I have to say after watching a lot of Food Network Challenge shows on Sunday I was feeling inadequate in the cooking department. The amazing dishes that they can make on the fly in 30 minutes or less is amazing! Not only that but half the dishes I couldn’t pronounce let alone make.
So to soothe my aching soul I experimented with a new dish. The first time I made this dish I kept the fig raw and drizzled honey before rolling the dough. It ended up a little gritty and a little too sweet then what I wanted. I decided for the second batch to try and cut the sweetness and chewiness of the fig with some balsamic vinegar. This really left the fig very soft and subtle, most of the vinegar cooks off and you can taste just a hit of it in the final dish. The final result was a touch creamy, and a hint of sweet.
Ingredients: 4 Figs (1/2 cup chopped- stems removed) ~ 2 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar (Fig Infused preferred) ~ 1/3 cup water ~ Pinch Salt ~ 4 oz cream cheese (softened) ~ 1 Crescent Roll Sheet ~ 1 Cup Spinach (Chopped) ~ 1 Tsp Garlic Powder
Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Remove the stems on the figs and chop into cubes.
Place in a skillet over high heat with 2 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar, 1/3 cup Water and a pinch of salt. Once it begins to boil reduce heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes until the fig begins to soften and the sauce thickens.
Roll out the crescent dough and spread out the softened cream cheese onto the dough. Sprinkle the spinach on top of the cream cheese.
Sprinkle on the garlic powder then spoon on the fig vinaigrette mix.
Roll lengthwise and cut into 1 inch thick slices with a serrated knife.
Place on a greased cookie sheet cut side down.
Bake for 9-12 minutes or until the dough is golden brown.
How are your cooking skills , do you add as you go or follow a recipe?
What is the weirdest ingredient you have used in your cooking?
you’re a kitchen warlock. i’m jelly. i’m a total tool in the kitchen. i can’t substitute on the fly (i have to call my friend and ask her) or i just scrap the whole thing all together.
Haha! Thank you. I was feeling like a tool. That is what i get for watching the Food Network channel. I completely understand. Sometimes it can be crap when you substitute too much and other times it comes out really well.
Okay, I’m digging this. I think this will be my treat meal for Friday night. I have a couple of questions. I know this is going to sound crazy, but what is fig? I don’t know what it is. and IDK if I want it my rolls. I LOVE the idea of balsamic vinegar though. Secondly, could I use feta as opposed to cream cheese? But then it may not be creamy enough would it? I like cream cheese, but it kind of makes me sick. Maybe plain greek yogurt?
It is a fruit, most commonly in Fig Newton bars. It does have seeds and is a little on the gummy side, similar in texture to a date. I would try Feta instead if you don’t want to use cream cheese. Yogurt would probably be too runny and not creamy enough. Or you could try a cheese spread you do like, the Alouette brand is pretty good and would have the best consistency.
I’m not a huge fig person, but these look great!
Thank you. I really hadn’t had them other than in a fig newton so this was a first for me. I am really trying to branch out so it was a fun one and I really ending up loving figs.
I like the sweetness of figs but hate chewing them for ten minutes. Glad you found a way to eliminate that issue!
Yes, the first batch was way too chewy. It really needed to be cooked down to soften and reduce the sweetness.
You’re so creative!! Come cook for me!
Thank you. I was feeling seriously lacking after the Food Network.
ohh that looks soo good!! Ummm. The weirdest thing I think I have used is Chocolate with steak…it actually turned out pretty good.
Chocolate with Steak? That does sound interesting. Glad it turned out ok.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten fig before let alone cooked with it! So fancy, haha 🙂
Not even in a fig newton? It was a new one for me but i really liked it.
I am so excited you put this recipe up! I was eyeing these in your post yesterday! I pretty much try to stick with the recipe and at the end I sometimes get creative depending on what I have available in the pantry 🙂
Thank you. Hope you like it! A recipe is a really good base to start with and modify if needed.
This looks so good – I’ve never really been a fan of figs…but the whole thing together here looks so good!
Thank you. I usually only liked Fig in the Fig Newton form but it really didn’t overpower the dish, it was more an accent piece, if that makes sense.
I will follow a recipe sometimes, but add/subtract, change where I get the hankering to do so.
That is what I tend to do as well. Wish I could whip something out of thin air.
These are making me hungry! Did you have them as an appetizer or for a meal? I need to try this recipe stat!
I had them for a meal, with a side salad. It was really filling.
That looks delicious! Definitely not part of the wedding diet, so I’ll have to wait to try them, but I’ll make them for my fiance. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! You will have to let me know if he like it! 🙂
I am literallly drowling right now…why must you do this to me all of the time!
Haha!! I do what I can! 😉
I need to make these for Tony. He will be all about it!
You should! Report back to me at once, girlfriend! 😉
these look delicious!!
i usually add as i go- unless im baking, but i always try to put my own spin on it!
Baking is so much harder to substitute. Cooking allows so much more freedom. Thank you so much!
Kerry, this looks amazing. I love figs. Are you vegan? I’m wondering how it would be with goat cheese or some cream cheese concoction. We go through at least 2 packages of figs per week. Probably too much, but they’re too good to pass up.
PS–I love those food network shows. They inspire me to become more creative and take more risks.
Thank you. No, not Vegan I love meat too much! 😉 I am sure if you sprinkled some goat cheese on top of the cream cheese it would be really good or even mix them together before spreading on the dough. Do you normally eat them out of the package or do you prepare them any special way? The Food Network makes me feel equal parts inadequate and brave enough to try weird flavor combos. Haha!
Pinned it and I can’t wait to try this! Maybe for Brunch in March!!
Thanks! You’ll have to let me know what you think! It would be great for a brunch!
I definitely follow recipes for the most part. And I don’t use weird ingredients… I’m SUPER picky!
I used to be all about following the recipe exactly but I am so picky I had to start learning to substitute.
this looks fantastic! i have been trying to cook a bit more but i haven’t really tried my hand at trying my own recipes.
Thank you! I have always been more a baker, but am really getting into cooking more.
YAY, the recipe! I’m definitely making this, since I’m a huge fan of fig and spinach. And pinwheels. 🙂
Thank you so much! I hope you like it! Let me know how it goes!
i like this because it would make me feel a fancy chef, even though i cannot cook for anything!
Thank you! Everyone should feel like a fancy chef at least once! This was for sure a little decadent!
Good for you trying something new! I’ve only made something with spinach once. I need to use it more!
It is such a great veggie to “put in” recipes. I don’t like it as much raw!
I don’t think I’ve ever made anything with figs and would totally feel overwhelmed with trying to figure it out. You’re definitely doing better in the cooking department than a lot of people! This looks amazing.
Thank you. I like experimenting with different ingredients and it ended up really tasty.