Recently I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Sarah of Sweet Happenings. . The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers with less then 200 followers and it also helps them gain some exposure in the blogging world!
The questions I was given to answer:
1. What’s your favourite season and why? I love the fall. I love the weather when it is not to hot and not to cold, and the chance to wear boots and scarves. I also love watching the leaves turn colors here in Massachusetts, it’s so pretty. It is also my favorite Holiday Season. I love Halloween and I always dress up to pass out the candy at my Dad’s House. Picture from last year’s Day of the Dead costume.
Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. Answer the questions that the nominator sets for you, and then create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
2. Choose 11 people and link them in your post (must have less than 200 followers)
3. Go to their page and tell them.
The questions to answer:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. Favorite store to shop at (online or in-store)?
3. Favorite Holiday?
4. Fondest memory?
5. An item on your bucket list?
6. Place you most want to visit?
7. What is your favorite recipe/comfort food?
8. How often do you workout?
9. Celebrity Crush?
10. The wierdest food you have ever eaten?
11. Must Have Makeup Item
I nominate: The Best of Intentions | Imperfect Perfection | World Traveling Military Family | Styled Like A Rockstar | The Daybreak Bird | Tasty Little Crouton | Fitness Blondie | Racing Bananas | Kling-ing onto Life | Created by SK | Interpret As You May
Thanks again to Sarah for nominating me! Here is to one more day till Friday!
LaDawn says
Thanks for nominating me! Personally I was a backstreet boys fan!
Kerry says
You are very welcome! I like a few songs from both. Backstreet was good for ballads and N’Sync was good for dancing. Dancing won out! 😉
Erin @ The Party Girl's Guide says
I love reading these!! Your day of the dead makeup is amazing! and on the road is one of my faves too 🙂
Kerry says
Thanks!! Halloween is my favorite, last year I did all the makeup in my work’s bathroom and I wore a homemade black tutu. It is so fun! Don’t you just love the beatnik generation? So free thinking, open and honest!
Kendra Klingler says
Thank you so much for nominating me 🙂
Kerry says
You are very welcome! Glad to have found your blog and connecting!
Racing Bananas says
Thanks for the nomination!!
And snakes are nasty. UGH!
Kerry says
You are very welcome! I have loved reading your blog! Snakes are so UGLY and they seem to pop out of nowhere!!
Helene says
CONGRATS!!! so exciting and i hate snakes too. but love the fall 🙂
Kerry says
Thanks!! I think I am scared I will get bitten by a poisonous snake! Eeek. I think I wish it was fall all year long!
Sarah says
Love your answers! That Christmas by the Sea thing looks FUN!
Kerry says
It really is so fun!!! The town really embraces the Christmas spirit with parades and caroling. The church does a walk through Bethlehem, it’s amazing!!
Amy Powell (@amyrenepowell) says
oh thanks, girl, for the nomination! loved learning more about you 🙂
Kerry says
You are very welcome. I have loved ready your blog and getting to know you!