Happy Friday!! What a week it has been. I am looking forward to this weekend though because I have no plans. Some couch sitting and book reading is happening for sure. I do plan on doing some baking too so be prepared for some recipes just in time for Thanksgiving.
Favorite Quote: You are your own hero.

Favorite Recipe: These apple cinnamon yogurt pancakes look amazing!!

Favorite Snack: I am just going to put it out there and say these are addicting, but so good!!
Favorite Cleaning Hacks: With a lot of trips with the pup my car always needs a good cleaning. These are great tips.

Favorite Funnies:

I dont remember when I learned my mom’s name but I wonder if I had that reaction lol! Hope you have a great and relaxing weekend girl! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I know it was a shock, even learning their middle names too. Happy Friday!
yess! couch/reading/baking only weekends are a must!! have a great one!
I am going to enjoy every second of it! Thank you.
Oh, those pancakes! I love pancakes, but smothered with butter!
Have a enjoyable, relaxing weekend!
Love, Steph’s Momma
Oh yes a pat of butter on top that gets all melty. So good! Have a great weekend!
Haha, that sweater weather one is hilarious! I’ve never really thought about kids finding out moms name isn’t mom, lol! Have a great weekend!!
Personality is everything! 😉 Have a great weekend!
I love when kids call their parents by their actual names. It cracks me up.
Ohhh if I ever called my Dad by his first name I would get a slap to the mouth. He sees it as so disrespectful.
I haven’t had that flavor of the brown rice Triscuts but I looooove the black pepper/sea salt ones… and I normally hate Triscuts, so that’s saying something!
I’m checking out the car cleaning hacks… mine is out of control right now. I’d like to get at it before it gets super cold out.
Run not walk and go get you some!! Mine is out of control with all the dog hair.
bahahahaha where’s your personality hahaha. i think i always knew my mum’s name was not mum, because she hated other people calling her ‘kristen’s mum’ and she hated her last name (my dad’s name) so she always told people her first name. anyway!
yay for couch sitting and book reading! and triscuits, yum! i haven’t tried those ones, i’ll have to grab them.
That one made me crack up. You will have to try them but be forewarned they are addicting.
I love when children call their parents by their first name, it always makes me laugh. I will be honest, I always thought my Grandmother’s name was Dolly because that is what everyone called her. It wasn’t. I was shocked when I found out she that was not her name. I won’t even tell you how old I was! I wasn’t a very bright child.
My Dad gets pissed, but we were usually giving him lip when we used his first name. Aww young Marie.
haha – it is always so crazy when I ask my grandsons what my name is – Nanny… no, my REAL name – I get confused looks every time 🙂
I LOVE those sweet potato triscuits – YUM!
So cute they get confused. I need to ask my nieces and see what they say. They are so good, i need to get them out of the house before I eat them all.
This is how I clean my car. oh, that’s right. I don’t. Because of dogs and child and dirt and it’s basically pointless.
That is basically my car. It is clean of everything but dog hair. Every time i clean it I can him somewhere and then dog hair everywhere!
I am SO looking forward to those recipes!
Thank you. I am looking forward to baking something up!
I need those pancakes!
I love Triscuits. I’m currently munching on the roasted garlic ones.
Pancakes are the best. Those ones are amazing too!
Hahahahahaha find a personalty. That is hilarious!!!! I love the brown rice triscuits! They are addicting!!! Sounds like you have the perfect no plans weekend ahead! Love those kind. Enjoy it!
Those Triscuits are the best!! I am so looking forward to it!
I’m going to have to look for those triscuits now! Im a big fan of sweet potato. Enjoy the weekend!
They are so good, but so addicting too.
Those pancakes and those Trisquits both look fabulous! Enjoy the weekend. 🙂
The triscuits are so good. The pancakes are made with yogurt so hopefully I can make them somewhat healthy.
Those pancakes sound so good!
I know I want some, but forgot to make them this weekend! Oops.
The meme about first time a child finds out his mom’s first name isn’t mom reminds me of a funny story…….
My cousin’s kid used to call his dad “babe” because my cousin (his mom) always called his dad “babe”. The first time it happened, she pulled up in the driveway and her husband was out mowing the yard. Her son shouted from the back “Look! Babe is mowing the yard!” She asked him to repeat what he said. Then she asked him who is mowing the yard. Then she said “do you mean ‘daddy’ is mowing the yard?” Her son laughed at her and said “You don’t call him daddy. You call him babe!” There was a family joke for a while saying “you don’t call him daddy”….
OMG that is too cute. The things kids pick up on is amazing. At least it was a good nickname. Haha!
Those pancakes look too delish! And love both of your memes! 🙂 xo ,Champagne&Suburbs
I need to make those pancakes this weekend! Thank you!