Happy Friday!!! As with all Fridays, it feels like the longest week ever. It has been busy at work, and the chores at home are piling up. It’s also my Dad’s birthday on Sunday, so I need to finish up wrapping his gift. I’ll be heading down there to celebrate with him and my nieces.
I am also excited because today I am paying off my car!!! No more car payments for me. Woohoo. Well enough about me, here are my favorites for the week.
Favorite Quote: The sun always rises, don’t let anything keep you down long!
Also linking up with Natasha for 5 on Friday.
Kelly says
Congratulations on paying off your car! Such a great feeling! Cheers to extra money, to save or spend. 🙂
Love that quote too. I struggle in the winter and this one has been brutal. It’s so important to remember that this will pass…eventually. And that cauliflower mash looks amazing. You had me at bacon. 🙂 Have a great weekend, Kerry!
Kerry says
Thank you! I am so excited to work towards being totally debt free and this is a big step towards it. Winter is so tough, it gets depressing when there is this much snow and no end in sight. Bacon makes everything better! 😉 Have a great weekend!
Biana @ Blovedboston says
Congratulations on paying off your car – that is such a huge accomplishment!! Love the ecard about working – so true!! Hope you have a great weekend and stay warm! xo, Biana
Kerry says
Thank you! I am so excited and I payed it off a year early!! Hehe, I couldn’t help that one. Hope you have a great weekend!
ellesees says
totally had a dream about living in a small house, thanks to your post yesterday! hehe, congrats on paying off the car! hope your weekend is wonderful!
Kerry says
Haha! Hopefully it was a good dream and not a nightmare! 😉 I am so glad it’s gone, so much more freedom. Have a great weekend!
Linda sheridan says
Brava on paying off your car. Amen on the sun coming out after the darkest night. Last night I kept sending the lights for all to be inside and safe and warm. Happy birthday to your dad! Enjoy celebrating with him.
Love, SMD’s Momma
Kerry says
Thank you! It’s so important to remember the tides always change and things do get better. Hope you have a great weekend!
Heather @ My Little HEA says
Haha! That book funny is awesome! Happy Birthday to your dad, sounds like a good weekend ahead. Chores and a little bit of fun is what mine looks like too. It’s even cold here (39 degrees) so I can pretend I live in the North without the snow of course! That cauli mash sounds DELICIOUS!! Happy Friday my friend, I was going to wait until the end of the month to pay off my car, but I’m pretty sure I could make my final payment today too! Congrats!!
Kerry says
Who doesn’t want a spinning bookshelf?? That is cold for down there. Do it girl!! So much freedom in getting rid of it if you can. Enjoy the weekend!
kathy at realtalk says
hahah that meme about stupid work people!! that is legit my work meme because my office has the worst/laziest people that i look like a rock star every freaking time!
Kerry says
They make it a little too easy to look good! 😉
Marie says
Congrats on your paying off your car that is so fantastic!! Hope your Dad has a wonderful birthday!!!
Kerry says
Thank you. I am so excited!! It will be good to get together with the family for sure!
tori says
That cauliflower mash sounds delish, and that outfit is adorable! Happy Friday!
Kerry says
I mean cheese and bacon. Who could resist?!
SMD @ Life According to Steph says
Super cute dress.
I’m thinking of making some cauliflower mash this weekend.
Kerry says
I really want to fit it or something similar. You can”t go wrong adding bacon!
Bri @ My Life As says
I am so in love with that quote. I kind of want it on a canvas for my house. I also really love that outfit. So cute & classy.
Kerry says
It would look perfect on a canvas. It looks so very Spring and light.
Kimberlee @ I Have A Degree In This! says
haha I’ve always wanted a secret room :p Happy Birthday to your Dad!
Kerry says
It would be pretty awesome! Thank you!
SMD @ Life According to Steph says
Also car paying off is coming soon for me. I’m excited to join your club!
Kerry says
It is such a good feeling and it will help to free up cash to use on other bills. I am really getting determined to get debt free.
Jayda says
Bahaha, that last one!! I couldn’t agree more! YAY for paying off your car! So exciting!
Kerry says
Right? Just think of all the books you could store in one of those. It is so very exciting and it will work to get me debt free!
kristen says
seriously though, if i had all the money the first thing i would do is build the most magnificent library ever. and of course it would be a secret room type deal, complete with ladders like in beauty and the beast. congrats for paying off your car today!! and happy birthday to your dad this weekend!
Kerry says
Yes, the full wall with ladders would be so fun! Thanks, and a year early! He deserves celebration, he is the best!
B @ The Sequin Notebook says
Ohhh that spring outfit is so elegant and adorable – can’t wait until it’s warm enough for spring fashion!
Kerry says
I am counting down the days, it looks so elegant but still really comfortable too.
Amber says
Enjoy your weekend. I also paid off my car. I am so happy to not have any car payments. Finally!
Kerry says
Isn’t it the best feeling. It really frees up so much cash. Now to tackle the rest.
Nikki @ The Pink Growl says
That funny about chocolate is HILARIOUS!!!
Kerry says
It is a good argument! 😉
Kate @ Green Fashionista says
That polka dot dress is pure perfection, so pretty!
Happy Friday gurlie <3
Kerry says
It is going to be my shrine to Spring, hopefully making it come sooner.
Happy Friday, friend!!
Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate says
Love that sweet outfit!! Can’t wait for cute dress season to arrive! C’mon spring!!!
Kerry says
It has to come eventually right?! Having the amount of snow we’ve had just isn’t right! That dress is spurring me on, to hang in for dress season!
Amy @ The Crazy Wise Woman says
My plans are to decompress with netflix and sleep. It’s going to be frigid here again so I am not going anywhere. That cauliflower mash looks amazing!!!
Kerry says
Netflix is always a good idea! When it’s cold there is nothing better than staying in and cuddling under some blankets!
Ashley says
YAY for paying off your car! How exciting! And yes to that Bacon and Cauliflower Mash! WOW that looks so good! Have a great time at your Dads!
Kerry says
It was such a good feeling. Bacon makes everything better, and I love cauliflower. It was nice being able to spend the day with him.
Carly Blogs Here says
Loving all of those funnies! And seriously, to the bookshelf one! Congrats on paying off your car! What a huge accomplishment 🙂 I’m loving that outfit and am definitely loving yellow for spring!
Kerry says
Who wouldn’t love a bookshelf like that right?! Thank you, I am so excited to pay it off early. I can’t wait to wear dresses again, and spring colors! Hopefully the snow melts soon.
Sharon says
That is so awesome that your car is paid off! Congrats!! Have fun celebrating this weekend with your dad 🙂
Kerry says
Thanks! I am really trying to become debt free, this is the first step!
Amanda says
YAY for paying off your car! That is awesome news and such a relief! I’ve always had hand me down cars and never had a payment… I do want a new car but I do NOT want a payment. I’m gonna ride my 2000 Grand Prix until the wheels fall off. lol
Kerry says
It is so much better not to have a payment. This was my first new car, and i got it shortly after buying my house. Not a good idea, better to save up and buy a used car with cash. Much smarter that way.
Kay R. says
Love the quote! You know Im seriously digging the cauliflower mash too. Still have to try it. This week once time permits!! YAY for paying off your car!!
Kerry says
I bought everything to make it, now I just have to actually make it. Ha! That was a big one for me, and really going to help paying off a bunch of other things, hopefully.
Stacia says
Congrats on paying of your car! That’s HUGE!
Kerry says
Thanks! It really is, and means I have more to throw at other bills. Really working hard to be debt free.