What a weekend! Friday was all about cleaning the house after Seamus’ unfortunate illness. Cleaning all the bedding, blankets and floors after his pee fest. The antibiotics have kicked in for his UTI and he has not had any accidents in two days now. Yeah!
Saturday two of my niece’s were dancing in their recital. My brother made fun of me for bringing my tripod but with it being so dark it was necessary. (Blogger problems) I really needed a longer lens but at least I got a few good shots. Last year the majority of them were too dark to really see anything.
After a long but wonderful day I finished my laundry and Seamus went ape over the warm blankets (I seriously had to get over wanted clean, perfectly folded blankets, thanks to Seamus. Martha Stewart would roll her eyes at my couch).
I had a large, seriously delicious salad for dinner. Really just tossed a bunch of stuff from the fridge that I was trying to use up but it ended up really hitting the spot. It was made with lettuce, red onion, feta, pineapple, pepperoni and tomatoes I threw in after I took the picture.
Since my Mom lives in another state I don’t really celebrate Mother’s Day, but I did spend the day baking. I really love to bake. The only thing I don’t like about baking…dishes. 🙂 I baked some Honey Oat Bread, then I made a Pan Seared Pork Loin with Pear Puree (check back tomorrow for the recipe), and cooked my chicken for the week. Phew! I was exhausted but I love it!
How did you spend your weekend? Did you get a chance to relax?
Linking up with Sami at Sami’s Shenanigans and Leann at Join the Gossip .
Also linking up with Postcards from Rachel and Northern Belle Diaries.
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