So remember when I said this would be the weekend of doing nothing?? Yeah, that really is never going to happen.
Friday: Since it was a little on the stressful side last week, I went to the liquor store to get a gift and I found some apple pie moonshine for drinks. Yeah, who could resist? Not me.
Trying to come up with a good drink combo for Labor Day Weekend. I tried straight up, and mixed with Iced Tea, Cherry juice, and sprite. It was good but not great. Think I will try with Lemonade next.
Saturday: After an early wake-up call (Thanks, Seamus) I got some laundry and dishes done. Glamorous I know, don’t be jealous. Then I had a blate with Maddie from The Whimsy One. We met at the 99 Restaurant in Walpole for lunch. We have $3.99 Margarita’s that were as big as our heads!!
I had such a good time and we laughed so much! It is great to meet up with another blogger to talk shop, compare notes, and talk personal stuff too. It is so great that she visits the area often too! If you haven’t already go check her out. She loves Bourbon, Bacon, and Football. What’s not to like?!!
A blate isn’t complete without a pic. Not my best pic. What the heck?!
Sunday: I cleaned my house from top to bottom. Watched the 2011 Footloose and rested with Seamus. He knows how to get comfortable.
Linking up with Sami at Sami’s Shenanigans and Leann at Join the Gossip .

$3.99 margaritas?!!?! OMG. jealous. I wish we could meet up 🙁
They were so good, and huge! Maddie lives in North Carolina so we could do a group blate!!
That margarita looks delish!
They were so delicious! Much larger than we were expecting for that price!
if we ever go on a blate, i request 3.99 margaritas be involved!!
Me too!! They were huge and so good! I may have had two. 🙂
Holler for a blogger meet up and cheap drinks!
I need to clean my house tonight since I was away all weekend. Boo.
It was such a great meetup!! Love getting to meet people I talk with on a regular basis! Ugh, I love starting the week with a clean house so i completely understand but it looks like you had a great getaway weekend!
Yay!!! The company was even better than the $3.99 margaritas! I am finally getting around to posting about my weekend. haha Can’t wait for the next one!
Same here girlie! Laughed so much! Can’t wait for the next time!
we’ve actually been making our own apple pie moonshine… that stuff is amazing but dangerous. looks like a great weekend!
That is awesome that you make your own!! It wasn’t as strong as I thought it would be which I guess was a good thing. I can’t imagine how strong home grown moonshine would be!!
Gotta love Tennessee moonshine! 🙂
It was really good, and so much fun trying different recipes on what to pair it!
Looks like it was such a fun time!! Great ladies and great drinks – can’t get much better!
We had a blast and were laughing the whole time! Can’t go wrong with great company!
$3.99 Margaritas?! Sounds good to me! 🙂 Glad you relaxed some this weekend, Kerry!
They were so good! Thanks Heather!