Yes, this is only a small part of my Christmas decorating but it does look like Christmas threw up all over my house already and if I am being honest I kinda like love it! It gives me that Fa-la-la do circles in the street, drop dollars in the Salvation Army jar kinda feeling everyday. I can’t wait to get my tree and decorate it. I get a live/real tree so I have to wait a little longer so it doesn’t become a total fire hazard.
This past weekend I decorated my Dining Room table and my coffee table with promises that I would share where I purchased everything in case any DIY-ers want to recreate it. I pulled almost all of the items from different areas of my house but I will try and provide links to all the items I can, some are generic items you can purchase from just about anywhere i.e Target, Walmart, A.C Moore/Michael’s. So here goes.
Dining Table
Red Candles – Target // Lantern – Target // Red berry branches – A.C. Moore // Table Cloth – Target // Snowflakes – Dollar Tree // “Snow” Cluster Stuff Filling – I had this on hand but it is sold at Wal-mart too.
Bird Topped Dome – Marshalls {Similar}{Similar} // Decorate Filler – Target // Fake Snow Spray – Dollar Tree // Red Ornaments – Dollar Tree
Coffee Table
Reindeer – Target // Pinecones (some I spray painted white) – my neighborhood trees // “Snow” Cluster Stuff Filling – I had this on hand but it is sold at Wal-mart too. // Ornaments – Dollar Tree // Holly Cluster – A.C. Moore // Decorate Filler White Balls – Target // Square Bamboo Tray – Wal-Mart
Hope this helps get you in the spirit and getting your decorations out!!! I have a few more crafts and decorations to share so be on the look out for those posts too!!
I have a lantern thingy that I am definitely going to try to keep out and winterize this year. It all looks great. Thanks for the ideas!
Very welcome!! Thank you! I try and always re-use decorative items for multiple seasons, that way I don’t go broke! 🙂
Thank you!
so pretty!!!!!
Thank you! I can’t wait for the rest of the decorations to go up!
I love the table runner!
Thank you! I love it being neutral so I can use it for multiple seasons. 🙂
I love it all, I love it so much. Hooray Christmas!
Thanks!! Christmas is certainly in the air!! 🙂
They really do look so great! I have yellow candles like your red ones from Target, and I love the design on them. Almost makes me hesitant to burn them!
It is hard to burn them when they are so pretty. I haven’t burned mine yet either! 🙂
I love lanterns. There’s just something so cozy about them! You can come decorate MY place now. Bring some decorations, too because about all I have is a tree. 🙂
Yes, they feel so old world classic. Haha!! I have to brings decorations too??? Ok but you better provide lots of wine!! 😉
I’ve seen that reindeer at target! Did you spray paint it silver? I thought I only saw white ones. I love the centerpiece… so creative!
Thank you!!! No it was definitely from target. The link should take you to it, it comes already glittered in silver. It was near the candle and art section. Maybe it’s sold out in your local store? 🙁
You centerpiece is cute!
Thank you! It really gets me excited for the holidays! So festive!
love it! we bust out the decorations dec 1 and do up the inside of our home 🙂 and by “we” i mean my husband.
Haha!! Yeah I wanted to get those two out of the way because I knew they would take the longest to put together. Everything I wait till the day after Thanksgiving to put up! How did I know you were going to say you make your husband do it?!
I love that glass centre piece with the snowy bird on it! Beautiful!
Thank you!! I loved putting it together and it really is getting me in the spirit!!
OMG, love your coffee table centerpiece! so so cute.
Thank you! I love how it’s getting my in the Christmas spirit and it was so easy to put together!