Hope everyone had an enjoyable long weekend!! We were a little rained out here, so all the parades and fireworks were cancelled but it ended up being for the best because I got to snuggle with Seamus, finish a few books and watch a movie. After too much time away from home I had a lot of catching up to do on chores and home projects. Also since I took Monday off to enjoy an extra long weekend I am going to keep this short so I can hit the beach again.
So a quick recap of the weekend…
Friday: Waking up at 5am is always fun, but it does allow for morning reading with coffee. Then I went grocery shopping only to learn my road was blocked off in one direction due to a tree being down, and 3 more were down in the park by my house too. They were completely ripped from the roots too. I picked up Lone Survivor from Redbox, and it was really appropriate for the 4th of July. It was such a great movie and really makes me even more grateful for our servicemen and women.

Sunday: In the morning I finally started The Fault In Our Stars, yeah I know totally behind the curve on this trend. Yard work has seriously been slipping, so I had to rake up all the branches from the storm, and trim the front bushes. I head out for some errand shopping. Then I walked to the beach by my house to meet up with a friend. After a few hours I headed home, walked Seamus and then made a really yummy dinner, while sipping some Sangria I marinated the night before, recipe coming soon.

How was your weekend?
Did you get to see some fireworks?
Linking up with Leeann from Join the Gossip and Biana from B Loved Boston.

Sounds like a great weekend – especially that hike!! 75 floors hit – way to go, I’d be huffing and puffing lol!!! Friday was a little blah, but thankfully the rest of the weekend was gorgeous!! Lone Survivor is on my list of movies to watch – glad to hear you liked it!! Thanks so much for linking up!! Happy Monday!
Thank you. Yes, it was an endless of amount of hills, but it was really great. After the back to back vacations I was puffing a little more than I’d like. Ohhh, you really should watch it, such a great movie!!!
i saw your pics–such scary stuff!! i sat on the roof and watched the fireworks. i could see 7 shows at once. i also watched my charlie, who is pretty much back to normal! 🙂
It was crazy, I didn’t hear a thing. How awesome you could see 7 different shows!! Glad Charlie is doing better!
Great job on the hike and getting yard work
Done!! Nice that you can walk to a beach. We
Didn’t have bad storms here, so we lucked out
We went to a real fun wedding on Friday and
Kind of do not care for fireworks because of
Our Sasha. Enjoy your day today!!
It was much needed, I have been a little behind on house tasks. I love being able to walk to the lake, makes it so convenient. One day I will be closer to the ocean though. The fireworks are so tough on the pups. Glad you had a great weekend!
sounds like a really fun weekend and that lettuce wrap looks so so yummy!!!
Thank you. It was a good mix of relaxing, and fun.
Looks like a great weekend!
Thank you! It was amazingly relaxing and fun!
Sounds nice and relaxing except for that hike which sounds pretty but hard! I love sangria in the summer (or any time, really) so I want to see how you make yours!
It was challenging especially coming back from vacation and being in less than top shape, but it was still fun! I love Sangria so it was a fun mix.
sounds like a fun weekend, esp the hike shenanigans 🙂
we’ve had some crazy weather these days and a lot of tornado warnings which isn’t common for us canadian folk.
It was so fun, hiking is always a good time! 😉 Tornadoes are no joke, you guys need to catch a break weather wise.
Sounds like it was a fun weekend.
Best, Mree
It was amazing, and so needed. Hope you had a great weekend too.
I cannot believe that storm! So sorry! Its suppose to be summer!
It was so crazy, i thought it was just rain until I went out. Luckily it cleared up the rest of the weekend, and today is gorgeous!
Looks like a fun weekend! It must’ve been rough waking up early for the hike, but the beautiful views look like it was totally worth it. Enjoy your day off today!
It was totally worth it. It was nice exploring a new trail too with a friend. It was more challenging after being on vacation but so needed.
My husband read the book and of course wanted to see the movie Lone Survivor so we saw it in theaters. I was in tears a lot thinking about all these men and others before and after them go through. I agree though, it makes you so thankful that we have men and women in our country who willingly serve knowing their life is on the line. Some days I forget that my husband is one of those very people. Most days, he just seems like your average guy. (Or maybe I just try to forget that every day he’s out there flying he’s risking his life lol).
I can’t imagine seeing it in theater. I was a sobbing mess. So many brave men and women everyday doing all sort of amazing things for us behind the scenes. I am sure you block it out as a survival skill, he is very much appreciated though for what he does.
I saw your IG photos of the trees…what happened?! How scary and probably annoying for the people who live on that street! Can I puh-lease have some sangria?! 🙂
I think it was from the winds. It tripped some out from the roots and another one split the branches. Not sure if it was lightening or not. It was so weird and I am sure annoying for the houses that had to deal with it. Haha! You sure can. 😉
Your neighborhood is beautiful even with trees down!
Thank you. Yes, it is a nice older developed neighborhood. I love it.
The storm was pretty bad by us too, glad no one got hurt! Can’t wait to see your sangria recipe….I love me some sangria =)
So happy nobody was hurt. I didn’t even realize it was that bad. Sangria is so good, and perfect on a hot summer day!
I love your weekend! Just the right amount of everything!
I can’t wait to see the recipe! It looks like a tasty meal!
Thank you. I was a great weekend. Plenty of rest but lots of activity too. So glad you made it, and that it was a hit!!
I love the Glades! I’m glad you got outside time in even with the poor weather Friday.
Such a good show. Yes, the weekend was in the 80’s and 90’s so it more than made up for it. 🙂
I heard from my inlaws the storms were crazy! Enjoy your day at the beach!
I didn’t even hear much till going out but the rain didn’t stop. I may have gotten a little too red for the beach but it will still be a good day! 🙂
sounds like a great weekend! lone survivor is so good! a tear jerker but good! I haven’t seen Fault in our stars yet!! can’t wait!
Thank you, it was a great weekend! Lone Survivor was so good but I was sobbing! I just finished the Fault In Our Stars so now i can finally watch the movie. I just hope it lives up to the book!
I think the hurricane was a lot worse for the north east than it was for us, I’m not sure it even knocked a branch off of a tree anywhere here.
Yayyy for getting some beach time in!
Wow, I am surprised you guys didn’t get more than we did. It was my first beach day of the season, needless to say I am a little red today! Oops.
What a fun weekend!! I cannot believe how much damage there was near you!!
I was so shocked. I figured we would get a lot of rain but not the downed trees.
Whoa to your hike! That’s quite a good one. I am with you on not liking to make plans on days off- but I usually end up happy once I am there!
It was a good one! Yes, I am the same way, I hate plans but I am always glad once I go.
Stopping by from Join the GOssip.
I really want to try the fitbit. is it worth it? Sounds like a totally relaxing weekend
I totally think it is worth it. It really helps to push me to meet my steps goal. I use it everyday so it totally paid for itself based off use.
Looks like you had a good weekend. Mango rum is a good idea for sangria – I have to try that next time.
You need to train that dog to sleep in on weekends! Haha
It added a nice flavor to it. Really any extra booze is a good idea! 😉 Haha! I know right! He has trained me so well that even when he isn’t there I wake up early!
The hike looks so pretty & scenic and a great workout! Sounds like you got some nice R&R this weekend which is always great!
It was a challenging hike after back to back vacations but totally needed to tackle it. It was so relaxing which I needed.
How are you liking The Fault in our Stars? I’m way behind on that curve, too! hahah
I really liked it. I only cried twice, which I thought it would be more often. I have to see the movie now to compare. Totally worth the read.
Sounds like an absolutely fabulous weekend! I need to get me one of those fitbits. Seems like everyone has one…
They are really good at pushing me when I am being lazy to hit my daily step goals.
Aww, too bad all the 4th of July things were cancelled! Glad you had a great weekend anyway though! I’m curious about The Fault in Our Stars…I was originally just going to see the movie, but I keep hearing that the book is way better. I might have to do both at some point.
Yeah, it was a bummer but it gave me an excuse to get caught up on other things. I haven’t seen the movie yet, I was waiting to read the book first. It was really good. It wasn’t as much as a cry-fest as I thought but it was very touching. Totally worth the read!!
Your dog is seriously adorable! I’m with you, I’m usually not a fan of waking up early to exercise but I couldn’t resist this past weekend.
Thank you! He always makes me smile. It is not fun to wake up early but I do get a lot done at least!
Yeah the rain seemed to ruin everyone’s plans. But sounds like you made the most of it 🙂
Thanks for linking up!
Yes, it just didn’t let up. It was still a good day though.
Hey, I just read The Fault in Our Stars. I cried like a baby! And 75 floors… holy cow! I just added Lone Survivor to my list of movies. Thanks for linking up with us! xo
It was a good book, I was expected to cry more but it was good. Yeah, not what I was ready for so soon after vacation but it was a good workout. It is such a good movie, so brave and heroic.
We just watched Lone Survivor the other day too!!! OMG it was so great!!!! I want to read the book next. I also love that the actual guy was such a big part of making sure that the movie was done well!!!! When he tries to take the little boy back home with him…. <3
It was so good and so moving. To know what they go through and how a “quick” operation can turn long and deadly is astounding. I am glad he was so involved in making it as authentic as possible. So good!