I’m still thinking about those cupcakes!
Thank you, it’s so fun decorating. Everyone ended up taking cupcakes home. 🙂
Those cupcakes look amazing!! I’m loving all your Christmas decor! So pretty. I was just in Maine this weekend and the weather was fab! Seamus is just too cute.
Thank you. It makes it so festive. I am so looking forward to Maine. It is usually super cold but I don’t mind as long as I’m with my girls.
Loving that bold lip color on you!
Thank you, it was a stretch for me but I am glad I tried it.
I busted laughing at the Turkey hat on Seamus on IG this weekend.
Love the lipstick on you – your hair looks great too!
I’m all about Disney trivia – I’ll take a kid DOWN with it 🙂 haha
He is such a good sport. Thank you I am not used to wearing lipstick so it was a nice change. My SIL is so good at it too.
love actually!!! i am so gonna watch that soon. it’s my favourite. girl you are rocking that bold lip, i feel you on the resting b*tch face hahaha. and yay no drama, we surprisingly didn’t have any family drama, normally my in-laws act a bit nuts on the holidays, but a lot of people were out of town, so it was quiet. i’m not looking forward to christmas haha. yay Maine! how exciting 🙂
It is a must watch movie this time of year. Haha, I don’t normally take selfies so I always end up looking awkward. Fingers crossed no drama for you on Christmas!
O.M.G. 80 cards?! The most I’ve sent were 50, and I hated it, lol. I don’t like lip color on myself either, but shade looks great on you!
Towards the end your hand gets tired. Haha! Thank you, it was a nice change.
Maine! How exciting!!! I love all your Christmas decor and reindeer! Christmas villages are always so pretty and classic.
I am so excited for Maine and some much needed girl time!
That lip color looks very pretty on you! & you accomplished a lot this weekend with decorating. I still haven’t tackled my Christmas tree but plan to this week.
Thanks, it was so weird but I am glad I wore it. I want to enjoy them as long as possible. Hope you are sharing your decorations when you finish.
Those cupcakes look so good! Love your Christmas decorations!
Thank you, they were a hit. Christmas threw up at my house, and i love it! Haha!
Yay for Christmas decorations! And you look gorgeous!
Thank you, I liked experimenting with my lip color. So excited to have the decorations out.
I love your decorations, I’m going to get mine out this week and I’ve got a stack of Christmas books to read so I can get myself in the spirit!
Can’t wait to see them, hopefully you are sharing. I love Christmas books and movies, always gets me in a good mood!
I love that dark lipstick on you… LOVE!
80 cards?! Yowza. I feel your pain. I hand wrote all of the addresses for our save the dates and wanted to just chop my hand OFF by the time I was done.
Thanks dollface! Yours was in there as you know. Oh man, between save the dates and the invitations you might as well just cut them off now. 😉
i love that dark lippie on you!!
i started my cards as well; so far i’ve only written about 4 but still, it feels weird to write since i type everything!
love the christmas decorations!!
Thank you, it felt weird at first, I kept worrying I would have lipstick on my teeth. I feel in the Christmas spirit.
Love the bold lips!
Kuddos to you on doing you Christmas cards on Black Friday every year- what a good idea. I just ordered ours from Shutterfly (hooray for coupons/discounts, etc.) and getting them for less than $10… but we still have 10 more wedding thank you notes to finish before we can even think about Christmas cards. We have already written over 140 so my hands are about fall off just thinking about Christmas cards hah!
I like getting them done early. Oh boy wedding cards and then Christmas cards?! Your wrists will be sore for months! Haha!
I’m the same with trying to do bolder and brighter lip colors. I love that color on you with dark hair. Your tree looks amazing and all the Christmas decor. Sounds like you really got the holiday spirit going at your place.
Thank you, it is hard since it feels odd but a bold look is so pretty especially in the colder months. I love putting everything out so I can have it out as long as possible.
Your tree looks AMAZING! I love real big fat trees. I don’t fuss with them anymore, but I love them. Love Actually is my FAVE!
Thanks, I love the smell of real trees and the fatter ones are so much better. It is such a good movie.
Wow 80 cards – that’s impressive. I got ours in the other day, but I’ve been dreading addressing them 😉 Those apple pie cupcakes really look amazing!
I totally recommend doing them in shifts otherwise your wrist starts to hurt. Hahah! Thank you, my Dad ended up taking three extras home.
80 cards?! Oh my gosh I thought I was over the top with 27! Hahahaha. If I had 80 people to send them to, though, I would! Love all the decorations and the village area. My grandma and mom would love all the miniatures!!!
Haha! It is a bit much but I do love to see them come in. I really need to add some people to the village, I inherited most of it from my Mom so just add pieces every year.
Those cupcakes look awesome. Love your decor!
I need to get started on my Christmas cards.
They were a little bit of work but really worth it. Christmas cards are so fun to receive!
Sounds like a fabulous holiday weekend, and LOVING all of your Christmas decor! Your girls weekend in Maine sounds like so much fun, can’t wait for your recap <3
Green Fashionista
It was so nice. Thank you, I had fun putting it all up. I am so ready for Maine.