Is it Monday already?! I am hoping this week flies by so I can be on my way to Maddie’s. I am getting so excited for the road trip. Am I the only one that loves road trips? I get to blast some tunes, clear my head, and just hit the open roads.
Since Friday was Friday the 13th I decided to bust out the old movies. Nothing like a night of old horror flicks. I must say that they are not as scary as I once thought they were but seeing Kevin Bacon from back in the day was a trip. Yes, those are VHS tapes. Don’t be jealous! 😉

Saturday: Since the weather was on and off showers I didn’t get to go hiking or kayaking. I did get some shopping done though. I hit Old Navy and scored 45% off. I scored a few maxi dresses, and some boyfriend capri pants. Then I went to the bank, and the post office. I sold my old iPod touch that I haven’t used since getting my iPhone. Nice change in my pocket. Though Amazon doesn’t pay out for like 3 weeks, say what?!
After a trip home to walk Seamus and have lunch I headed out for my haircut. I really must remember to not wear black so often since it doesn’t really show up my dark hair against the black. I couldn’t really get a great picture. I took Seamus for another walk, went grocery shopping then read for a bit before passing out on the couch.
Sunday: I love waking up and reading to help wake up and I am really trying to finish this book so I can move on to some more light hearted books. Recently it is a lot of deep books. I need some summer reads. Then I did a workout, before getting ready to head to my brother’s to celebrate father’s day.
I got my Dad a Samsung Galaxy Tablet with Internet service. It was interesting teaching him how to use it. I already gone one IT request call from him so I expect a few more! Haha! He really hates having his picture taken so none taken of him. 🙁 The food was amazing, my SIL made some steak and chicken on the grill. She also made potato and pasta salad. My nieces were a hoot too playing in the pool and squirting the hose.

I headed home around 4pm and took Seamus for a walk, read for a bit and then finished OITNB while catching up on blogging.
How was your weekend?
Linking up with Leeann from Join the Gossip and Biana from B Loved Boston.

Friday the 13th and a full moon proved to be the weirdest Friday for me!!! Looks like such a fun weekend and 45% off at Old Navy – amazing!! You are so sweet to keep your dad connected – we got my parents an iPad and I totally agree – teaching them was quite the experience!! Hope you have a wonderful Monday and thanks for linking up!!
That is why I stayed in to watch movies, I didn’t want to chance the chaos a full moon creates! 😉 It was a total score. I may have to go back! I got him a Kindle Fire a year ago but it was trickier to uses. With the apps on this I think it will more resemble a computer making it easier to use plus the Kindle fire wasn’t internet ready so he got spotty service. Gotta love technology!
i have never seen any of the friday the 13th movies! i’m such a wimp!
What?! It was like a rite of passage growing up! Scary movies don’t bother me though so I understand. 😉
haha! VHS tapes. talk about flashback to my childhood.
Right?! I still have a ton of movies on VHS and luckily it still works! *fingers crossed*
Your hair looked great! (Now remembering your snap that I think I looked at when I went into the dressing room, ha!). I didn’t realize you were watching on VHS. Too funny! And I had no luck at ON with maxi dresses so I’m glad you did. I was telling Andrew this weekend that they are basically the best because they hide all your flaws and feel like a blanket. I need to get more of them!
Thank you. I am not a fan, it feels so short. Haha! It is a classic! Were they too long? They are like wearing pajamas!
Ooh 45% off at ON is a great deal! Hope you show us what you bought 🙂
It was a total score. I’ll have to instagram it, I was so bad about taking pics this weekend!
Cute pics! Otterpops and 45% off sounds like a great weekend to me!
It was a really good mix of everything. Getting to see my nieces is always a highlight!
My uncle and aunt live in the town where the Friday the 13th films were made. I was a kid last time we visited them so I was too chicken to go see the area, lol. Looks like a great weekend! I love road trips, I hope the week flies for you!
What?! You didn’t go?! That would have been fun to see the lake, though as a kid I would have been freaked too. I hope it flies by, I am so excited to go!
I would never sit down and watch horror movies let alone store them in my house. I’m a total mary. LOLOL
Happy Father’s Day to your dad!
I need to lighten up my reading load too.
Haha!! It was more cheesy than scary now! Though scary movies don’t bother me.
Yes, light reading is needed after to many deep emotional reads.
It sounds like you had a great weekend! Thanks for the Amazon selling tip. I have an iPod touch I never use anymore as well. It sounds like a better option than Craig’s list. Summer is here! Finally! Have a great week! 🙂
Thank you, it was perfect! You should sell it! I used the other sale prices to gauge what to sell it for, their cut gets taken out of the sale and then you get the rest. I am not sure what eBay might run for but much better than Craigslist! Yesterday was perfect weather!
I planned on going to Old Navy this weekend but didn’t make it. Now I am kicking myself! You got some great deals with 45% off!
Ohhh yes, they had 30% off plus I got extra for getting a card. Though I am canceling it once I get the bill. Too tempting.
They look like they are so HOT! Eating those ice pops! Aw! How old are they? They are wicked cute!
I have to explain the cellphone things to my dad all the time. It’s super cute! So I randomly will also get those IT questions.. and when I answer them.. he’s all.. yeah, I could have figured this out!
Friday the 13th on VHS.. LOOK HOW AWESOME YOU ARE?!
Haha! They are 5 and 3 and so precious, full of personality and spunk. Haha! They are coming around to the tech world, but very slowly! 😉 I have Halloween too! Love scary movies.
Perfect gift for your dad! We had a wonderful
Weekend. World Cup games, our little granddaughter’s
Dance recital Saturday night and yesterday with
My dad for lunch and poolside dinner here with
Awesome burgers. If I can’t have filet mignon, which
Is outrageously priced, burgers are my next
Favorite. Thankful for my dad and my husband!
Another brilliant day here. USA game tonight
That sounds like a great weekend!! Seeing the kids dance is so fun. Poolside and burgers sounds perfect! Go USA!!
Did you watch those movies alone? You’re a brave girl!!
I did!! Haha! Scary movies don’t bother me. 😉
What an awesome Father’s Day present! I need a summer read too, and I like reading in the morning! That’s the best!
Thank you! I think it will be easier for him to use!
I am on the hunt for light reads. I’ll be sure and share what I find!
Hello from the link up! Sounds like you got lots of great deals at Old Navy..isn’t that store the best? So glad you had a great time with your family this weekend!
Old Navy has really stepped up their game lately!! So many good buys!
Awesome job with the Old Navy sale! I’m with you with parents and technology. I’m still teaching my parents how to use their iPhones they got for Christmas. Thanks for linking up! xo
It was hard to not go back and buy more!! Haha! It takes them forever to learn!
My Mom recently got an iPhone and is still learning how to use it.
Fun pictures! The weekend sounds like an enjoyable one. Oh, and I LOVE old movies!
It is fun watching them try to figure it out. Though my Dad does pick it up pretty quick. It is so funny to see how our views change what we though of the movies we used to love as kids.
What are some of the things on your summer reading list? I’ve been reading some pretty heavy stuff recently, too, so I’m looking for some lighter reads.
Oh my I have like 250 books on my too read list on Goodreads. Haha! Though some of them are Delicious by Adrianne Lee, The House on Oyster Creek by Heidi Jon Schmidt, It Happened One Night by Lisa Dale, and Another Piece of My Heart by Jane Green just to name a few.
Sounds like somebody’s dad got an awesome fathers day present!!
I started my Sunday off by reading as well! I just love a good book!
I have not seen any of the Friday the 13 movies. I am not a fan of scary because I am a big chicken. You are cracking me up with your VHS!
He is spoiled but he sacrificed so much so he deserves it. I really wish I could read for a living!!! Come on VHS is where it’s at!! Haha! I am just glad they still play!
I wonder if Old Navy’s sale is still going on… Pete scored some good stuff there this weekend, too!
And where the fuck is MY tablet?!?! ;P
Haha!! I can’t believe you didn’t buy all the things!! Or should I say all the black dresses! It was free I am just paying the internet! Go Sprint!
A tablet?! You go girl, best daughter ever! How do the boyfriend capris fit? I wanted to try a pair but didn’t know if they would be saggy around the butt and thighs
The tablet was free I am paying for the internet every month. Haha! I love the fit, it fits my butt without sagging and not too loose in the legs. They are a slimmer fit in the bottoms too. I may get more in different colors! 🙂
Your nieces are so cute!
Where does Maddie live? I love road trips as long as there isn’t traffic. Lol
Thank you! The really are so different but so fun! She is in North Carolina, I plan to leave at night to hopefully miss all the traffic and get in early enough that we don’t lose a day of fun!
I have to admit that I paid no attention to anything after the whole “going to Maddie’s” line. I cannot wait. Can.not.wait.
I am so excited! Can this week be over already?!
I love your Friday the 13th’s on VHS! We watched some movies on VHS awhile ago, and it felt SO weird to have to rewind them. And my Dad is the same way with pictures…he won’t let me take them at all!
Isn’t it weird hearing it rewind?! It makes me feel old but I love pulling out the oldies every so often!
I love watching those old Friday the 13th movies! They’ll never get old and your nieces are too cute!
Aren’t they so good!! I love being scared! 😉 Thank you, they are such good kids but spunky too!
Looks like a nice weekend! I didn’t even realize Kevin Bacon was in Friday the 13th! Is he in the first one?
And what a sweet Father’s Day gift!
Thanks for linking up 🙂
Yeah I totally forgot he was in it too! Yes the first one, I almost didn’t recognize him!
Thank you it is so much easier for him to use than the kindle I got him so I’ll sell that and add it to Amazon account.
Cutie patooties in those pics! That was a very nice gift you got your father. I’m a fan of horror movies. I watched Friday the 13th series around Halloween and realized just how cheesy they were. But, they are classics.
Thank you. It is so cheesy but such a classic I can’t help but watch them. I have Halloween on VHS to that comes out on the day too! 😉
Sounds like a lovely weekend. Awesome you still have VHS tapes!
Thanks for linking up (sorry I’m behind on commenting!)
No problem so am I! Haha! It is so weird pulling out VHS tapes but I’m glad I have them!