Happy Friday!! Can I get a heck ya!! This week has been rough but it is almost over. I am looking forward to this weekend so I can do NOTHING!! Yup I said it, NOTHING!! I am going to park my butt on my couch and do nothing. Just kidding I am going to clean my house top to bottom, and workout but mostly sit on my bottom watching the rest of Breaking Bad. Thanks twitter Fraandsss for turning me on to this show! Sucks you in for sure!
Since it’s Friday I am going to share with you little lovelies my 5 things I am loving, thinking about, or just plain gotta share with you!
One. The fall boots from Target I just got this past weekend. Can’t wait to break these bad boys in. They were only $32.99 – Steal!!
Two. Can me simple but money doesn’t impress me. I make my own money, thank you very much! Love, honor, respect and kindess means more to me. Throw your fancy car and fancy thing in my face and I am more than likely to walk in the other direction. This doesn’t mean I don’t respect your success just with how you wear it. With that said:
Three. Since i am transitioning my focus and getting back into the weight room I got to it on Monday with a Leg workout. I used the Plate Loaded Leg Press for 410 pounds. This is not the heaviest I have gone but not bad for my first day back in a few months. I will take it. Yes, it was hard to walk, sit and go up stairs. I may have crawled once. 🙂
Four. I am thinking about making some of this fall mix for next weekends Labor Day party down the Cape. I am tasked to bring a dessert too just not sure what I am going to make yet.
Five. I love the chance to help others. It is one of my biggest strengths and one of my biggest weaknesses. So when I stumbled on Nadine’s tutorial on how to leave blog comments I knew i had to share it. There are a few blogs I follow that I never know responded to something I commented on because I never got an email. Nadine shows you how to fix it.
Bonus. Here is a little Usher to get your Friday moving a little quicker.
What are some things you are loving lately?
What are some of your favorite desserts?

Those booties are the cutest. And I agree about the blog comments, I notice a lot of people doing it. Just respond via email… ugh! TGIF love!!! Whoo hooo
Thanks, I can’t wait to rock them! Yes I love when a get a message that someone responded but I don’t think they know that it doesn’t send an email! I sometimes will look back to an old post and be like oh they did reply. 🙁
you’re a badass bitch for pressing 410! i hate leg day; when it’s bro day (upper body lol), i jump out of bed but leg day? i’m all “ugggghhhhh….i soooo don’t want to get out of bed!”
and those booties are the cutest!
Thanks!! My max is actually 495 but I am slowly getting back to it! Yeah the three days following hobbling like a monkey is not fun but I love knowing that I am getting stronger! I never feel badass with upper body. 🙁 I did do 75 pounds though on Chest presses. Triceps forget about it, so whimpy.
Those boots are really cute. Bring on the fall!
Thanks! I am so ready for fall. It was beautiful this weekend but it is cooling off at night!
#3 – you’re badass, lady!! I’ve never been really into weights but I totally admire that. And the trail mix looks yummy, especially in a cute jar with ribbon 🙂
Thanks! I love pushing myself with weights. Doesn’t everything just look better with a little decorative flair! 🙂