How is this weekend over already?! It seemed to go so fast, maybe because I ended up working from home for a bit on Friday night, or because the dance recital for my nieces was an all day event. Either way it was a full and happy weekend.
I am looking forward to this upcoming weekend though so I can do a complete cleaning overhaul of my house and also build some new pieces and finish my office. Enough about next weekend, here is some of this past weekend.
Saturday was my day to get all my cleaning and chores done. After a trip to Target and Lowe’s I hit up the Trader Joe’s in my neighborhood to get flowers for my nieces recital.
The rest of the night I relaxed, napped, and finished my most recent book.
Sunday was an early morning, I had to start getting ready at 7am in order to head south for my nieces recital.

After the recital we headed back to my brother’s house for some lunch. We lounged for a little bit, okay I took over the hammock.
Their pup wouldn’t let me lay there without petting her.

I didn’t get home on Sunday until about 4:30 and Seamus was exhausted from playing with my Dad’s dog. He was out like a light.

How was your weekend?
Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston.
My niece used to dance before she started cheerleading. Those recitals are marathons. The little ones are super cute though. Looks like you had a great weekend! Have a great week!
They really are much too long! They were cute though!
kiddie recitals are adorable, aren’t’ they? i loved it when kayla had her recitals – they’re so cute on stage all bumping into each other and giggling.
So cute! Yes, my niece got distracted by the drummer, too funny.
Adorable nieces. Our Riley has her recital 6-13!! Lovely that you could lounge in the hammock.
Nice that Seamus had a playmate!
Have a splendid week!
Love, SMD’s Momma
They are so cute dancing, especially at that age. Seamus loves being able to play with my Dad’s dog, and I love that it tires them out.
I love when my nieces have recitals – there are few things cuter than little kids dancing!! And that hammock sounds glorious – well deserved rest!! happy Monday! xo, Biana
They were so cute and the costumes! Adorable! I could have fallen asleep easy.
Sunday afternoon in the hammock is where it’s at!
It was so nice. I wish I could have spent the whole day there. Need to steal it from my brother! Ha!
Oh dance recitals!! My Goddaughter use to dance and I would have to go all the time. I didn’t mind them but they were way too long. I think the last one I went to was like three hours long. Talk about having dance rage afterwards, ha. Love that you have a hammock. I was at the Target near the mall on Saturday too! It’s a good one.
Yes, it was like 2 hours. It makes for a long day. The hammock was at my brothers house, I wanted to steal it!
Little kid dance recitals are adorable!
Tired dogs are well behaved dogs 🙂
They were so cute and looking in all different directions! Hilarious! It was perfect, he slept all night!
Kids dance recitals are too cute, and your nieces are even cuter!
I adore them all, the costumes were so cute! They did so good too.
awww they are so adorable!!
what a great idea to put pineapple in a smoothie to sweeten it up. gonna try that!
Thank you. They were full of smiles. I think the pineapple would really pump it up, otherwise it was just bland. A little sweetness would have helped.
Awwww little kid dance recitals are just the cutest thing ever!!! Sounds like you had a busy weekend. Obviously you cant just chill without giving love to a dog. Mine demand pets 24-7 when they are inside around us. Even while they are sleeping they have to be touching us somehow, even if it is just a foot lol. Hope you have a great week!
They are the cutest. They were going in opposite directions. She demanded attention but she is a cutie. Oh boy, you seem like you have your hands full with your dogs.
How adorable! Their costumes were so pretty 🙂
And I totally agree.. the weekends go by WAY too fast. Wasn’t it just Friday?!
They got so excited to put them on. Way to fast, like I blinked and it was gone. Looking forward to the upcoming Memorial Weekend.
Aww! Such cute little outfits!
They were shaking their hips and looking adorable!
Recitals are so fun! I love your nieces’ outfits!
Thanks! They were so cute and they even remembered some of the steps! Ha!
Those recital outfits are the cutest. You finished the book! Nice – and exhausted seamus is the cutest thing ever. I love when dogs lay down like that flat on their tummies, they look so comfy! 😀
They were so cute. I did, it was good but not great. I love when he lays like that, I call it his Superman pose. He was knocked out, barely moved after getting home, and a little snoring. Haha!
Recitals are too cute.
And I love Trader Joe’s. So many tasty things to eat in there.
They are, and they even had some national championship dance teams to space it out. I got the cookie butter, oh my word!
They look so cute in their costumes!
They were so cute and so excited.
omg!! that dance recital is SO CUTE!!!
Thanks, they had a blast and seriously I couldn’t get over them! So cute!
My oldest took dance and my youngest is dying to. Those pics are adorable, such sweet girls! I think the recitals are the best part, getting dolled up in fancy costumes and make up!
Yes, they are long, and running around a lot but so worth it to see them all smiling and loving it.
Sounds like an awesome weekend! Your pups is so cute. I love dance recitals! Makes me nostalgic for old times.
Thank you. They really are adorable, right?! They were all smiles! He was so exhausted it was kinda nice! Haha!
AWW your niece is adorable! And Seamus is definitely living the life. Playing with other pups and naps. I’m all for it haha. 🙂
Thank you. They really are adorable, right?! They were all smiles! He was so exhausted it was kinda nice! Haha!
Woot I see a CA license plate in the background 😉 How cute are those little dancers?! Glad you had a good weekend. Hoping your week has been great so far 🙂
Haha! Yes, the theme was around the US. They were so cute, and excited. Hope you have a great week!!
Oh gosh the girls look sooo cute! I remember dance recitals like that, they were so much fun as a participant kid! Seamus does look exhausted, glad you guys had a great weekend!
I would get so nervous but I loved dressing up! He slept like a baby all night. It was glorious!!
The recital pictures are adorable! And a pineapple smoothie sounds really good!
They were just so cute and excited. Thank you. It would have really mixed well with the cantaloupe.
Your nieces are so adorable… I swear, they could be twins!
Thank you. I am a little biased but I tend to agree!! They look a lot alike but so different in personality.
Oh Seamus… Mara sits like that too with her legs behind her. Cracks me up every time! He looks like he was o-u-t cold!
Isn’t it the cutest?! It’s like mini superman. He was exhausted. It was glorious!
Aw dance recitals! I remember those days. Love the lounging shot hehe glad you had a good weekend!
It was nice after the long day to just lay out even for just a few minutes. I need more of that kinda time.
adorable!! i want nails the color of that smoothie! hehe. i am slowly getting back to my schedule, and can’t wait to get caught up on you!!!
Haha! It would be a good color. You have a lot to catch up on but I am sure the beach was worth it!