Morning, morning!! Do I hate a treat for you! I am back on track eating healthy and finally getting back to working out. I kicked TurboFire 45’s boo-tay last night. With working out you have to fuel your body too. If I have learned anything it is that every person breaks food down differently. Some people consider having 1 cookie a day instead of 2 a diet and will lose weight. Some cut out all the junk food, workout 6 days a week and lose nothing. For me I found what works for me when I was doing triathlons and that is low-carb. I am not saying that it will work for everyone but it works for me. Maybe I am gluten intolerance, I have never been tested but if I eat a lot of carbs I have to take a nap. True story!
So I wouldn’t eat sweet potato everyday but when I have a long workout planned it totally works for refueling. Those who can eat it whenever they want and not gain weight, face plant yourself right into this yummy goodness!
1-2 lb pork loin (I could only find a 1.5 pound pork loin) ~ 1/4 cup chili powder ~ 2 tablespoons garlic salt ~ 4 to 5 cups cola ~ 1 cup Sweet Baby Ray’s Original BBQ Sauce ~ large sweet potato ~ Sprinkle of Brown Sugar (Optional)
Mix together the garlic salt and chili powder. Rub the pork loin with the mixture on all sides.
Pour a little cola in the bottom of the crock pot and add the pork loin. Add enough cola to just cover the pork loin. Cook on low for 8 hours.
After the pork has cooked for about 6-7 hours bake your sweet potatoes:
Preheat oven to 400°. Scrub potatoes under water and wrap in foil. Bake in oven for about 1 hour . Sweet Potatoes are fully cooked when you can gently squeeze them and they feel soft. Remove from oven and set aside. (*NOTE: I ended up putting mine in for another 20 minutes for a total of 80 minutes cooked)
Remove pork from crock pot and discard almost all of the cola mixture…leaving just a tablespoon or two of juice behind to help moisten the pork.
Place the pork back into the crockpot and then use two large forks to shred the meat.
Add BBQ sauce and combine (I went with a full cup of BBQ Sauce but really just add to your taste). Leave slow cooker on low, or warm, until you are ready to serve.
Cut a a slit in the sweet potato, lengthwise. Don’t cut all the way through. Grab the potato from both ends and press together. OPTIONAL: Sprinkle a little bit of brown sugar on the sweet potato to balance the flavor of the BBQ sauce. Fill each sweet potato with a spoonful or two or three of pulled pork and top with an little extra BBQ Sauce. Serve and savor!
Linking up with Jessica and Ashley.
this looks SO YUM!
although i love me some carbs, i watch how much i eat but i don’t cut them out completely. i can only eat certain carbs though – the white starchy kinds make me feel blah and bloated so i stay away from those as much as i can and only eat the healthier versions which are awesome for energy! and you’re so right when it comes to knowing what to eat that works for you. what worked for me was staying away from all sweets/fatty/processed garbage and only eating fresh foods but i eat all the food groups – healthy carbs, healthy fats, lean proteins. everything in moderation!
Thanks! So true! I still eat carbs but they mostly come directly from a ton of green veggies in place of breads, potato, and rice. Even when it is brown rice or sweet potato they can make me feel bloated and tired so I limit them. I wish I could eat them more, but I just eat them one a week or so now. Moderation is key!
That looks delicious!
Thanks! It was really yummy!
It is way too early to be this hungry. hahaha and yay, no allergies!!!
Woohooo!! Yeah for finally getting one you can eat! It was so simple and perfect for leftovers too!
This looks soooo good! I need more healthy recipes like this…so make it happen! Hahaha! 😉
Hahaha!! I will get on it!! 😉 Thanks!
You need to open a restaurant. I would drive out to the east coast just to eat there. YUM!
Thanks girl you give me too much credit! I just follow recipes, sometime I add a smidge of this or that, but really nothing special!
I’ve made pulled pork this way and it’s SOOOOO good! Makes me want a pulled pork sandwich for lunch! I’ll have to try it on a sweet potato!
It is so yummy, and I had plenty of leftovers! I liked the sweet potato, it added an interesting flavor combo.
This looks really yummy! I love pulled pork and splurging on sweet potatoes at this time of year. (Diets are so hard when it’s between Thanksgiving and Christmas!)
Since I’m gluten free and have done a ton of reading about the subject to help me understand what to avoid so that I never have to get sick from eating it again, I have read that even for people without a gluten intolerance, being on a GF diet does bring them more natural energy. It’s one of the reasons a lot of my friends who work out consistently have adapted to the diet. Even without testing it can be worth the try, depending on what you’re willing to get in to. 🙂
Diets are the worst this time of year! Haha!
I think I really do need to go gluten free the regular versions do not agree with me. Do you have any great resources you found when researching the GF lifestyle or for recipes?
My mouth is now WATERING! That looks SO,SO,SO good!
Thank you! It was so good, and plenty left over for later! 😉
OH my gosh!!! That looks amazing!!!! I’ll definitely have to remember to try that 🙂
Thank you! It was so easy to make too.
Um drooling. This looks delicious!!!
Thank you! It is great as a side dish or a main meal too!
I basically look forward to every Tuesday so I can see your tasty treats!
Awww that is the best compliment ever!!! Thank you!!
This looks amazing! I love sweet potatoes, so anything involving them is a win for me!
Thank you! Sweet potatoes are so much better than regular potatoes and there is so many ways to dress them up too!!
I’ve never thought about pulled pork IN a sweet potato before, but I love the idea!
It was an unexpected combo but so worth it! Hope you give it a try!