This week I wanted to focus on helping those around you that you know could use a pick me up. My boss has been working on a new call center for the last month. It has had a few troubleshooting issues and needless to say she has been working really hard on it behind closed doors. It has been stressful for her and a lot of work.
So to show her that someone is noticing her hard work (whether or not it matters) I decided to get her one of her favorite chocolates. She loves Chocolate with Orange flavoring. When I saw these I immediately though of her and knew it was perfect to give her a little pick me up.
I placed these on her desk with a note before she got into work. Even before she took off her coat she was laughing and looked over to me with the biggest smile. Just knowing i could help make one day a little less stressful was enough. When she headed for a conference room to bunker down for the day she grabbed that bag of chocolate with a smile. Consider my day made too!
Are you considering doing your own Act of Kindness? If not, what is stopping you? Grab a button if you would like to spread the word. The change that we seek in others has to first come from within. This year I hope you decide to Be the Change You Seek.

That is just great, Kerry. Your kindness set the tone for the whole day and your boss needed that!!!
Bravo! I am having our adorable grandchildren overnight and tomorrow, picking them up at their daycare this afternoon. I will take some treats for the daycare people. #greatinspiration!!!!
Thanks! Love SMD’s momma!!!
I am sure they would really love a little treat! I am sure the days are long for them, so a nice surprise at the end would be really appreciated. Thank you!
So nice of you to do for your boss! When the boss is in a good mood, so are the employees 🙂
Haha! Very true! She is a really cool boss and she leaves me alone to get my work done so it is good to keep her happy.
we often forget that our bosses need a little appreciation and pick-me-up too! what a great thing you did, kerry 🙂
Thanks! She really liked it and I am sure it helped during a stressful week.
She must have been so happy! You’re the best!
She was smiling so much and chuckled. She really liked it and helped start the day a little better. She deserved it.
That’s a great thing to come in to see!
She chuckled seeing it. Glad to have helped make a crappy week better. She is a good boss.
You did good. That brand of truffles is my favorite! 🙂
Thank you! Those are the best chocolates!! So rich.
This is so great!! I’m sure it made her day (and made you feel extra good, too)! Those orange chocolates are just so dang good!
Aren’t they fabulous! It is her favorites too. It really made her smile so that’s what matters. 🙂
Chocolates are always a good way to get a smile around here too!
Chocolate makes everything better! 😉
Genius. The way to my heart is through my stomach, too! 😛
You can never go wrong with chocolate!
How nice of you to notice she was probably stressed, and to give a little pick me up. It’s hard not to smile when someone gives you a nice note and some chocolate!!! 🙂
It has been rough for the group working on the project so a little pick me up always helps.
This is so lovely Kerry! What a great way to show and inspire kindness! xx
Thank you. Sometimes we just need to show the people around us that we are paying attention.
Such a great idea…smart lady!
Thank you. It really made her smile so I know it helped, even if just a little.
you are just too precious!! so kind-hearted!!
Thank you. I am just doing what I can.
This is so awesome! You are really inspiring me to have a better attitude and try to spread that around.
Thank you! That is all I can hope for, and hopefully you decide to do a Random Act too!
I LOVE doing stuff like that right now. The local college is holding a student led, student paid for, student inspired Faculty Appreciation Day today. Standing ovations after classes, t-shirts showing their support and love for their professors, letters to professors, arriving to class early and writing encouraging notes to the professor all over the white board. Baking cookies and other goodies for them; some students even made large, freeze-able casseroles and such for faculty families that are in rough financial situations right now for one reason or another. It’s really neat to see. My Facebook and Instagram are FLOODED with stuff related to it. It’s really encouraging to see.
What an amazing thing for them to do for their teachers. Teachers really don’t get enough recognition for all they do, glad they are giving back to them.