I am glad to be back with another Random Act of Kindness. This one is simple enough for anyone to do no matter where you live. It is also really inexpensive and I know it will make a difference to the person who finds it.
My sophomore year college I had to walk a couple of blocks in order to do my laundry. Wait a few hours for it to finish and lug it back home. It was not fun by any means. I know how much of the day it takes up and it isn’t cheap either. This Laundromat is right around the corner from my house. I was shocked it was $3.25 per load of laundry. It used to be $1.25 when I was in college. Yes I’m old, yes I just did a “When I was younger….”
Are you considering doing your own Act of Kindness? If not, what is stopping you? Grab a button if you would like to spread the word. The change that we seek in others has to first come from within. This year I hope you decide to Be the Change You Seek.
kathy@vodka and soda says
awww so kind! i love it. in college, laundry was wack too and i was pretty wily back then as well so i found a way to cheat the laundry machines: i used metal slugs. i’d tape them down into the washing machine and then set my machine..remember this was circa 1990s so it’s not as if technology was fabulous for washing machines back then.
for the dryer, i taped string onto the slug, stuck that into the money slot, jiggled it and turned the dryer on and yanked it back out. FREE LAUNDRY FOR 4 YEARS, HOLLA!!
Kerry says
You are a friggin wily coyote!! Genius! Love it!
elleseesyou says
i thought it was a dollar!! apparently it’s been a minute #grandma 😉
Kerry says
It was the same for me, I was shocked how much it went up!
Linda Sheridan says
Very nice. I never take my washer and dryer for granted. Keep those kindness ideas coming!
Love, SMD’s Momma
Kerry says
Thank you! I have a few planned this weekend! Have a great day!
Amanda says
What a good idea! 🙂 When we moved in together, one of my two rules was that we HAD to have a washer and dryer IN our apartment (the other one was that we couldn’t live on the first floor b/c I have a fear of people peeking in my windows, hahaa!).
Kerry says
It really is a must, it takes up so much time and money. Creepers!
If I Had 100 Dollars says
This is an awesome idea. I totally would have hugged you if I knew it was you
Kerry says
That is a good thing! Glad it would have made you happy.
SMD @ Life According to Steph says
Perfect and EASY!
Kerry says
So easy anyone can do it! 🙂
Mandy says
Holy crap doing laundry has seriously gone up! I think it was a dollar when I used to do it 6 years ago
Kerry says
I was shocked. Not expecting it to be that much!
Kelli says
Bahaha you’re not old you’re wise remember! I hated doing laundry at the laundry mat, my happiest home appliance purchase ever was my first washer. 🙂
Kerry says
Haha! I already forgot. I bought my washer and dryer before my fridge! Priorities!
Jessica says
This is a really wonderful idea!! I used to hate having to find change to wash my clothes. I would save them all and take them home on the weekends to wash at my mom’s house. You’re so sweet!
Kerry says
Haha! After college I did mine at my Dad’s house even when I lived a mile from him. 🙂
Stephanie says
Mine was $1.25 too! Holy heck, $3.25? Insanity!
Kerry says
Seriously times have changed! High way robbery!
Tori says
Have I told you what an amazing person you are!!! well you are! What a great idea!
Kerry says
Not lately but thank you so much! Smooches! 😉
Biana says
You are the sweetest!!
Kerry says
Thank you so much!
Sharon says
So nice of you! We don’t have a washer/dryer in our apartment so we do our laundry in the apartment building next door. It is such a pain having to get quarters though so I’m sure people really appreciated this!
Kerry says
I was always digging for quarters or trying to save them up. Thank you!
jamie says
That is awesome.
Kerry says
Thank you! 😉
Lauren says
Who knew laundry was that expensive? Great idea!
Kerry says
It was outrageous! I thought it was so much cheaper. Thanks!
Chloe says
That’s expensive!!! I’m pretty sure where I live it’s like $2 at most. That’s so nice of you!
Kerry says
I can’t imagine how many loads people do and how much it would cost. So expensive. Thank you.
Samantha says
Love love love this! What a great idea. And that would totally make someone’s day!!!
Kerry says
Thank you! I hope it did!
Jana @ The Townhouse Pioneer says
I love this idea so much!!! I had no idea laundromats had gotten so expensive.
Kerry says
Thank you! Yes it was so much cheaper when I did it.
Nadine says
$3.25 for a load of laundry?!?!?! Goodness that has gone up!!!! So sweet of you!
Kerry says
It is like they are robbing them. Imagine a family of four doing laundry! Goodness!
Jayda says
You always have the greatest ideas for your random acts of kindness! I was really lucky to have laundry machines in my house all through college and beyond. I’ve always kind of taken it for granted, especially because, holy moly, $3.25 per load?! That seems a bit steep!
Kerry says
Thank you so much! You lucky girl! It was a shock that it was so high. I am sure it is cheaper in other places but goodness gracious!
Leeann @ Join the Gossip says
Dang that is expensive! And I love this act of kindness especially because people NEED to wash their clothes. The Starbucks one is super nice and cool, but Starbucks is a treat. This is something that someone may genuinely need help with. So inspiring, as always 🙂
Leeann @ Join the Gossip says
To clarify, so I don’t sound like a biotch, the Starbucks pay it forward that everyone does and is also very kind! Haha 🙂
Kerry says
Haha! I totally understand what you meant, every act is kind, but needs always come before wants. 🙂
Kerry says
Thank you! Yes, and there was lots of families there so I can only imagine how much it must cost them.
Kate @ Another Clean Slate says
It takes me over $6 in quarters to do laundry. This would be heaven!
Kerry says
That is craziness! Is that per load of laundry?
Kristin says
This is so awesome. I’ve been thinking about how I can Pay it Forward lately because of you!!!
Kerry says
Thank you! That is awesome. I hope you do one and share! 🙂
sarahkerner says
Man… $3.25?! I think I’ll drop off some quarters at a laundromat soon. This is such a cool concept.
Kerry says
It is expensive! They would really appreciate it, I’m sure!