I think the rain for the last 5 days is water logging my brain. I am not normally such a procrastinator but this post came to me at just before 8pm last night. I was going to just scrap posting but then it hit me.
This question popped into my head would you rather someone say “You Are Special” or “You Are Important”. I mean both are compliments that I would love to hear but is one better than the other?
Does it matter to distinguish between the two?
Does just the act of someone giving you a compliment because they care for you negate the words chosen as long as they are kind?
Does it make a difference who is giving you the compliment, in how it is received?
Does it matter if you are Special or Important, to one or many?
Either way I wanted someone to feel special even for just a moment. This can be in your driveway for a spouse, significant other, parent, a child, a sister or brother. It can be any word/s just say it with meaning! P.S. I got the sidewalk chalk at Walgreen for 99 cents. Score!

What word would you chose?
Are you considering doing your own Act of Kindness? If not, what is stopping you? Grab a button if you would like to spread the word. The change that we seek in others has to first come from within. This year I hope you decide to Be the Change You Seek.

I think both are important in different ways, and it’s nice to hear both. How’s that for a cop out? It’s how I feel though.
Haha!! I was having the same feelings, I had a hard time deciding.
this is so sweet! got me thinking, i am pretty sure either compliment would be wonderful. i love that you did this.
I am glad I really wanted to get people to think and i love all the different ways people are seeing it. I think you can’t go wrong with a genuine compliment though! Thank you.
That’s a toughie – I don’t know which I would rather hear – but I think both are wonderful. I think maybe the context would be important too…like I would want my children to know that they are special not just because they are my kids, but because they bring something different to the world…now i’m going on a tangent! LOL
Yes, context can really make a difference. No, i love that where you were going there. I would want my kids to feel they were special. Important can be cold and stiff in the wrong context.
I guess it depends on the situation, I like to be those both of those things but not always in the same situation.
True, being important can make you feel needed but maybe not special. Like you are there for them but it could be anyone. Special feels a little more connected.
I lean more towards wanting to feel special. Important makes me thing of things like work and money. Special makes me think of flowers and sweet cards.
Love that connection. Important does seem more stuffy. I want hearts and flowers so special wins!
I feel what you do for people, with your kindness project is very special, as as YOU as a person, but very important. I would have to say though, for you, I would lean towards important. The message you send out is so needed in today’s world. But it’s also special.
I’m using you as an example, ha.
I see what you did there and I have to say I like it! 😉 Thank you so much for your kind words, they really do mean so much to me.
We really need more positive in the world even though we all have our rough days, the kindness of others really can make it a better place.
Both are great to hear! I think from a loved one I’d like to hear “you are important to me” but for the sidewalk chalk the “you are special” works well 🙂
Very good distinction, being important TO someone is much more meaningful!
How wonderful is that?
I love to pay people compliments.. like random strangers… It takes people off guard, but, I know inside it makes there day.
I like to think of myself as AWESOME.
Even when I’m sad, or not 100%… I am still AWESOME.
🙂 And, so are you!
I think it would totally make their day. That is awesome that you do that for random strangers. You are awesome! Thank you.
I want to be especially important!!! :p Just kidding lol. Both would be wonderful compliments, but I think I would want to know I’m special TO someone (which would also mean I’m important, so win win).
Haha! You are important! Touche! 😉
I love this so much! Such an easy way to make someone’s day a little brighter and to feel as if they have purpose!
Yes, I saw a gentleman walking his dog this morning as I was passing it and know he was going to see it. Hope it brightens someone’s day.
I think the important thing is to be sincere
When you give compliments. Also, don’t ever hesitate
To say something nice or kind! Spreads
Positive energy.
I love this post!!
Love SMDs Momma
I agree, sincerity is the most important part of a good compliment. Every day is an opportunity to show your loved ones that you love them, very good point. Thank you so much!
I don’t know that one is different than the other….or better than the other. What I do know is..YOU are special!
Thank you. I think they are both equally great to hear. I think you are special and important too!
You are special aaaannnnddd important!
Awww thanks girl! You are both special and important as well!
That would be great to see and both are awesome compliments. I guess it depends on who is saying it to you, Id want to hear both from my S.O. ya know?
Yes, the person saying it makes a huge difference but agree both are awesome compliments.
Important makes me think of people in charge and who are a higher tier on the ladder whereas anyone can be special for anything. Being important isn’t the same as being important to me. So I pick special! And I like that you will make someone’s day!
Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off you. I think being important TO someone is so much more than just thinking you are important! Or feeling like you aren’t replaceable. Right?! Haha! I guess it is a feeling. I think Special is a pretty great one. I hope so!
All compliments are great to hear! YOU my dear are SO special and important. 😀
They really are great to hear! Why thank you very much!
LOVE it! Such a cute idea! And I love how you did it ombre, too!!!!!!
Thank you! I mean it had to be cute!! 🙂
Very nice ideas.
I like to do my acts of kindness in secret. I do not like to bring attention to it.
It is nice when they don’t know who did the act of kindness.
Great post. I would have to say both are always nice to hear… Hm.. kinda tough to choose.
It was very tough to choose! Thank you.
I’m not really sure which I prefer. I think it depends on who it’s coming from and in what context. But both are really nice to hear (except I’m totally hearing The Church Lady in my head “Well, isn’t that special?” and it’s making it weird).
Oh the church lady was hilarious and now I have that in my head!!
Kerry, what a great way to get peeps thinking! I really like to make others feel really special AND important. But, yes I guess it depends on what the situation is. I treat others how I would want to be treated… I just wish others would think the same way. But, then the world would be a little too perfect… and no one can handle that. hehe. Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
I wish they would too, it would make the world a better place. Too perfect would be hard but a little more kindness would go a long way. 🙂
i want to feel special. just for one moment!
You are very special!!