I finished this project a few weeks ago, but I realized I never shared how I made it. I made this for above my bed and the idea came to me while hiking. I wanted the piece to be interchangeable to how I was feeling so that is where the chalkboard part of it came to be.
Wood in varying widths (I used a 2″ and (QTY 4) 1″ board about 96″ long) ~ 1″ board cut to 15″ long (qty 2) ~ 2″ board cut to 24″ long (qty 2) ~ 1″ Wood Screws (approximately 16) ~ White paint (sample size) ~ Brown Paint (or color of choice for text) ~ Water ~ Chalkboard paint or spray ~ chalk ~ ~ 1″ Corner Braces ~ Drill ~ D-Ring Picture Hangers
Directions: Cut your boards or have the hardware store (they cut any 2″ board for free) cut the boards to 30″ in length. Lay them out with the good side facing down, alternate different width boards to create the look you want.
Using a pen or sharpie mark a spot for each board.
Use your drill to create a small pilot hole (this is important so you don’t strip the screws).
Screw the support beam in place on both sides. Using the 1″ corner braces attach the 24″ creating a shelf. Paint the second 24″ shelf with the chalkboard spray paint. Attach your D-Ring picture hangers on the support beams. (not shown)
Mix equal parts water and white paint and paint the sign. You can use a rag to wipe it down or add a second coat depending on your preference. I wanted some of the wood grain to show through. Using the brown paint add your saying, I used “If I’m Not Here I’m ….
Ellesees.blogspot.com says
LOVE how this turned out, kerry!
Kerry says
Thank you so much! I was really happy with it.
Biana says
Oh my gosh I love your DIY and love that you can tailor it to whatever you’re doing!! I think your DIYs are pretty much going to need their own blog soon lol!! xo, Biana
Kerry says
Thank you, yes being able to change it up was really important for me. Thank you so much, you are making me blush.
Linda sheridan says
Just wonderful! I will never attempt anything like this but I want that gorilla glue and love the chalkboard paint.
Have a happy day.
Love, SMD’s Momma
Kerry says
The Gorilla glue is awesome. I love it in the spray paint, it was leftover from another project. So easy to use it on anything.
SMD @ Life According to Steph says
I love it! I’m not a maker of things and always admire when others are.
Great giveaway! MFD loves that stuff.
Kerry says
Thank you. I am still learning but love making things with my hands. Whether sewing, knitting or wood things. It is so good especially in the Winter. My hands get so dry and cracked, this stuff is like liquid gold.
chelsea says
This is so creative!
Kerry says
Thank you. It was a labor of love.
Kate says
I saw this on Instagram but didn’t know you’d be able to change where you were. Love it!
Kerry says
Yes, when I can up with it different sayings popped into my head so I knew it needed to be editable. So the chalkboard allowed that to happen. I change it every week or so. Thank you.
Nichole says
This is so cute! I love how easy it was too. I need to make one
Kerry says
It was really easy especially if you have the hardware store cut everything for you. I did break out my saw but it would have been easier. Haha!
Kelli says
I love the sign, such a cute idea. You need an Etsy shop.
Kerry says
OMG! That is too sweet of you to say. I am not sure it is good enough to sell.
Emily says
Look at your master crafter!! Such a cute sign!
Kerry says
Thanks! I am starting to get a little more brave.
Kateri Von Steal says
I’m a lefty too – My handwriting isn’t the greatest. **SIGHS**
Kerry says
Next time I will stencil or use vinyl lettering. I am hoping for a Silhouette for Christmas so that will help. Thank you so very much!
Carly Blogs Here says
I can’t get over how talented you are! That sign is so cute & I love how you can really personalize it for wherever you have it in your house / what you’re doing! I just ordered some of the O’Keefes for a gift so I’m glad to hear you’re a fan of the brand!!
Kerry says
Aww thank you so much! I change the chalkboard to wrapping presents last night! 😉 I liked it so much and it will come in handy this Winter.
kristen says
this turned out so fabulous and you know i love the reading part! so cool that it is interchangeable but mine would totally stay on reading haha.
Kerry says
Of course! I changed it to wrapping presents this week. Hehe! Though reading mostly applies.
Lindsay T says
you are SO good at the DIY stuff! jealous!
Kerry says
Thank you so much. I try, though it doesn’t always work out. Ha!
Amanda Elizabeth says
Very impressed!!!! DIYs involving power tools? That came out fabulous!
Kerry says
I am trying to branch out with trying more tools. Thank you.
Nadine says
That signed turned out just beautiful!!! You are so crafty and look at you using power tools!
Kerry says
Thank you. I love power tools!!
Krystal R. says
Love the sign. You and your tools girl! Mad props!
Kerry says
I have so many tools it is ridiculous! 🙂
Amanda says
You’re a lefty?! Ew.
Kerry says
It is known we are smarter! Hehe!
Stacia says
What a great idea! I love that it’s so easily changeable, too!
Kerry says
Thank you. It is fun being able to switch it up week to week.