I have tweaking my blog design this past week so please bear with me if you see anything funky going on it is just me tinkering with the code. I promise to get it worked out shortly. With that little disclaimer out of the way it is time for Oh, How Pinteresting!! So head on over to The Vintage Apple and linkup.
Feel free to join me on pinterest here.
Just can’t hang like I did in college! Lol.
Source: irocksowhat.com via Kerry on Pinterest
Yup, that’s how we do!
Source: remodelandolacasa.com via Kerry on Pinterest
Is that not the cutest mantle design!
Source: thebeautythesis.com via Kerry on Pinterest
Beats the traditional messy bun!
Source: lisakisch.typepad.com via Kerry on Pinterest
Just might have to make these for my co-workers.
Source: thebeeroness.com via Kerry on Pinterest
Perfect for all those Superbowl parties this weekend?!
Source: jensyummyfun.com via Kerry on Pinterest
Display idea for the above dip….you fancy huh?!
Look forward to seeing what everyone else is pinning. Now off to watch Southie Rules, stereotypes are wicked awesome. The South has Honey Boo Boo, Boston has Southie Rules. I’ll take that anyday, everyday!!
Here’s to hoping everyone has a great rest of the week!!
I’ve heard of buffalo chicken dip, but adding beer? That’s genius!
Can’t go wrong with beer?!