Happy Friday!! I am so glad for this weekend so I can get some more rest, but it is going to be a hectic one so not sure any rest will actually happen. I am going to try and get another hike in on Saturday after some shopping for birthday presents, then on Sunday is another birthday party, this time for my nephew. Hopefully I can fit in a nap or two somewhere. So let’s get to it.
Favorite Quote: Cheer Up Buttercup, it’s all sunshine today!

Favorite Recipe: Can coffee really get any better? I think so.

Favorite Office Inspiration: I have plans to build a new desk for my office/craft room and I am looking for inspiration on keeping it organized. This one is taking first place so far.

Favorite Home Inspiration: If only I had a library like this one. Swoon!

Favorite Funnies:

I am such a nerd I giggled for like 5 minutes at this one. Sometimes I do laugh too hard at my own jokes.

Also linking up with Natasha for 5 on Friday.
I’m all about acrylic right now and that office inspiration is right up my alley!! I’d love a cup of that coffee now too lol! Happy Friday! xo, Biana –
It is so clean and fresh looking. I think I will mix it in with some whites and silver. I need to make that coffee this weekend.
hahaha i’ve seen that ecard before and i laughed so hard. i showed my husband and he just shook his head haha. so funny. the perfect description for any girl that loves her food!
I mean it’s almost summer so I have to slow my roll but gotta love food!!
I’m cracking up about the unsupervised child at a birthday party! I’m like that sometimes too.
Eat. All. The. Food! Haha!
lol YES at the diet right now. i a blaming it on the cold.
Me too!! I need to cut it out though, and soon! 😉
i saw a pin of a gorgeous kitchen that had a nook and giant shelving with the sliding ladder. i stared at that thing for like, 10 minutes trying to figure out how i can get my husband to install it LOL
Haha! That would be awesome in a kitchen. I love the look of them.
I like that library a lot!
It is so pretty. I am in awe.
Those texts remind me of something my husband would say.
Hope you get some time to relax and recover. Birthday parties are fun but exhausting so enjoy the downtime in between them!
I think we would be fast friends! Haha! They are exhausting especially since this is the third one in three weeks, probably where I got the bug too.
I want that coffee! I am thinking about getting my office space together, love that little tray! Just so not motivated lol. Have a great weekend!
Me too, must make it this weekend. I finally have a free weekend next weekend so I might have to tackle it. Have a great weekend.
LOL on the jokes. I crack myself up all the time!
Those fresh flowers in your desk inspiration picture caught my eye immediately.
In a perfect world, I would have flowers in and around my house for cutting and making arrangements.
Enjoy your weekend!
Love, SMD’s Momma
If we can’t make ourselves laugh then who will make us laugh? Haha! Yes, fresh flowers everyday would be nice. Have a great weekend!
I could read funny texts all day long 🙂
That coffee sounds AMAZINGGGG!!!!
They are hilarious and I found a lot of them but some not as blog friendly. Ha! I could use that coffee right about now.
Caramel Brulee coffee?!?! Oh my gosh that sounds beyond delicious!
It does sound amazing, must make it soon!
Have fun at the party! Busy busy
I’ve always wanted the library in Beauty & The Beast with the sliding ladder 🙂
Thank you! It has been a busy month. The sliding ladder is going in my dream home. Some day maybe.
Hahaha the texts killed me! That’s so me!
Of course we are funny, because we are awesome! 😉
Happy weekend! I hope you get your hike and your naps 🙂 And that e-card is definitely me, too!
I hope so I hear snow is coming tonight. I will find a way. Food is fuel, and delicious! 😉
The Starbucks caramel brulee coffee treats are always my favorite, so I definitely might have to try that one at home. I love those office supplies/organization supplies! There is so much gold floating around, and I really love silver, too 🙂
It sounds delicious based on the recipe. Worth a try. I saw a lot of gold but I am not really a fan, so the silver, clear and whites are more my style.
oh wow, i dont like coffee but that looks ahhhmaaazing. and yes please how do i get a library like that, right?! have a good weekend lovely!!
I wonder if it would work with chocolate milk. Hmm. I know right?! I would love to build one like it. Have a good weekend girlie!
LOL @ that diet ecard! So true!!! And I loved Starbucks Caramel Creme Brulee lattes so I wonder if this recipe is similar?! Yum! And that desk tray is just fabulous. Hope you have a great weekend!
It looks very close so worth a try. Have a good weekend.
Enjoy your hike this weekend! I really hope the snow is melted enough for you to be able to get out and go!
Thank you. I hiked in the snow last weekend so nothing will stop me this weekend!
I grew up with a home library (not that huge) and now I don’t know that I can ever have a forever home without one. I love the desk inspiration. So cute and classy 🙂
OMG, so jealous! That must have been so awesome. I want to build my own library in my next house.
The funniest part of the texting conversation to me was the toilet emoticon at the top:)
Hope you are back to 100% and have a super weekend!!!
OMG, so jealous! That must have been so awesome. I want to build my own library in my next house.
Ohh that library is perfection! Growing up I always dreamt of having a library with a ladder like that 🙂 Love that tray for the desk!
Isn’t it so pretty! Hopefully in my next house. My office now is such a hodge podge so the cleanliness of it is so nice.
Mmmm… I’m not even a coffee drinker and that coffee sounds good! I like the iced stuff, though! The other day I got a salted caramel frapp from Starbucks.. SOOOO GOOD!
Doesn’t it look so tasty! Yum!