This weekend is expected to be busy because I have a long to-do list to get through but I don’t plan on making plans from now till October 1st because work is all I can handle right now. Busy season is here and I leave work in a brain fog everyday. So the weekends are needed to regroup and get as much done so I don’t carry over any stress into the week.
I am also in a nesting mode too with wanting to clean and organize every room in my house and start a bunch of project. Oh boy! I did purchase a new comforter for my bed so a mini-bedroom makeover is happening. Let’s get to it, then because it’s FRIDAY!!!
Favorite Tribute: In Honor of 09/11 yesterday this tribute to WTC with audio from different news channels mixed with Enrique Iglesias is one of my favorites and one that always makes me cry. I remember to listening to it a lot shortly after it happened and even while writing this sentence as it play in the background. We will never forget…the hero’s who ran back in, the people who lost their lives, the people who lost loved ones, the moment we heard the news, the people who defended our country after it happened.
Favorite Quote: To be brutally honest I am a hot mess on a good day. I take on too much, I always have a mile long to-do list, and I am always behind in housework. Sometimes we need to just embrace it, smirk at it, and shake it off.
Favorite Outfit: Can I just have this outfit in my closet or at least her body? I mean right down to the matching boot socks and booties. Gorgeous!
Favorite Funnies:
Packing like a boss. I kinda love that he had a Captain’s hat.
I felt this way after my last birthday.
Seriously what do you do with table scraps?! This may be why Seamus is “husky”!!
Kelly (@KRod0519) says
I lovet that Elizabeth Gilbert quote. It has been popping up everywhere on my social media feed and it’s so true. Rather than feel badly about what we might not do so well, or the (at times) chaos that surrounds us, we can choose to embrace it and appreciate our ability to multi-task or rebound from life’s bumps and bruises. Have a wonderful weekend! Have fun with those projects! 🙂 Happy Friday!
Kerry says
It is so powerful and so true. We all are a mess at some point in everyday. Hope you have a great weekend!
kristen says
love that quote – i definitely struggle sometimes in accepting who i am, so it really helps, you know? and that outfit – gorgeous! i could never pull it off though, lol. my weekend plans are cleaning + reading, lol!
Kerry says
Yes! We need to cut ourselves some slack. I am with you, I am a casual person most day, but a girl can dream! 😉 Sounds like a perfect weekend!!
Heather @ My Little HEA says
OMG that carryon picture is so awesome! Reminds me of the episode where Joey wears all of Chandler’s clothes!! Good luck with all of your busy plans and I hope we get to see this bedroom makeover!
Kerry says
Yes! I loved that episode! He couldn’t get out the door. I will be sharing once I am done. It won’t be much but some re-arranging and a few new pillows. says
lol at the last one! so true!! so wrong!! i always feel almost shameful bc i never look fancy like other bloggers! it’s jeans and tees around here for my job!
Kerry says
Right?! Daddy’s lawyer wins again. Hehehe! Girl, I am with you I am never as classy as I want to be. Comfy always win.
SMD @ Life According to Steph says
Sometimes stuff doesn’t get done and we just have to let it be. That was me most of last week!
LOLOLOLOL @ the carryon photo and the deep pockets photo.
Kerry says
Amen! Sometimes it really bothers me and sometimes I just need to let it go.
I so wish I was there when that happened to see everyone trying not to laugh as they walked by.
Kelli says
I am in desperate need of a new comforter but am never sure which one to choose because I love so many.
Kerry says
Yes! My other one is only like 2 years old but I am over it. It’s always nice to have a spare. 😉
Biana Perez says
That outfit is amazing!! I can’t even handle how chic it is!! i love making lettuce wraps, going to try that recipe!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Kerry says
Isn’t it! I so wish I had a place to wear it. We could be chic together. Hope you have a great weekend!
Mree says
Love that outfit! I hear ya about work. Its been so busy that I just go home and go to sleep. Hope October comes quickly for ya.
I’m always behind in my house work as well. I’m gonna try and get caught up this weekend. Plus I need to start getting my fall clothes out. It was cold this morning. Have a great weekend.
Kerry says
Isn’t it gorgeous. I mean I am not sure I would have a place to wear it, but so pretty. I hope it gets slower for you too. It is crazy! I totally am wearing a light cowl sweater today! 🙂
kathy @ vodka and soda says
omg that pic of when your carryon is over the weight limit!! HAHAHAHAHAHA those guys are totally all ‘nope, don’t even care!’ LOL
Kerry says
Right! Ain’t no thang for them I’ll just wear all my things! Totally brilliant.
Emily says
Love all the funnies! I feel the pain of those 2 guys in the airport trying to avoid baggage fees. LOL Have a great weekend!
Kerry says
It is pretty genius. I can’t even imagine the faces of the people seeing that in action. Haha!
Jayda says
I love that quote!! And the dog meme…I totally pinned that one awhile ago. So so true! Have a great weekend!
Kerry says
Thank you. Right? Like if I have pizza and my dog is not around who eats the crust?! Waste! Hehe! Hope you have a great weekend!
Kate says
I definitely wish I could wear that outfit- booties and all! I’m with you on needing several weeks of no plans. Relaxation for the win!
Kerry says
It is so cute. I would probably never have an occasion to wear it for but totally cute. We need to revolt for lazy weekends! 😉
Amanda Elizabeth says
I literally just busted out laughing over that last funny! It is so dang true! I love lettuce wraps I definitely have to try that recipe! Thanks for linking up girl!
Kerry says
Right?! Can’t you so picture them on Nantucket?! Have a great weekend!
jillian says
ohh i LOVE that outfit and now im totally craving asian lettuce wraps! xo jillian
Kerry says
Thank you. If only I wasn’t more of a t-shirt and jeans girl. Have a great weekend!
Lauren says
You deserve a great, relaxing weekend! I want to see your mini-makeover when it’s done!
Kerry says
Thank you! I am feeling like it may be a few weekends before it’s finished! Haha!
Sarita @ it's a girl's world says
Those lettuce wraps look AMAZING!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Kerry says
Very welcome. Lettuce wraps are always a good idea.
Meg says
Oh man, I love that quote #storyofmylife! And not going to lie, I’ve definitely put on an extra sweatshirt trying to get all of my stuff through security haha! Have a great weekend!
Kerry says
I have been living it a lot lately. We need to just let it be what it is though. I usually wear any bulky items but that was genius.
Amber says
Haha, LOVE that airport photo. I would so do that.
And the recipe looks tasty.
Kerry says
Right?! I usually wear my heaviest pieces but never thought to triple or quadruple layers! Haha!
Nadine says
LOL at ALL of your funnies!!!
I try to embrace the mess that I am most days! And that recipe for the wrap?!?! It looks SO good!!!! SO GOOD!
Have a great weekend!
Kerry says
Thank you. Sometimes you just have to let it go, and move on. I am trying at least. Hope you are having a great weekend!
Brianne Bracco says
Yay for Friday!!! But seriously though….I do feel bad for people without dogs…they just don’t know what they’re missing! Haha
Kerry says
It couldn’t come fast enough! Right? I mean who eats the leftovers and the pizza crusts, if not for a dog? Bwahaha!
Rachel G says
I hope the busy season of work passes by as smoothly as possible for you!
Kerry says
Thank you. Only a few more weeks, thankfully.
Amanda says
Girl, I hear you on the housework. I’ve been trying to at least pick shit up more often so that on the weekends I only have to do basic shit and not worry about clutter. Some days though… clutter it is! haha
Kerry says
It is so crazy. It is more so a lot of home projects that seem to never get done but so much cleaning gets done on the weekends too. Never-ending!
Stacia says
Good for you for recognizing that you just need to rest the rest of this month during the weekends! It can take a lot of self-awareness sometimes to not plan a ton of fun things during our free time because they sound good instead of realizing the toll work can take on our bodies during certain times of the year. I hope that you get a lot of fun reading done!
Lara says
OK, that last picture, Kev and I call that look “Carolina Douche”. Carolina douches are always in colored shirts and long sleved shirts rolled to the elbows. They’ll also be wearing some article of Vineyard Vines. We’d never seen it before moving to NC and now we see this look EVERYWHERE.
Kerry says
Haha! This is an appropriate name for the look.
Kerry says
Thank you. Yes, I tend to still get a lot done but staying close to home and not take on a lot of events that take big chunks of the day really helps reduce some stress.
Trish says
I’m afraid my weekend has been pretty super lame. I’m in full on fall allergy mode (the worst time of year for me) so I’ve been staying inside trying to avoid nature. Although that did give me plenty of time to make dessert yesterday, that I’ve been slowly eating ever since 🙂
Kerry says
Some times lame weekends are needed and that is totally okay! It seems like everyone is sick with allergies lately. Hopefully you feel better soon. Ohhh look forward to seeing what you made!
Krystal says
hahah i like the last meme!! And that tribute was touching 🙁
Kerry says
It is so true right?! Haha! It breaks my heart every time i hear it but I can’t stop either.
Janna says
Girl! You have me cracking up this morning! I’m totally embracing the mess this month, because I can’t keep up. Working, blogging, and taking care of the hubby means I have no choice but to embrace the mess. Thanks for the inspiration!
Kerry says
Sometimes you just have to roll with it, it will all get done eventually. Stressing only makes it worse. Glad to inspire some zen! 😉