I had a last minute issue with my kitchen sink that I needed to deal with so my weekend was very uneventful. I had to wait around almost all of Saturday and they missed two planned appointments and didn’t end up getting there till 6pm but they did come the same day I called so I can’t really be mad about it. I ended up having to do two loads of dishes after they left, and moped the floors twice. It took all of 15 minutes to fix too! Go figure.
So lucky for you this will be short! Here we go.
~ While I was waiting for the plumber I hung some new art in my living room (above), bedroom, and my office.
~ I started a new book and it was appropriate to have tea since the main character is a tea shop owner.
~ I went to Joann’s Fabrics for some vinyl for my Silhouette Cameo so be prepared for some projects coming.
~ I also started reading The Power of 100! which is a self-help book about putting your dreams on paper and making them happen. Realizing what gets in your way and finding ways around them. I am about 1/2 done and I am loving it and have pages of notes.
~ I had over 60 Goodreads emails that I cleaned out of my Inbox and ended up adding about 50 books to my to-read list. Oy vey! This task has been on my to-do list for awhile so glad I can finally cross it off.
~ Okay I didn’t conquer it the plumber did, but I did conquer the aftermath. Haha! I cleaned that kitchen within an inch of its porcelain veneer. Just in time too since I was running out of silverware.
Overall it was laid back and relaxed and I got a lot of tasks that have been lingering around for awhile.
How was your weekend?
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
That book looks great! Is it very hands on or more theoretical? You mentioned you had notes, but I didn’t know if it was from “homework” the book assigned. Happy Monday!
It is so good. It is definitely more conversational and workbook oriented. Very hands on. He gives you areas of life to add goals too and you have to come up with some for each area. He then outlines how to prioritize and how to define them. He links to his website where you can go to start creating you list too. I’ll be sharing more soon.
the plumber comes today for me!
Woohoo! Hope it gets fixed. Such a bummer when it doesn’t work. 🙁
waiting for anyone is never fun, but I’m glad that it’s fixed for you!!! Can’t wait to hear more about the tea shop owner book – on the hunt for more books!!! Hope you have a great Monday!! xo, Biana
It was such a relief since I had stacks of dishes I needed to do. The book is kinda boring me but I have a ton to share next week. Happy Monday!
That’s awesome they were able to make it out the same day!! I love getting things crossed off my list that have been on there for a while, congrats! Love the new wall art and anything that has to do with reading sounds like a great weekend to me!!
It was so nice they could make it same day. Thank you, it was a long time coming and it really helped to clear out my inbox. I have so many books to read it was nice to get some of them done.
Sorry about the need for the plumber but hey at least the kitchen is spit shined? Trying to find s bright side.
Love your new wall art!
Yes, it got bleached and disinfected to within an inch of it’s life. From the floors, to the sink, and the dishwasher. It’s never been so clean! 😉
Do you like your Silhouette? I’ve been considering purchasing one. Weighing pros and cons between them and Crikets.
I haven’t used it yet, since I needed to get some vinyl. It was a Christmas present, but I will be using it this coming weekend and I’ll let you know. When I was researching it seemed most people were pro-Silhouette over the Cricut though.
Very efficient cleaning your kitchen -making lemonade from lemons!! Glad your plumbing issue is fixed. I love that concept of The Power of 100 book. I’ll be checking that out!
Have an easy, happy week!
Love, SMD’s Momma
It was nice when it was fixed but it was feeling gross so I am glad I got to overhaul it. It is such a great book so far. Hope you have a great week!
oh no! that stinks! glad you got it sorted out and hung some pics in the meantime!
I figured if I was stuck there might as well get something done! 😉
Oh no having to get a plumber is the worse. Hope it went ok. Love your new wall art!!
It luckily was able to get fixed and it working fine! Thank you.
Seamus is like Hawkeye in the face, they are both always smiling! Happy dogs make me happy 🙂
I love it, they do always appear to be smiling. They are the best!
hey, at least the kitchen got deep cleaned!!! something i really need to do (but hate doing!!) . i can’t stand it when i have to wait for someone to come and fix something…they always give the worst time ranges like “anywhere from 12pm-6pm” or some craziness like that!!
Absolutely, it was grossing me out. Yes, they said 1-3, then 3-5 and didn’t end up coming to 6pm. :/
Boo, house ish is never fun. But sometimes lazy wekeends are nice too, at least?
It is always something! It did force me to be somewhat lazy, which is nice.
The Power of 100 sounds really interesting! Love the decor you hung up.
It is really good for dreaming up goals and making them happen!
Seamus Sightings! LOVE IT!
Yay for plumbers – I mean, seriously, those dudes are utterly necessary!
And yay for a clean kitchen! and clean silverware…. We ran out of plates this weekend, and I was like, But we have ALL our silverware – – – HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? #mymeneatlikecavemen
Our garage door opener (on Klay’s side) broke this weekend – – -so, I wonder if he’ll repair it, or have someone install the new one he bought! hahaha!
He loves being featured! Ha! That is interesting, I would think silverware runs out first. Boys! Hopefully he can fix it or just put in the new one!
Happy Monday!
I’ve already adjusted to having a dishwasher again after not having one for so long. It didn’t take me long to become reliant on it again!!
Haha! Right?! I couldn’t even use the sink to clean dishes since the water was just siting in the sink so I was slowly running out of dishes. It saves so much time too.
I hate adult things like plumbing issues!!! I went through some Goodreads emails this weekend and added stuff to my list as well! So many books to read!!! Have a great week!
It really isn’t very fun! So many good books to read this year.
I added quite a few new books to my Goodreads list too since my challenge for this year is to read 50 books! YIKES. I think I might be setting myself up for failure, but I really hope this happens haha. LOVE Seamus!! 🙂
You can totally do it. I think if you read a little bit everyday you will totally nail your goal.
i love the new art in your living room – i want something like the coffee and books one except with tea.. and cats. lol. hard to find!
I got it through Etsy and she totally does custom work. 😉
When I first saw the title I thought you were talking about shoes, not plumbing related clogs 🙂 That’s great that they came the same day, though! I work on the weekends, so that’s what I did. Already looking forward to my day off on Friday!
Seamus is so cute! Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend other than the sink issue. Glad it got fixed!
Thank you. It was very relaxing, and I got a lot of cleaning done too. 😉
Always love those puppy photos!!!!
He loves having his pictures taken, or so I assume. 😉
I have so many books I want to read too. I love reading so much.
The list is ever growing I don’t think I will be able to read them all but I’ll have fun trying!
We dealt with a plumber this weekend too – faulty pipe=flooded basement:( Plumbers do not work cheap!!!
I like your new art!
Oh no! What a bummer. Plumbers are not cheap and I tried to fix it myself first, it was not happening.
needing to waiter for the plumber/handyman is the worst since you have a million things you could be doing and just need to hang around the house waiting for them. but it’s good it’s taken care of now!
It was not how I planned to spend my day for sure, though I was glad it was fixed because the dishes were piling up.
I never get Goodreads emails, when I do I get over excited.
I might need to check out this book, but my dreams are ever changing. 🙂
Yes! I want to read everything!
It’s okay, they are not set in stone and he talks about revisiting and revising regularly. He even says some of the 100 goals may not be written right away but may come after look into something else. Life is ever moving forward and sometimes your goals need to change, that is totally okay.
Your new wall art is amazing!!! Also, glad the plummer was able to fix it. I hate cleaning the kitchen, but always love how it looks after. And! You know I love Seamus! xo
It was due for a cleaning so I guess it was for the best! Haha! Thank you. He loves being featured. 😉
Boo for needing a plumber but Yay for having a clean kitchen come out of it! I really need to actively start updating my goodreads!
It was much needed for sure, so it was a good thing. I have over 350 books on my to-read list, it is getting out of control!
Quit taking dumps in your sink you sick freak.
Haha! That is more something you would do! :p