Happy Monday! I will say it is a glorious one for me since I have the day off. I will be doing yard work and some errands I didn’t get to this weekend so don’t be too jealous. I used a vacation day because I knew this weekend was going to be hectic. So let’s get to it.
Friday: I got home and took Seamus for a walk. He spent more time rolling in the grass than actually walking so I cut it a little short. Then I headed to Market Basket to hopefully find a Rutabaga so I could make the Healthy Cajun Fries I mentioned on Friday. Holy freaking amazingness. They were so good. They tasted just like regular fries, maybe even better in my opinion. I also make a Panini using Sargento’s Ultra Thin Provolone cheese, Spinach and Artichoke Hummus, and Bean Sprouts on Texas Toast. I really couldn’t say which I liked more the Panini or the fries. Disclaimer: I received the Sargento’s Ultra Thin free as an Influenster VoxBox however the recipe and my opinion are totally my own.

Saturday: I got up early thanks to Seamus so I took him for a walk when it started to pour so we only got in 3.52 miles before calling it quits. Seamus doesn’t mind taking a bath but he hates getting his hair wet so he was being a bit of a diva!

After I dried Seamus off I had some breakfast and read a little from my current book. I took a quick one hour nap and then had to start getting ready for my nieces birthday party. I had to stop and pickup the gift since this is like the 8th birthday lately I was not prepared.
It was a strawberry shortcake theme party and Corrina is just such a little cutie. She is always willing to ham it up for the camera. It is so fun to see how different in personality both my nieces are, but they are both just so adorable too. Corrina did not enjoy them signing Happy Birthday in Portuguese!! Haha! Yes, my brother and me look a lot alike.

I didn’t get home till about 6pm so after throwing together some dinner I worked on restoring my iPad since I tried to install the new update and it crashed it. Not fun. Luckily it is finally working again and I had a backup from the previous day so I didn’t lose anything.
Sunday: It was an early morning since I had to get up early enough to walk Seamus and get ready to go to the Color Me Rad in New Hampshire which is about an hour from my house. So I got up at 6am and had to leave my house by 7:45am. I met up with my girls and we headed out. I was a little nervous since it was raining earlier in the morning but luckily it stopped just in time. We ran the Color Vibe last year in the rain so not having to was nice. This was just a fun run for us and no-one really trained for it so we were relaxed about it.

Oh and one more picture of Seamus because seriously how does he move the blankets just to where he wants them so he can sandwich in the middle of them???

How was your weekend?
Linking up with Leeann from Join the Gossip

I love how you say you cut your walk short at 3.52 miles! That’s long to me!
Your niece’s birthday party looks so cute! There are quite a few Portugese in my hometown and we have a hall here so a lot of friends I grew up with are Portugese. You should come visit 😉
The run looks fun too! I did the Color Run the first year it was out. So cool…except my hair had to be bleached three times to get that dye out haha! I actually went in vacation two days later and my hair in the pics looks horrendous!
Thanks for linking up!
Haha!! Considering how many times Seamus stops to sniff it doesn’t feel as long.
I would love to visit California and enjoy some warm weather!!
Oh no!!! Yeah it is harder on blonde hair to get out, they said putting a leave in conditioner helps but I think it still get in there. It just blends in with mine.
that meal looks kind of amazing! and your niece is so cute – especially the photo with her head in her hands, lol. way to go on the color run, i want to do one! looks so fun! glad it stopped raining for you 🙂
Thank you! It was so good and miss the bread choice pretty healthy! She is such an expressive girl. Me too, running in the rain is not as fun. Haha!
Busy weekend for you. Glad you have today off. Strawberry shortcake was the theme for one of my Stephanie’s birthday parties years ago! Steph also loves strawberries. Takes me back! Have a great day off and accomplish everything you need and want to do with ease!
Love, SMD’s momma
Thank you!! It was very busy so I am glad that today will be more slow going! Strawberry shortcake was my favorite doll as a kid so it is nice to see it comeback! Hope you have a great day too!!
i had a good weekend! lots of traveling but more fun! i need a weekend to recover 😉
Glad it was fun!! Yes you need to have a weekend of doing nothing!!
wow, what a busy weekend!! i’ve heard so many things about the color me run/walk i think i’ll sign up this year 🙂
The color run looks like so much fun!! An early morning, but totally worth it!! Sounds like a great weekend minus the rain & iPad crash 🙁 Happy Monday!
It is so fun and the girls and I are so relaxed about it! All about the fun.
It was so worth it! The rain luckily held off for the race but I didn’t mind it the rest of the weekend.
Busy weekend! I’m glad you took off today even if it’s for not fun stuff.
I love the color me rad pics but would not want to be colored rad myself. hahaha
It was nice to have a recovery day! Haha! I totally understand it is messy.
Your nieces are so adorable! 🙂 And you DO look a lot like your brother!!!!
That Panini needs to get in my belly. We don’t have a Panini maker though… maybe I’ll try it on the George Foreman! haha
Thank you, they take after me!! Haha!! The George Forman would work, it was so flipping good, though I would need a less fattening bread next time. 😉
Thanks for letting us know about the rutabaga fries! They look delicious, as does that panini you made.
They were so good I might make them again today I have leftovers. Yum!
Now I want a panini before 8:30 a.m.! I have always wanted to do a color run but have never actually put forth the effort. They look so fun! And I hope your family is done with all the birthdays for your sake, ha! All that partying gets expensive, especially when you have sweet nieces to spoil!
Haha!! They are so fun and short enough to get through even if you have to walk for a bit. Finally we are done till June. I’m poor! Haha.
Seamus pictures are my favorite – he reminds me so much of my boyfriend’s dog
Thanks!! I take so many so I try not to share too many but it’s hard.
Over 3 miles? There’s no way my Pom would last that long. She will literally crap out after half a mile. Seriously. She’ll just stop moving. So if you go for a walk and it’s too long, you’re carrying her ass home lol
Haha!!! Yeah Seamus goes pretty far but he is a fatty (26 pounds) he needs to lose weight after this winter. He’s part Shetland sheepdog so I think that part loves to run.
Sounds like a busy weekend! Seamus is always so cute 🙂
Color Me Rad was just in Birmingham a few weeks ago, it sounds like a fun event. Maybe one day….
It was a little hectic so glad today is a somewhat lazy day. Thank you he puts up with all the pics I take of him.
You should do it!! None of us trained but we just go for fun, walk if one of us has to it’s just about doing it together.
Poor Seamus! Pippa is like that. She hates being out in the rain (hates baths too) but if there is a pool, she loves it. She just wants to get wet on her own terms!
So true!!! Such a big baby but oh so cute!
I’d love to do a color run. They look like a blast.
My dog moves all the blankets around too. I always try to take a picture because it’s adorable. But she stops and stares at me until I put the camera down. She’s a diva too.
It is so much fun!! Haha!! Seamus allows me to take pics but after awhile I get the side eye! 🙂
I’m sorry…what? Healthy fries? I HAVE GOT to try those!!! I want to run a color run so badly!! I’m glad it wasn’t raining this time for you! Looks like y’all had a lot of fun!
They were so good, like steak fries with a kick! The color run was a blast you should do one!!
I love that Strawberry Shortcake is still popular. I loved it, my 7 year old will still watch it occasionally, and it’s one of the less obnoxious kids cartoons that are around. Probably because it’s just a reboot of an 80s show which we all know are better…
My dog Barkley HATES getting wet and will not go outside in the rain unless we pick him up and put him in the backyard. He’s so prissy.
It was such a good show and I had the doll as a kid!!
Glad Seamus is not the only Diva!! Haha!
Fun weekend! Strawberry Shortcake is a really cute party theme, and your dog is adorable! What a spoiled pooch with all those walks. We mostly just let our dashshund get her exercise by chasing squirrels in the backyard. We had an exciting weekend because we got to announce my husband’s new job and now that it’s public we can start making plans. July 1 will be here before we know it!
Thank you!! He got a little pudgy this Winter so I’m trying to lower his weight but he loves it! Congrats on his new job, how exciting!!
The color runs always look so fun. I have still skeptical about those fries, but you really seem to love that. What was the texture like? Were they crunchy?
It was a blast!! They were very similar to steak fries, slightly crunchy on the outside with a soft center. I cooked them until they were fork tender so about 30 minutes.
The color run looks like so much fun! We just had one here but I slacked on signing up!
It was a blast! You should the next one that comes around it was fun and you can run or walk.
Yes!!! Looks like you got great color just like us – I LOVE CMR races 🙂 Also, you and your brother do look a ton alike. I remember looking at your blog for the very first time and assuming your nieces were your kids since they look so much like you haha!
Yes, we fit lots of color especially at the end. Haha!! Yes the same happened with my older niece when she was younger. Very close resemblance.
The color run always looks so fun but I’m no runner! Glad you had an awesome weekend and an extra day off, enjoy!
I hadn’t run in awhile so it was a little rough but we walked when we needed to. Thank you, it was nice to have a day to recover.
So glad you had a good time at the run, and Seamus and your nieces are adorable!
Thank you! It was so fun! Love being able to spend time with them.
you already know I can’t wait to try the rutabega fries! Looks like you had a hectic but fun weekend.
They were so good! Glad I have done leftover! It was hectic but fun.
haha such a diva! Color Runs look like a lot of fun. I definitely should give one a try 🙂
Thanks for linking up!
You should it’s a lot of fun and shirt enough for anyone to run/walk.
I want to do a Color Run sooo bad!! But I’ve never done any kind of 5K before, so I’m skeered.
You can totally do it!! None of us had run for months. There were people of all shapes and sizes and people walk/run. It’s all about the fun.
I have been wanting to make rutabaga fries! But for the life of me, I can’t find them here.
What, no!!!!! I got mine at Market Basket but Trader Joe’s or Whoke Foods should have it. Do you have one near you?
That race looks like so much fun! Im totally going to plan one with my girl friends <3
Oh you should it’s a blast!!
I am totally stalking color runs in my area cause I’ve been wanting to do one so bad! How fun!
You should do one they are a blast especially when doing it with such great friends.
You cut your walk short after 3.5 miles? What’s your normal walk than?? lol
I love color me runs. They are always so much fun!!!
Sounds like you had a great weekend!!
Haha!! I was hoping for 4.5 but it just wasn’t happening. The color run was a blast. Very busy weekend but this one coming I have no plans and I couldn’t be happier!
Those runs look so fun, and can I tell you I was obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake my whole childhood…Amazing!
They are so fun, and even better when your friends are all about just having fun not trying to outrace each other. I loved her! I wish I still had the doll saved.