With the weather finally starting to heat up what bettter way to stay cool than with a healthy popsicle. Browsing the popsicle aisle I didn’t see any that weren’t full of sugar, even the supposed real fruit versions. So I turned to my favorite fuel source PROTEIN! This has very few ingredients and all you have to do is blend and freeze. Think you can handle it?
You can thank those savvy PR people for putting these popsicle molds at the end of the supermarket checkout aisle. Genius!
1 cup of water
1 cup of almond milk (could use coconut, or soy but I think almond tastes best)
1 scoop of protein powder (I used CytoSports Musce Milk in Raspberry Cheesecake)
4-6 whole frozen strawberries
Add all ingredients to a blender starting with the water and almond milk. Fill your popsicle trays and freeze. I had a little mixture left over, go ahead and drink up ;). Pull it out of the popsicle mold with a little warm water and enjoy. You can add a little sugar free syrup if you like.
[…] I got in some new protein powder that I ordered. So excited to try these new flavors. I even used the Raspberry Cheesecake to make some protein popsicles. You can find the recipe here. […]