Happy Friday!! It’s been another rough week so I am glad to see this weekend has come. I have absolutely no plans which is perfect. I have a to-do list a mile long though so no worries I’ll be busy. Hopefully I can finally get my office done, with some art and pictures on the wall. A lot of cleaning and de-cluttering planned and also hiking and getting in some sun with a few books to keep me company.
Favorite Quote: Truer words were never spoken.

Favorite Recipe: Spinach Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing, yes please!!

Favorite Mug: Isn’t this the perfect mug? I may have bought it. 😉

Favorite DIY: This is a much better use of space.

Favorite Funnies:
Snapchat at it’s finest and most accurate! 😉

In case you were planning to go to the beach this weekend…heed this warning. 😉

What are your weekend plans?
Also linking up with Natasha for 5 on Friday.
Is that your snap?! How absolutely perfect! I like that closet space…it makes me wish we had more of it! I hope you have a relaxing weekend girl! xo, Biana
It’s wasn’t mine but it’s brilliant. My closets are a mess I really need to clean them out. Boston usually does lack a lot of closet space so I feel your pain. Happy Friday!
that salad looks delicious!! have a great weekend, kerry! lots of tv for me this weekend.
It does, i need to make it this weekend! Have a great weekend. What’s planned? Orange is the New Black?
Yay for no plan weekends!! I have plans, but I’m thinking of pushing them back a day so I can have a day around my place to organize and relax because the rest of it is going to be go go go! That salad looks delicious, minus the mushrooms! Have a great weekend!!
Yes, hopefully you get a least one day of rest!! I wouldn’t put mushrooms on mine either, gross. Happy Friday!
I want to eat that salad. YUM! I hope you get a lot done and also get to relax this weekend!
Thank you, doesn’t it look amazing. Hope you have a relaxing weekend planned!
That last picture is hilarious and I never realized my almond mix box was so sassy 😉 thanks for linking up girl I hope you have a great weekend!
I know I’ll be getting some sun this weekend but not that much sun! Haha! Have a great weekend!
yes to a no-plan weekend; i love those. i just found a site that has “the best trails you need to visit in toronto” but ugh, all of them are like 2hrs away!
That is way to far, though a lot of our really challenging altitude hikes are that far. Makes it a whole day event.
Goddess speed for a happy and productive weekend! We have a full
Weekend, but all fun stuff. Out dancing and drinking wine with my Stephanie tonight at Crossings Vineyard Greaseband concert! Fun exercise is the best.
Love, SMD’s Momma
That sounds like it will be a fun night! Enjoy!
That snapchat is hilarious!! I love no plans weekends. I love that sun sign, I totally need to send that to my sun loving friends. Have a wonderful weekend.
Right?! Need to remind them to back off the sun a little bit. Ha! Have a great weekend!
Plan free weekends really are the BEST!! Getting stuff done on the to-do list….or just being completely lazy- nothing better! Enjoy 🙂
It is so nice and so rare so hopefully I get a few hours of just vegging out too. Happy Friday!
Cute mug! How many mugs do you own now? Love the snapchat photo!
I cannot confirm nor deny the amount for fear of persecution. 😉 Hehehe
I love the closet makeover… but where do I store my junk? 🙂 haha
Haha! I would keep the top shelf and maybe even add a bottom shelf.
I’d love to have a free weekend this weekend!
You are due for one!
I love that closet makeover. Pretty sure when we have kids we will be doing that. I’ll beed to add a shelf to the top, though or else everything will land on the floor. lol.
Yes I would keep the top shelf for storage but I love the hooks in place of the bar across.
Good luck with you to do list this weekend! I hope that the weather is amazing for your hikes. 🙂
Thank you. It is supposed to be really nice so I’ll be out enjoying it for sure.
I need a coat closet makeover. Ours is scary right now.
Mine too!! So many coats and scarves.
Hahahaha that tan sign! Hilarious! That spinach salad looks delicious. I always forget about egg as a protein option on salad. A weekend with no plans is the perfect weekend!!! Hope its a great one!
Egg is such a good way especially when you are sick of chicken.
Yayyy for no plan weekends, I’m having one too. Beach and read that’s what’s on my to do list.
That sounds even better than mine!! I will mostly be cleaning and trying to finish my to-do list.
That beach sign is perfect!!!
Enjoy your planless weekend!
People need to read it and follow it! Haha! Thank you! Hope you have a great weekend!
OMG that last meme! Hilarious! We’ve had a similar DIY type remodel for our coat closet on our list for like a year now– hoping to get to it one weekend this summer finally! And YUM to that salad, I don’t love spinach but with mushrooms and bacon I don’t think there would be much convincing 🙂
Hopefully one week this summer! You could totally switch out the spinach for romaine or other greens. Totally yum!
Spinach salads are my FAVORITE and that bacon dressing sounds wonderful!! I cannot wait to see photos when that office is done 🙂
The bacon dressing makes it so worth it! I really need to finish it already!!
That salad looks great. I love Cobb salads. And I love that quote…so true…we can only be our best selves. Hope you’re having a great weekend!
The egg is great protein, it looks so good. We can only be the best we can be!
That salad sounds amazing!
It looks and sound amazing!
That spinach and egg salad – get in my belly!! And yes to that quote!! Aint nobody got time to be perfect, being real is so much more fun anyway 🙂
Doesn’t it look so good!! Being real is much easier and more fun! 😉
hahahaha that sun / skin sign. hilarious. you always have the best quotes! and i so want to do that coat thingy diy to our closet but KC says no. Boo.
Thanks! It would really clean it up but I would totally keep a shelf on top.