Is it really Friday? Where did this week go? It is supposed to be a rainy weekend which means I can get some reading done for the book challenges. I do plan on getting a hike in, Emily told me she wants to come so we are planning that for Saturday.
Otherwise this weekend will consist of watching Suits on Amazon, and reading. Can it get any better? No. Okay well maybe if it was sunny and I was in Maine, but that is besides the point. Anyhoo. What are your plans for the weekend?
Favorite Quote: This…..truth!

Favorite Recipe: Moscato anything and I am sold!

Favorite DIY: I am linking to the Pinterest pin since the link is junk. The idea is to spray paint a dollar store fruit to match decor. Very cute idea! I could see this on my office shelves.

Favorite Funnies:

Seriously it is the only thing keeping me away lately.

That hairstyle is amazing!! And that quote is so true… Actually both of them! I hope you enjoy your weekend and get that hike in! xo
It is a great way to combat the heat too. Hope you have a great weekend!
oh coffee…i love it so much. not sure what it is but in the last year or so, my coffee addiction and love for coffee has grown exponentially. i actually wake up thinking “yay! coffee in a few minutes!”.
Right?! It is the brightest part of most days, and now I do a 2pm coffee perk up! I heart it so hard!
I of course can only dream of getting my fingers to make that hair style happen lol!! It’s so pretty! I hope you enjoy the relaxing weekend ahead! xo, Biana
I know, my fingers always get in the way. Hopefully i can figure it out. Hope you have a great weekend!
When you add in braids I get all nervous, but I love the whole look. I hope you can totally master it!! Enjoy the relaxing reading weekend, I’m looking forward to some relaxing myself!!
They can be tricky but so pretty too. Books by the pool, your weekend will be awesome!
Oh to have that much hair to put in a messy bun!! Always be grateful for your long, lovely locks.
I love slushy cocktails.
Have a perfect weekend!
Love, SMD’s Momma
Thanks, I’m due for a cut soon so better try it soon. Slushy cocktails are perfect for the summer, poolside preferably. Have a great weekend!
Haha yes the top quote & the coffee funny are on point. I love slushies & there is NO WAY that adding wine could hurt it whatsoever. Looks delicious. Have a great weekend.
Adding wine never hurts! 😉 Have a great weekend.
I love the idea of spray painting fruit into cute colors! My store always has those ugly fake fruit sitting there and I wonder who buys them, now it just may be me! I also love that hairstyle and it makes me wish I had more hair and better braiding abilities, it looks like the perfect summer hairdo!
Such a great way to add a pop of color. My braiding skills are lacking but it will be fun to give it a try and maybe make it work.
Great quotes, Kerry! And that slush looks yummy! Cheers!
I really want to make that slushie!
That moscato slush looks so yummy and refreshing!! I’m so excited for the weekend! Two 3 day weekends in a row for me!
Really would hit the spot! That is awesome! Hope you have some fun things planned!
I like the idea of that messy bun but it seems like a lot of effort so I’ll just go with my standard, slap my hair up in a ponytail holder and hope it stays that way bun.
I think once you learn it, doing it would go quickly. A ponytail bun is always a good alternative though.
Happy weekend! I hope you enjoy Suits and your books!
Suits is so good, totally watching it while catching up on blogging.
Bacon! Now I want some. And chocolate. I don’t like coffee, but I love Diet Coke. That’s how I get my caffeine.
Diet coke is my weakness too, so good.
I LOVE that hairstyle! Might need to try it!
Would love to see pictures if you do!
I can’t ever get cute braid hair to do right. Stupid layers 🙁 I love the look though.
The layers make it tough. I am hoping I can get it to come out.
Have fun hiking on Sunday! I hope it doesn’t rain all weekend so that you can enjoy all of your favorite things. That side bun looks like exactly what I need right now. I’ve been in a hair style rut.
Thank you. It rained all day today but I got in my hike yesterday. It is such a cute hairstyle.
Ahhhhh the messy bun, I feel like everyone else’s looks perfect but I can’t do it right… how stupid is that??? I am buying some fruit at the dollar store, that looks so clean and pretty!
I don’t think mine would come out great either but hopefully with practice.
That hairstyle is SO cute but I know it wouldn’t come out right if I tried it, ha. Have a great weekend!
Practice makes perfect! Haha! Have a great weekend!
that messy bun looks adorable but i am 100% mine would not look like that hahahaha. hope you are having a good weekend!!
Haha! It is going to take a LOT of practice.
The slush! The bun! Everything! I wish I could french braid my hair without looking haha!
The slush looks so good! I can do a regular french braid on myself but the side ones and funky angles I usually can’t do. 🙁