Happy Friday! I had yesterday off from work so I could get my treadmill fixed, thankfully it was just a tune-up because he warned me if it was a belt it could cost $400.00. Hells to the no! I am so excited to get to run again at home.
I also decided to go to the clinic because I woke up and my cough was worse and I could barely talk since get my flu shot last Friday. I also hit up the World Market that finally opened up in my town and I got two more xmas presents and adding a skull and cross bones cookie stamp, and some white ceramic teaspoons for myself. Then I slept and read the day away.
We are supposed to get a major Hurricane here so not sure if I will get to build anything but I will try, and hopefully pop down to visit with my Dad. Anyhoo, on to this week’s favorites.
Favorite Quote: Because hope is everything.

Favorite Recipe: Nothing screams Fall more than Chili and white chili is my favorite.

Favorite Fall Outfit: It isn’t legging season just yet but I will be ready.

I will happily have that chili allll season long. I hope you feel better, and that this hurricane dissipates!
Thank you, yes to chili year round. Fingers crossed it moves east over the water instead of inland.
UMMM i didn’t realize that we are actually supposed to feel the brunt of the hurricane – ugh I hope it changes it’s path and I hope you feel better!! those diy ornaments have your name written all over them! hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Yeah supposedly Sunday into Monday. Fingers crossed it’s not too bad or it gets lighter as it comes North. They look so cute, I might try to make them this weekend, they seem easy enough. Happy Friday!
remedy for your cold/throat/cough: hot water, 1-2tbsp fresh ginger, chopped, some honey (or straight if you’re crazy like me), let the ginger steep in water for 12-15mins, drink. drink this concoction all day if you can!
That doesn’t sound half bad. I’ll have to pick up some ginger tomorrow and try it. Thanks!
White chili sounds so good! And selectively social…I love that!
White chili is so good. I am totally selectively social, I’d rather read.
I must find a World Market for skull and cross bones cookie stamps! I can’t remember ever seeing one anywhere here though.
I love that garland. And World Market. And Will Ferrell. But I would look like I’m wearing PJs in that top, even though I do like it in theory! Shirt dresses are not my friend!
They are so comfy but I agree that can be unflattering at times.
Wait what? We are getting the hurricane too? Yikes, I guess I should really start paying attention to the weather. Oh and a World Market opened up here?? I so need to go, I had no idea. Hope you feel better soon. Everyone I know is battling a cold. Tis the season.
Yes, it was upgraded to a Category 4, they are now saying it may head to the ocean but we most likely will get rain and the coast might see some flooding. Yes, it is open as of the other day. The Property Brothers are going to be there on the 4th. It is for sure going around.
World Market is so addicting! I really hope that you feel better soon!
Thank you. It is going to take a lot of effort to not go in there every week!
Love that outfit!!! I have black boots & decided i need some brown
Yes a par of brown is needed!
Haha selectively social, I like that. Going with that from now on 🙂 I’m selectively social in that I enjoy being social… with Hawkeye. At home.
Yes, exactly. Our dogs are better company than most!!
Oh man I love world market! I’m dealing with a sinus infection thing right now. Not fun 🙁
They have so many great things, I am in trouble. Oh man, hope you feel better soon, it sure is going around.
It’s legging season here today!
It totally felt like Fall today!!
That chili looks delish! Hoping you have a great weekend, and the hurricane weakens/changes paths *hugs*.
Green Fashionista
It looks so good. I am hoping it doesn’t comes this way and turns towards the ocean. Fingers crossed.
I’ve never had white chili…sounds good! Hope you start to feel better! Do you recommend an affordable treadmill? I’ve been thinking of getting one.
It is so good. I can’t say for sure but I have a Pro-Form Crosswalk 375E that I got through Sears in 2006, and other than this recent tune up it hasn’t given me any problems. I love the shock absorption on it, better than the ones at the gym.
Happy Friday and continuing to send the healing lights. I will email you a link substantiating distant healing!!
Cold and rainy and damp here
Our Lola Jean Maria was born this morning at 10:58! 8 lbs and 21 inches long. Long eyelashes, dark hair
and just perfect.
So grateful!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Love, Steph’s Momma
Thank you I need all the help I can get. Congrats! You must be so excited. Steph texted me pictures, she is gorgeous!
I really want that outfit & that chili!
Both will help keep me warm this weekend. I almost turned on the heat.
Love that outfit! Perfect for fall! – Svetlana @Life With a Side of Wine
Yes, its like my uniform for Fall.
Are you feeling better today? I love all your favorites this week! The tutorial for the stars, the outfit, the memes, recipe, everything. Have a fun weekend, lady! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
My cough is getting better though I am wheezing a bit more. Hopefully the medicine kicks in soon. Thank you so much. Those stars are totally getting made.
haha love those will ferrell memes! and i’m also looking forward to leggings and boots weather. the best!
It can’t come fast enough. I am not a fan of being cold.
It’s legging weather here and I am LOVING it! I even wore a couple of actual SWEATERS last week!!! 😀
I have been wearing scarves already, you know my addiction. Not gonna lie I kinda love it.
looks just like the pin!! i love that!! and i love that quote. i collect them!
Thank you. Yes, I love a good quote!
it is totally – unfortunately – leggings weather here already and i am absolutely loving that outfit. i have never heard of or had white chili before. sounds interesting!
Yes, it is Winter in the morning here. White Chili is so good, you should try it.