Happy Friday everyone!! This was only a 4 day work week after being off on Monday but I am still glad for Friday. I need the weekend to get caught up. I have my company Holiday party tonight and my second Mom’s birthday party on Saturday night. It will be busy but I am still hoping to get a lot done. By now you know the drill, I share five things I am loving lately.
One. One of the things the million Lifetime movies I have watched recently is, that there are good people in the world. This cute 5 year old signs Christmas songs for her deaf parents during a school concert. Here is a link to the whole story. This is what Christmas is about, sharing the heartfelt stories that touch your heart.
Two. Every so often I will check out the up and coming lists on Bloglovin to find new blogs to read. Well guess what I saw when I checked Wednesday night….. yup that is me on that list at #17!!! I can’t believe it and I know the list changes all the time so it will probably be short lived but I never dreamed this little blog oh mine would make any list! I couldn’t be happier or more excited.
UPDATE: As I was preparing this post I checked to see where I was currently ranked, prepared to see I dropped off the face of the earth and saw this instead!!! Oh my FREAKING goodness!!! Pinch me I am dreaming. I never want to be a “huge” blogger because I always want to be able to correspond to everyone who comments by myself, and I want to always read other blogs and connect with others, but it is still really cool!!! More than anything I am so thankful to those who actually read my blog, comment on my blog, or lurk quietly in the background. You all make it worth it.
Three. After seeing these Overnight Apple Gingerbread Cinnamon roll from Baked by Rachel, I am going to be making these for Christmas morning. All of her recipes are amazing! If you want to make them too click here for the recipe.
Four. I have been stressed out all week. Mostly just because I really don’t like being behind in everything. From work emails, to blog emails, to blog reading it was a little much but Seamus always finds a way to make me smile. He really puts up with a lot, and all he asks for in return is a few extra belly rubs. Who can complain with that request. Not I said the fly! This just may be next years Christmas Card. He just looks so adorable. He has been doing this grunting thing at me lately which is kinda a new thing. I am trying to record it but, no luck yet.
Five. I put out a feeler last week to see about the interest for a blogger collaboration for my One Year Blogging Anniversary and doing a giveaway. Well I received interest from a few of you and I am pleased to announce the Jessica from Wonder What’s Next is going to be co-hosting with me since her Anniversary is so close to mine. So if you want to participate in the giveaway please fill out this form. This is first come first serve and we will close the sign-up on December 29th, so complete the enclosed if interested. The more people we have the more we can give away. Also this is my first time ever hosting a giveaway so don’t make me feel like the kid who never got picked for kickball!! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bHE0yiBDCCUlRWenIfBd5eS3d-HB24pUyYRA_Ynq2dc/viewform
Speaking of giveaways the one for $300 CASH is still going on. Click here to enter.
What are you up to this weekend?
that’s so awesome re: bloglovin’! i never log into that…maybe i should to see where i am. then again, if i’m like last on the list i don’t want to feel like a blog loser so ignorance is bilss?
i’ve been behind on stuff too but hopefully today i’ll have time to catch up. seamus is so cute!!
I don’t look too often, maybe once a week or so when I have time but it was such an awesome thing to see. Ignorance is bliss because when I go back to last place I just might cry! 🙂
Who needs to work right?! Haha! Thanks, girl!
That’s awesome about bloglovin! I would probably have peed my pants if I saw that! Your dog is also so cute.
Stopping by from the link up!
It was such a shock but such a wonderful surprise! So honored. Thank you, he certainly brightens up my days! 🙂
Did I miss your feeler? Sorry if I did.
Congrats on the bloglovin’ up and coming! I just clicked and you’re #7 now! I keep forgetting that list exists but now I’m going to check it when I need new blogs to read.
It was sometime last week. No worries. Would love if you were a part of it, if you can.
It changes everyday so I am sure I will plummet off the list soon but it is another great place to find new blogs.
SO awesome about bloglovin, girlie!! !CONGRATS! How encouraging is that?! Love it!!!
Merry, merry, beautiful! xx
Thanks, girl!! It is so awesome to see especially when the doubts creep in. Thanks, love!
Eeeeeh that’s so exciting about Bloglovin’!! Congrats!! 🙂
Thank you so much! It was so awesome to see my blog on the list.
Aww, congratulations! That’s SO cool!!! I hope I can be as awesome as you one day! 😉
Girl, you are already awesomesauce in my book! 😉
CONGRATS on bloglovin list! That is too cool lady! 🙂
Thanks! Total shock but so cool!!
Awww I am so glad you’re #6 that’s so exciting! YAY! And Seamus is just too adorable, I love it.
It was!! It is just so cool to see my blog on there. Seamus wanted me to pass along the message that he really likes how Princess wears her Santa hat and would she be his girlfriend?! Check Yes or No! 😉
umm congrats!! that is a huge freaking deal!! you are amazing!
Thanks!! It was very exciting! I think you are pretty amazing too!!
Mmmm that cinnamon roll recipe looks delicious! Happy Friday!
I can’t wait to make it for Christmas Morning! Hope you have a great weekend!
I love bloglovin’ it’s the easiest way for me to read all of the blogs I love! haha I suppose the name suits itself. ps I’m a new follower there too 🙂
I love it too! It makes it so easy to add folders and sort them. Thank you so much for the follow!! Have a great weekend!
Yayyy and congrats on Bloglovin’ I check that list once a week or so too, you’e still on the list today by the way. 🙂
Thank you so much!! It is really good for finding new blogs. Woohoo, I can’t believe it!!
Congrats again on making that list little woman! 🙂 Those cinnamon rolls… GET IN MY BELLAYYY! They look and sound SCRUMPTIOUS!
Thanks, girl!! I can’t wait to make them, they look so good!
Congrats on the list! Those cinnamon rolls look delightful 🙂
Thank you! It was such a shock! I can’t wait to make those cinnamon rolls. They look so good.
That overnight roll looks AMAZING. I might have to give it a go!
You should, I love everything Baked By Rachel makes so it is guaranteed to be delish!
Oh man, I can totally relate to you about feeling behind. I am in a crazy rush right now trying to get some stuff done before Christmas break. I am so thankful to have time off of work, but at the same time I am feeling more than a little overwhelmed with finishing things up before then!
Congrats on the bloglovin thing – so exciting!
I am so with you! Just taking a day or two off makes me so behind, never mind the craziness of this time of year! Hope the days off helps you get caught up! It was very exciting!! Thank you!
I watched that video of that little girl and cried. (I’m overly emotional near the holidays, don’t mind me!), but I thought it was so dear that she did that. Christmas REALLY snuck up this year quicker than other years I feel, but make sure you take the time to enjoy the holiday, I am sure you deserve it!
Angi@ cantbuymelovvve.blogspot.com
It was such a sweet video, don’t worry I cried too! It did sort of sneak up on us, right! I am done Christmas shopping and everything is wrapped so i am hoping now I can sit back and just enjoy it! 🙂 Happy Monday!
Ahhh! You’re famous!! 🙂 seriously that is so cool!
Haha!! I am sure it is short lived but it feels pretty cool!
Congratulations on the up and coming list! That’s so awesome!! How do you check that anyway? How were your parties this week?
Thanks! It was so cool! You can check it on Bloglovin under Find Blogs, then choose your group (mine is under Lifestyle) then at the top it gives the option for up and coming, click on that and it gives you a list of I think the top 40 or 50.
CONGRATS!! You blog is awesome that is why you are getting all this attention 🙂
Awww thanks girl! That is so awesome of you to say! Hugs!