When I went hiking this past weekend I saw snakes and lots of dogs. Since I am a huge animal lover it is no surprise this is my third Be The Change that involves animals. You may remember this one, and this one.
Every time I go hiking I am so jealous that Seamus is just not behaved enough to take hiking. He has stranger issues and although he has gotten much better since I got him he just can’t handle that many new people at once. Besides so many dogs are off leash and he can’t manage that either and after getting bit he wouldn’t like it. Watching the dogs though are so fun. They run and jump into the water, they tumble and chase each other and getting them nice and tired is a bonus. What better way to tire them out then chasing a ball?
So I bought a few canisters of tennis balls from Wal-Mart and placed them in a box (be sure and weigh it down with a rock) I had lying around for the owners to take and play at the little lake.
This can also be done at a dog park, or anywhere that you see dogs hanging out frequently. The dogs will love you for it and the owners will too. Win-win.
I placed it under the entrance map kiosk and then hit the trails. After my hike I headed to the lake to see if they were playing with the tennis balls. I saw a few and the Dobbie had one in his mouth he didn’t want to let go of it. So precious.
Also in case you didn’t get enough dog talk today head on over to Kathy’s blog to see my guest post about 5 Reasons to Get A Dog.
Are you considering doing your own Act of Kindness? If not, what is stopping you? Grab a button if you would like to spread the word. The change that we seek in others has to first come from within. This year I hope you decide to Be the Change You Seek.

GIRL you are making my resistance against getting a dog weaker!! trust me, it’s not that i don’t like dogs, (i love them) but having one is like having another kid and i already have 2 kids so 3 kids? i’ll blow my brains out. but what an awesome gesture you did for those dogs xoxoxxo
Do it, do it, do it. Make the other kids help! 😉 Plus if you get the right one it can push you on your runs or even go trail hiking with you. 😉
Great idea! I’m sure all those dogs were crazy with joy chasing their new tennis balls.
A few were really having fun with them, one didn’t want to share. So cute!
Very thoughtful idea!
Thank you. Dogs tend to always get my attention. 😉
so sweet!! my charlie is notorious for stealing tennis balls–he doesn’t care the size of the dog or ball.
Haha! Charlie knows what he wants!
That’s genius! My dog likes to chase the ball but he also likes to hold the ball hostage in his mouth so he has an excuse to sit and hang out and just be petted.Another great idea!
Haha! Smart dog. There was one that kept it in his mouth and the other dogs were chasing him to see if he would let it go and he was not having it.
Oh my gosh, this is a fantastic idea!! I really need to think of some good deeds – I’ve been racking my brain!
Thank you. Well you can do any of mine or any you see around.
Aww this is so cute! Oliver often spots tennis balls walking around the neighborhood (probably from other dogs!) and he will carry it home in his mouth, haha. He would love this except he’d probably try to steal ALL the balls 🙂
Oliver would love this one if he could manage to share! 😉
What a sweet idea! Acts of kindness aren’t just for people…I love it!
Exactly! Thank you.
I love this one! You’re so creative with your acts of kindness.
Thank you. I try to stray from the normal ones.
This might be my favorite one of yours so far!!!! 😀
Thanks! It is one of my favs too.
This act is my favorite one you’ve done. I love animals so it just makes since.
I understand how you feel about not being able to take your baby. Trixie loves people, but she doesn’t love bigger dogs. It’s frustrating that she doesn’t get a long with them because there are so many things I’d love to take her too.
Thanks! Yes, I would love to be able to take him since he loves being able to run but he just can’t handle it.
You always have the sweetest and greatest ideas!
Thank you so much!
I just love this!!! Plus it is kind of a two for one….bring joy to the people and the dogs! Creating memories of playing with the tennis ball that day. So awesome!!!
Yes, exactly! The owners are glad to tire their dog out and the dogs get joy and exercise.
you are honestly so adorable. what a cute idea to leave a box of tennis balls to make some dogs day 🙂 this is my favorite act of kindness so far!
Awww thanks! It was a fun one to do.
Cute idea with the tennis balls! You’re always so thoughtful 🙂
Thank you! The dogs seemed to like it.
You come up with the greatest ideas for this project! So, so thoughtful for the owners and the dogs.
I had planned to do the laundromat one this week but then my debit card number was stolen and I still don’t have the replacement. Once that comes in, I’m on it! But I like this one, too, So maybe I’ll do both.
Thank you. Both is good. I know the people getting them will love you for it! 😉
Love this one!
Thank you so much.
This is so simple yet amazing! I really, really love this idea. I hope all the doggies enjoyed their tennis balls!
The pups deserve some good play time and I know I enjoy when Seamus is tired and sleeps it off, so I am sure the owners appreciated it. 😉
I like how you threw in snakes and dogs. Like, yeah snakes. No big deal. I WOULD FREAK OUT. I hate snakes.
Haha! As long as it is not a rattlesnake and it leaves me alone I don’t mind them as much. If they came at me I would run screaming. 🙂
Kerry I am just so thankful and so proud that you have continued doing this. This is AWESOME.
Thank you. It is a lot of fun and makes my heart happy.
Very simple and very nice! Another kindness mission accomplished for you! Keep on sharing these great ideas.
Love, SMD’s Momma
Thank you so much. The little things matter. 🙂
Seriously the sweetest! Love this idea…you get so creative friend 🙂
Thank you so much! It is just thinking about things we do or go places already.
This is great! We had the most heartbreaking news story about a puppy yesterday…it’s heartwarming to see you taking such good care of the pups who just love unconditionally.
I saw that story. So sad. Can’t believe someone would do that to an animal.
Awww, I love that you did this, Kerry! Next time we go to the dog park, I’m following your lead and tagging you 🙂
That would be wonderful! They would really appreciate it!
Awe, I love this! I’m terrified for Boomer and the unleashed dogs so I’ve even stopped taking him on walks 🙁 I don’t know why people in our neighborhood don’t follow the leash law it drives me crazy! On a positive note, I love the tennis ball idea. Boomer would not be interested more than a couple throws but other dogs just love them!
That drives me crazy too. Haha! Boomer seems to have a short attention span huh? Yes, a few were really going after them.
Love!! I’m going to do this at the dog park next door 🙂
They will love it, and it wears them out!!