The other day Emily from Martinis and Bikinis posted a fun list of questions in the spirit of Sisterhood of the World Bloggers and I because my brain is not functioning at full capacity lately I figured it would be fun to answer.

1. Why did you start blogging?
I originally started because I moved a little further from my friends and I wanted to connect with people who had similar tastes and share similar hobbies. I love the blogging community and the friends I have made and blogging always introduces me to things before the outside world usually does, which is pretty cool.
2. Who would you want to play you in a movie?
I would love Sandra Bullock to play me in a movie and if she isn’t busy and she wouldn’t mind going brunette than Reese Witherspoon would be a close second.
3. If you could travel anywhere tomorrow where would you go?
I have so many places I want to go Internationally because I have been mostly around the US already but Italy will forever be my first choice. I would also love to get to Australia, Ireland, Greece, and Rome.

My favorite thing about blogging is the community, I have made legit friends I think I will have for a very long time. There are some bloggers I talk to more than my IRL friends. That says a lot too because I am not one who talks on the phone a lot or texts but they keep me anyways.
My least favorite is the amount of time it takes, and the sometimes lack of brain power I have lately to be creative. When life is busy it is hard to keep up with everything. I think every blogger struggles with this at some point or other through the year.
5. Where do you turn when you have writer’s block?
Well I take idea from other people, thanks Emily! Duh. Just kidding. The big sources of inspiration can come from just everyday life. A magazine, a Facebook post, a cookbook, or Pinterest. There is potential posts everywhere you just have to be open to seeing it.
6. What are your favorite kind of posts to read?
I like so many things so I like a variety, book posts are obviously my favorite because I am always reading.

For the most part. My hair has always been a dark brown and I experimented in high school and college but dark brown is where it shall stay. My Mom went gray at a really young age, so I color to cover it but luckily I only have a few grays and not a full head.
8. What is your favorite decade and why?
Umm this one I guess. I think every decade had it’s challenges and good times but each year we learn more and progress or at least I hope so.
9. Have you dealt with blog drama (mean comments, dramatic people, fake friends)? If so, how did you deal?
Not that I am aware of, for the most part I wouldn’t tolerate it or play into it. Life is too short for that kinda drama. Could it happen without me knowing absolutely, to which I say have at it, I don’t really care.

In college I actually wanted to be a medical examiner. Weird I know, but I love puzzles and figuring things out. I used to love watching Dr. G Medical Examiner on the discovery channel a lot. Since I obviously didn’t make that happen, I would prefer to be a professional reader. Reading books all day maybe with a glass of wine would be the life!
I don’t like tagging others in posts so whoever wants to play along with Sisterhood of the World Bloggers, you can use the questions above and share your answers.

100000% to italy! it’s such a GORGEOUS country.
It has been on my list for way too long, i need to get there soon!!
Nice idea for a blog. I love reading all of the blogs I discovered from my Stephanie. It’s a challenge to remain creative ! Cyberspace is great for meeting people that you never would have the pleasure to know!
Have a happy Thursday !
Love, SMD’s Momma
It is hard especially when life gets busy but I do love connecting with everyone!
There is potential posts everywhere you just have to be open to seeing it. – so true!
hope you get to go to Italy one day 🙂 love those book quotes!
I really want to go, need to plan it! Reading is the best, i know you’d agree! 😉
Sandra Bullock is my favorite! Good choice 🙂
Thank you. She is so down to earth, love her!
Yup… you’re stuck with me! 🙂
You know it!! Forever friends! Smooches!
I love Sandra Bullock! Good choice.
Thank you. I think she would rock it!
LOL at reading books and drinking wine all day… sign me up, sister! But I would want to add keeping on top of twitter and sharing fun articles and stories, too. How about you handle printed words and I handle the online stuff and then on our days off, we can catch up on the other?
And I can totally see the Sandra Bullock thing. And I’m glad we are blog friends turned legit friends 🙂
Man I haven’t been on twitter in forever. Oops. I think that is a great idea!!! Absolutely girl!
Blogging when you’re busy is super hard, hang in there things will lighten up!
Thank you, yes it has been crazy and feel I am being pulled in so many directions, hopefully is slows down soon.
If you find that job as a professional reader, get me on with you 🙂
Yep – Sandra Bullock would be perfect as you!
Haha! You got it! Thank you, she is pretty cool so I’d love it if she did. 🙂
Love this!! sandra bullock could totally play you! a medical examiner would be a super cool job!
She is so pretty and down to earth, it would be an honor. It is so interesting and would be nice to give closure to families.
I love Sandra Bullock and Reese! Great picks!! I think Italy is absolutely gorgeous and I would love to visit and eat!!!! there one day!
One day I will get there!! Thanks!
I wanted to be Dr G too!!! and if I wouldn’t be I would love to be a librarian…LOVE LOVE LOVE books and everything about them…
She is so badass. I really would love to read all day!
Sandra Bullock is awesome! I love her. 🙂 Italy is on the top of my list of places to visit, too.
She is so good. So many beautiful towns over there.
Reading is fantastic. I just went to the library today.
Sandra Bullock is also fantastic!
Did you get anything good? Miss Congeniality, Blind Side, The Proposal, so good.
YES to Italy! And Sandra Bullock is an awesome choice 😀
I really need to get to Italy soon!
Sandra Bullock would be a really good you! I would love to go to Ireland! Well, really all of the places, but Ireland is towards the top.
I would love to meet an Irish lad to speaks to me in his brogue enough to make me swoon! Is that too much to ask?
You know the question about inspirations for a blog post? This one gave me an idea 🙂
Your travel bucket list is a good one. Hopefully, you’ll get to one (or all!) of those places someday!
Awesome! I hope i get to them all eventually!
I need to steal this from Emily as well! Your travel list is basically mine (even though Ive been to Australia I plan to keep going back lol)
Do it! I need to add Bora Bora too. I am so jealous of Australia that is my number 2 place to visit.
that is so awesome about wanting to be a medical examiner–i find that interesting and it really is like a puzzle. i know you would pick professional reader, hehe.
Yes, being to solve what happened and possibly giving a family answers is an amazing thing. Hehe, what can I say I love to read.
This is such a fun little tag- I might do it next week too! I looove Sandra Bullock and Reese Witherspoon!
I hope you do! Two of my favorites, either would do it well.
oh yay!! Glad you decided to play along! A professional reader sounds like the perfect career for you! lol
It was fun! I would love to find someone to pay me to do it!! 😉
Italy is a great choice. That photo is gorgeous! And I can see Sandra Bullock…great choice, but II never would have guessed a medical examiner. That’s fabulous! Did you watch Dexter? He’s not an ME, but fun nonetheless. I love these posts. They’re so much fun getting to know one another. Thanks for sharing.
I really want to go. I loved Dexter, so sad the show is over.