Can the weekends not go by so fast, please. K, thanks! It was a whirlwind, but I got a lot accomplished so that is a good thing. Lots of shopping and I got to spend some of my Mother’s Day with my Dad and then walked over to my best friends house to celebrate my second Mom.
See, just one house down from my Dad lives the parents of my best friends. They just so happen to be twins. I appeared at the bottom of their driveway when I was 2 asking for friends to play with and they took me into their family. They were my second family. When my parents divorced I leaned on them a lot. I learned from them what a lasting relationship looks like, my love of books encouraged from my second Mom, she was a library para. Their Dad was handy and could fix just about anything.
Being able to celebrate with them was great, and seeing my Dad who had to play both Mom and Dad was also nice.
+ Friday I celebrated a long week with a gift from my work bestie. She got me the Straw-Ber-Rita as a just because gift. So sweet of her. I also went to bed around 8:45 pm. Let’s hope this week is easier.
+Saturday I made a good breakfast, did laundry, and cleaned the upstairs rooms. Then I hit PetSmart, Old Navy (picture below), Home Goods and Target. I was going to go to Lowe’s but it was crazy busy, and my patience was dwindling.
+The bottom left are the items from Home Goods. Most of the picture frames are for the office, hopefully I will finish that room next weekend.
+ I went grocery shopping, including everything needed to make the Cucumber Salad that Steph posted last week. It was a huge hit. I swapped the cilantro for Dill, and doubled the recipe.
+ Spending Sunday celebrating these marvelous Mother’s, they are all such strong and inspirational woman. i am so lucky to have them in my life.
+ So much for clean sheets when Seamus just jumps in the middle of them. Lucky he’s cute. I did get some snuggle time with him though and some puppy kisses.
How was your weekend?
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
I love those kinds of weekends where you wake up Monday morning and smile, thinking, “Now THAT was a great weekend!” If only they could last…here’s to a new week! Enjoy.
It was so full of fun and glad to hang out with family. Hope you had a great weekend!
Awesome for you to spend yesterday with all Of those lovely people!
Rich’s birthday was Saturday and we had w feast of crab legs and yesterday my chickens and their people.
I love the Limearitas.
Have a nice, easy week!
Love, SMD’s Momma
It was such a good time with good people. Glad you got to celebrate and your pool is looking fabulous! Happy Monday!
Strawberry Rita – YUM!!! I’m so happy that you were able to have a fun weekend. Oh my gosh I love the story of how you met your friends – that is just too sweet!! Happy Monday girl! xo, Biana
They are so good! Goes down a little too smooth though! 😉 They are the best and friends/family for life!
I can’t wait to try that Cucumber Salsa!! I’m hoping we have people over this weekend so I have an excuse. YUM YUM!!
It is so good, and I had some for leftovers this weekend!
Looks like it was a wonderful weekend, glad you got to spend time with your Dad and your second family. What Home goods were you at?? I so need all that anchor stuff for my house!! ha!
It was a little bit of everything. Such a good weekend! They have such great beachy/anchor decor right now.
your second family sounds amazing 🙂 that’s so lovely that you had them in your life, and still do.
love the stuff you got from homegoods!
They are amazing, and have taught me so much about being such good people. I am very lucky. Home Goods is my jam and I wanted to spend all my money there! Haha!
Oh I just love Seamus so much. He just makes himself right at home in all his blankies, it’s adorable.
Thanks! He seriously makes me chuckle every day with his silliness. He was all about squeezing into the warm sheets.
Seriously Homegoods and Target are my two happy places! Looks like you got some great scores!
I know I am always going to find something there, it’s trying not to buy it all that’s tough! 😉
I wish Home Goods was closer to me…nearest one is like 45 min. away. They have the best finds!
That is way to far!! I swear when i move I am doing recon on the closest Target and Home Goods before I decide! Haha!
Sounds like a great weekend…
You made me miss that I didn’t make it to Target nor Old Navy… I need some clothes BADLY!
Ohhh I think you need to rectify that right away! Haha! Old Navy was missing it for a few weeks but they had some great picks this weekend.
The cucumber salad recipe looks so good! That’s great you got to spend Mother’s day with all those great women in your life and your dad.
It was so delish and I had leftovers today! They are so special to me and I was glad to spend the time catching up with them. It’s so convenient they are just next door from my Dad!!
I love the story of your second parents. It’s so sweet. I hope this week is a good one for you!
Thank you. I was very lucky to have them in my life and have them as role models. Hope you have a great week too!
Sounds like a great weekend! I love the families that we find on our own that aren’t blood related but treat you as such. Your finds at Home Goods are awesome!!! I want to go tear up the home section of my TJ Maxx right now. They have so many awesome things. Have a great week!
It was really nice, and the weather was great! They are family every which way that it counts! 🙂 Do it! Haha! It is so dangerous I have a Home Goods, Target, Marshall’s and TJ Maxx all within 5 minutes from my house. Makes me want to buy everything!! Such good deals though.
You reminded me I have to go to Lowes. I’ll pop in tomorrow. I need stuff to make my garden look less dead.
Lowe’s is like my second home! Winter killed my yard, so I totally sympathize, good luck!
I hope this week treats you better than the last! Sounds like you were able to decompress with a good weekend, though 🙂 And I love that you were and still are so close to your neighbors. That’s awesome!
Me too! Thank you. It was a very great weekend! They are my absolute best friends and second family. I wouldn’t be who I am without them.
What a sweet tribute to your second mom and to your dad! I’m glad you got to decompress. And that last picture of you and Seamus is too sweet! Have a great week, girl! xo
They really are the best, so lucky to have them! I was so glad i got it captured, he is very kissy when I try to get a picture with him but it’s usually so quick. Hope you have a great week!
My dogs love laundry, especially when it’s clean. And the more there is, the happier they are.
Glad you had such a great weekend!
Yes!! I know it’s probably because they are warm but really guys!! Haha! Thank you!
Looks like a fabulous weekend! And love strawberitas…. Yummmmm 🙂
It was a little bit of everything. They are so good, it was a great gift! Have you tried the lemon-ade-ritas? So good!
Your Saturday was extremely productive. Seems to me like you listed off 100 things you did. Kudos. I’m still lazy on Saturday & save my errands for Sunday. :]
Thank you. I knew Sunday was going to be crazy so I tried to get it all done on Saturday, it was hectic.
Target and Homegoods are seriously two of my faves!!! Looks like you got some good stuff and the cucumber salad is on my list too! mmmm… dill
You can always find things there. I love having them so close to me, though it’s dangerous to my wallet. I loved the addition of the dill. So good, light and fresh.
LOVE those anchor finds!!!
Thank you. Home Goods had so many anchors!
I love all the goodies you found! Sweet puppy kisses! They are the best!
Thank you. I am excited to hang everything up and finish my office. Puppy kisses make everything better!
You scored some fun goodies on your little shopping trip! I’m dangerous when in TJ Maxx/Home Goods… I end up buying everything!
I wanted to buy it all. It’s hard too because you know it won’t be there if you try to wait so you have to grab it before it’s gone!
I love that you and your best friends have been so close for so long and that you all still live in the same area. That’s really wonderful!
Thank you. Yes, and our yearly trips help us stay close. At times I wish we lived closer but we stay in touch. They are my family, I am very lucky.
Yay for celebrating with the lovely ladies in your life!
So many amazing women, so proud to know them all!