I don’t know what I was thinking trying to take anything on Fitness or otherwise during the busiest time of year for my work. By the 10th I was over the month, and by the 17th I had the eye twitch I seem to get every year due to the stress. It is constant from the time I get in till I leave. I end up going home and crashing on the couch. It wasn’t a total fail but it was not nearly what I was hoping for either.
Linking up with Steph from Life According to Steph and Steph from Not Entirely Perfect to share my results. For more information on the challenge click here.
My Goals:
Walk up to 70,000 steps per week – FAIL – In order to meet this I needed to work out 6 days a week. Too many nights just physically exhausted. Didn’t happen. According to my fitbit the highest I got was 55910 steps.
Go to the gym 4x per week – PASS – Although I did 4 days a week it was just so inconsistent, like Monday Friday Saturday Sunday. I would have liked more like every other day but it is what it is.
Weight training at least 3x per week – PASS – This one was kinda a gimme since if I go to the gym I do weights and then cardio. I like lifting more than I like cardio. I’d go to the gym just to lift to be honest. So it was added to be the easy one for me so I didn’t want to feel defeated if I failed at the others.
Getting back into a more consistent routine is going to be a priority next month since I will have much more energy and less stress. The theme for October is food so that will be a fun one.
I am also doing a wallet watch for October. It is a choose your goal time of “spending freeze” so you can set your own limits.
My Goals:
Save $300.00 to be added to saving to be used towards Christmas. I only use cash for Christmas so time to save.
Stay with budget for my grocery bill – recipe testing kills my budget every month so I want to work on this one.
No spending on clothes, makeup or accessories.
I am still going to work on a few house projects so I decided not to do a total spending freeze.
Girl, two out of three is better than I did last month! I am with you, I would much rather lift weights than do cardio. Cardio is the devil! I am not joining wallet watch next month, I need too many things. haha. I do need to start putting money aside for Christmas shopping though! And maybe even start purchasing some things if I see them on sale. Good luck with your goals!
Thank you. I guess it was much lower than my norm I figured I could do it, but it was hard. Yes, it will be here sooner than we know, I have a few presents bought but I need to save for the bulk of the presents.
i think you still did well – 2 out of 3 ain’t bad at all! and i’m with you on lifting – i prefer that wayyyyy more than cardio. since my trails have pretty much fallen off because the weather always sabotages it, i’ve been relegated to doing 1 cardio program a week indoors which i hate so much so i change the program a bit and incorporate weights for a full functional workout.
Thank you. I was hoping for not too many days in between but I’ll take what I can get. It has rained here all week so I have been stuck to indoors mostly too. Either way you slice it cardio blows and I need to be doing it. Dreadmill i will see you soon!
no freeze for me this month. it’s my bday month and i need to celebrate! 😉 good for you for the goals you did!
Woohoo!! When is your actual birthday?! Celebrating is a must! Thank you, I will be carrying it over to this month too.
Two out of three really isn’t bad at all. I think you did great during a really tough month for you! Add me to the cardio blows side.
Desire to make new recipes I’ve seen kills my budget too. That will hurt me this month with my food goals, but I need to remind myself that I don’t have to go crazy in each category!
Thank you. I think I just had too many expectations of myself. It was really just hard to find any energy at all most days. Yes, I have to remember to just do one or two and then go light the other weeks. Problem is I want to make all the things!! Plus eating healthier is more expensive. 😉 Totally justifying here. Haha!
2 out of 3 is great! Good luck with the wallet watch.
Thank you! I was bummed at first but feeling better about it.
I think you did great, it’s hard to get 70,000 steps! You did better than meeting 50% of your goals so I think it’s a win!
I usually don’t have a problem when I workout but so hard if I’m not then I am around 5-6k per day. I am calling it a win too!
Way to go on making it to the gym! I feel like that is way more difficult than the number of steps challenge!!
Haha! It is a hard one. i just joined a new gym so that helps but it still gets tough when it’s a really busy month.
I have been on a spending freeze for myself for years and even more so since I have not held a paying job since
my stint with the 2010 census which ended in September 2010. So many things are unnecessary and a waste.
Rich and I do for our home and our kids. He manages our finances very well. The biggest splurge has been our
lovely salt-water cement pool I have named our Healing Ocean Oasis. We do not go on expensive trips. I spend virtually nothing on my hair care (thanks Natural Instincts) and no expensive makeup or health and beauty aids. We have the 2 dogs and love being home with them. Kenneling is expensive, too.
For the past 20 years we have traveled for soccer, for our kids or if he was training a team. We have been able to give our 3 older kids a nice sum of money for their weddings, for which I am extremely grateful, especially with me not working and nice monetary Xmas gifts each year. I am so happy to be a housewife after running around like a loon for 35 years, it does not bother me at all and I am still able to run the college soccer tailgates and go to all of Sean’s games without worrying about grief from an employer! Lucky me. Goddess speed to you on all of your goals always.
Love, SMD’s Momma SSL-sorry so long!
I am with you on the hair care! 😉 I am not a name brand kinda girl so I agree. That sounds like a fantastic way to live. I think home and family are much more important that spending it on lavish items. You obviously have your priorities together. Sounds very blessed.
Everyone keeps saying that two out of three isn’t bad and I’m over here agreeing but also singing Meatloaf’s “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad” in my head. You did do a great job on your fitness goals, and I think your spending goals are awesome, too. I try to do a spending freeze every now and then just to keep my budget in check.
Haha! Love it! Yes, some months I have more going on and it’s hard but with the holidays coming up saving is important. I have a few house projects so I knew it was unreasonable to completely do a freeze but some of the unnecessary items need to be scaled back.
Girl you still did a ton of steps – its just so hard in an office environment where we sit for so long!! I love your idea of only cash for Christmas – I think I might need to implement that too!! You’re going to do great!
Thanks! I know if I work out I can make it even with a rest day since the weekends are higher but it just wasn’t happening. Oh well next month maybe. Yes!! I can’t imagine doing it any other way, it keeps me on track and not overspending. I have 2 gifts already purchased.
2 out of 3 is awesome! And I’d take weight lifting over cardio any day. Cardio is definitely not my jam.
Thank you, it was rough even just getting those 2 so I’ll take it. I used to do a lot of cardio so I may just be tired of it.
Ummm, I am pretty sure if I had been you my fitness goals would have all been FAIL with how busy you said you were, so give yourself some props! xoxo
Thank you! I guess because I used to workout 6 days a week without fail I was bummed but considering the month I am feeling better about it.
you did fabulously in september, good luck for october! yeah recipe testing kills me too, i need to find some recipes that use the same ingredients you know? really, i need to meal plan lol
Yes, using the same ingredients or items you already have on hand really helps!! It gets expensive!!
So true…I should really start putting some $$ away for holiday shopping! I don’t think Ive ever made it to the gym on a Monday lol but it gets easier towards the end of the week and of course on the weekend when i have more flexibility in my schedule.
It will be here soon! Mondays always seems like the easiest since I’m rested from the weekend, it goes down from there. I love weekend workouts since you can do it whenever you want!
As much as I love trying new recipes, I’m so with you on the ingredients being expensive– especially if you need a lot of the items! I’m trying to get better at finding recipes that use things I already have– or mostly have! Great job with your goals from last month!
Yes it helps if you only need one or two ingredients. Thank you, I was pleased with just doing anything other than passing out at the end of the day! 😉
That’s still better than I did fitness wise last month! This month I’m really going to focus on healthy eating. Perhaps not so much dessert recipe testing this month 😉
The recipe tasting or NOT recipe tasting is the hardest part. You have to make sure it’s good but oh boy it gets to be a lot of calories. Haha!
I need to move close to you just so you can drag my ass to the gym to work out or on your pretty hikes!
That is what I need!!! A walking/workout partner!!!
That is not a good excuse, but I know I would not let someone hanging if I was
walking with them.
Love, Steph’s Momma
It does help when you have someone to walk and talk with, maybe your town has a walking group?
Yes, lots and lots of hikes!! It really is so pretty out here.
This is just to say that your new pic is so pretty and I love it and am just noticing it so please tell me it’s new and I’m not an unobservant jerk. So happy for you and your sanity that September is over!
I actually just switched it last night so you are golden! 😉 thank you! I am so glad to be out of the crazy stressful time.
I really appreciate the art of the spending freeze. I’ve never actually done one, but I have a budget that I do my best to adhere to each month, so that helps.
Sticking to a budget is so important. I think this just helps with the leftover money that we sometimes mindlessly spend.
I’m antsy to start Christmas shopping! Pete’s already done (he got a PS4 early)… but I still have everyone else. I got it done early the past couple of years and it felt great. Buuuut…. like you said, gotta save up, first!
I get so antsy if I don’t get it done early. I don’t do crowds!
I am trying to stick to my food budget {which is pretty generous for two people}, but I’m so bad! I always want more food and to try new stuff!
Yes, trying new recipes always ends in me going over. Ugh!