I am going to try and keep it short today because I feel like a broken record. Work is crazy and my feelings of being overwhelming with tasks to finish have not gone away. I have a work trip this week so I most likely won’t be posting much this week.
This weekend was all about trying to get caught up on house things. Just the basics but so very necessary.
Saturday I started the morning with a trip to the vet for Seamus to get his nails clipped. They were so impressed with how good he was, gold star! Proud Mamma.
When I got home I immediately went to my basement. It is separated into two rooms and one is used for storage since I don’t have a garage. It houses all my holiday decorations, china dishes, all my tools and my kayak. It was a mess and piled up with stuff I didn’t put away properly and because the kayak was in the middle of the room making it hard to reach things. I moved on of the racks and moved the kayak to one side. It is so much more accessible. This picture was taken mid cleanup. Let’s just say I need a yard sale once I am home long enough for someone to pick it up.
After I went outside to rake my lawn. It took a few hours and then Sunday it rained and doesn’t even look like I even raked. Grrr.
After taking Seamus for a walk and a quick shower I headed out for some shopping. I was looking for some birthday presents for upcoming friends birthdays but my body was so sore I didn’t get much done.
This book….this book. It broke me down in so many ways. I literally cried at least ten times while reading this book. When I finished I went to Facebook to keep updated on some of the groups mentioned and made a donation. It is a story about Greg Mahle, who drives down to the South every two weeks to bring adoptable dogs up North with his pet transport business. He is not just a driver, he really cares about each and every dog. He is a hero, and throughout the book they talk about all the other unsung heroes who do so much to help the dogs who otherwise wouldn’t make it.
The overpopulation in the Louisiana and Texas area and the high euthanasia rate was astounding, up in the 90% in some cases. The heroes would use their own money, and open up their own homes just to save one more dog. They also worked full time jobs on top of working tireless to help the dogs.
The Forgotten Dogs of the Fifth Ward group go around and feed stray dogs, sometimes digging in and around dumpsters. They are not a shelter so they try and connect with others in the area to help those they can when possible. This video shows just how dedicated they are about helping dogs.
Can you imagine if the shelter hadn’t rescued this little ball of cuteness? He was one that people thought would be there long term. Fearful of strangers he barked and lunged at everyone through his kennel. Little did they know he is a lovebug. Their loss, my gain.
How was your weekend?
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
I’m sorry for all the overwhelming feelings girl – I’m hoping the work trip takes some stresses away!!! Look at that face you have to come to! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Thank you. The next month is going to be rough but it will get better. He does make it better to come home.
blech! i hate it when life gets so crazy/hectic. hope things calm down soon!
I know it seems never ending lately but it will get better, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Sorry to hear you’re feeling so overwhelmed. Kudos to you for paying it forward. You are the change, Kerry. <3
Thank you. I couldn’t help it he does such amazing work with the pups.
Being overwhelmed at work is the worst. Hope it passes, soon. XOXO
Thank you so much. This too shall pass.
Seamus is super cute!!!!!!!!!! Xo
Thank you. It is hard to be sad with that face around.
Boo to busy but yayy for Seamus sightings. The bottom left is my favorite!
Thank you. He does make the best faces, lightens everyday.
look at that pup!! he’s just begging for kisses and hugs, whether he really is or not! 😉 ooh i can’t read anything with dogs in it anymore. i save it for those days when i’ve got the pms! hehe. good for you for making some progress down there in the basement!
I know poor things gets his face smooched and kissed before I leave for work. It was so sad but knowledge is power too.
That makes me so sad. The 5th ward isn’t far from downtown Houston and there are lots of animal rescue groups working in that area (and all over Houston, really) because the pet population here is out of control. If (when) our pets are no longer with us, I would be interested in trying to foster… but I know how hard saying goodbye is! Good luck with work stuff this week!
That was the hardest part to read, the amount of dogs found in dumpsters or just wandering in abandoned buildings. The foster would be great to do but saying goodbye would be so sad. Thank you.
I can’t with the dogs. It breaks my heart.
Happy work travels!
It was so sad, it was just an all day cry fest.
Sometimes I can feel the same way about the broken record status and you feel like there is so much to do, but one task puts off another. Hang in there my friend and have a great travel week!
Yes, it is a constant struggle.
That book sounds amazing! I will always, always buy from a shelter!
It was so sad but it was very informative and it is a story that must be told.
I echo Steph–I can’t with the dogs. It absolutely destroys me.
Hooray for Seamus’s behavior at the vet!
it did destroy me I was crying every 15 minutes. I was so proud of him.
I hope your work trip goes well! Leaves seem so hard to keep on top of in the fall!
They won’t stop falling for a few more weeks. Lots of raking in my future.
Seamus sightings are the best! I hope you have a great work trip this week!
Thanks, he is the best. 🙂 I think it will be a productive trip.
The book sounds really good. I’ll keep it in mind. What a nice guy.
It was really good and so much work needed to help those pups. He really cares and I think that makes all the difference.
awww their loss your gain, so true!
sorry work is crazy girl, hope the week isn’t too bad!
Right? I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Thank you, hopefully it is a successful trip and not too stressful.
Seamus really is the cutest! I didn’t know you rescued him! And now to think he’s even good at the vet – awesome!
Aww thanks. Yup when I was volunteering at the shelter he stole my heart. He has come so far from where he was then.
So glad you got to read Rescue Road too!!!! I read it in like two days while at the beach back in July and it is still in the back of my mind.
It was really good but so sad too. It breaks my heart how many dogs are thrown away or not treated well.
It feels so good when you can get some organizing done! I’ve never had a pet but here within the next year or two, my man and I are finally planning on adopting a sweet adult dog to bring home with us. I cannot wait to give a needy pup a good home!
That is awesome. Puppy’s are the best! There are so many in need so I am glad you are adopting.
ahhh i’m going to cry just thinking about the sad dog stories. it breaks my heart there are so many sweet dogs out there without a home and bless the people who do the work to save them. in fact today i read something about rescue dogs and squeezed both of my pups and they looked at me like i was crazy ha. hope work gets less crazy for you!
It is so sad how so many of them needs home but I love that people choose to adopt. It is such important work!
Oh gosh… I’d be a crying mess too. I love people that have a passion for dogs.
It was so heartbreaking but also so awesome how much they did for the dogs.
Oh man, I used to have to rake when I was a kid as one of my chores and I haaaated it. I feel like I’m having war flashbacks just thinking about it, lol
That bottom right picture of Seamus… kills me! 😀
I am always sore the next day so it’s a good workout but not fun at all! Seriously his faces are the best, I may be biased though.
I love seeing all of the rescue efforts being done for these dogs and donate when I can. Good for you doing something about it after reading that book! Thinking about you and your busy work schedule right now. Hoping it slows down soon!
It was amazing how much of themselves and their own money they give to the cause. So selfless. Thanks, I think in a few months it will finally settle down.
The title of that book alone makes me weep 🙁 Sorry you didn’t get your tasks done.
It was so sad but so good too. Thanks, there is always next weekend!
Seamus is seriously so adorable. His snaps always make me so happy. I’m sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed. I can relate. Hope you had a great week! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
Thank you his face keeps me going. It looks like the next few months will be rough but I’ll get through it.