So a few weeks ago I shared that I was nominated for the Liebster award and I nominate some of my favorite up and coming bloggers. Well … LaDawn from the Daybreak Bird decided to be cheeky and sent some follow up questions back to me. I deleted any duplicate questions.
1. Do you have any siblings? Yes both older Sister and Brother.
2. Favourite meal? I really like salad. I know weird but it’s true.
4. Do you have a go-to outfit? Currently a maxi shirt or dress, though I will add a scarf to any outfit.
5. Best book you’ve read recently. I read 2-3 books a week so it is hard to pick a favorite but Live Wire by Harlan Coben was pretty good.
6. A pet peeve. People who are always late.
10. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? I limit myself to one.
11. What accomplishment are you most proud of? Completing 7 triathlons. Each one was tough and challenging but some people didn’t believe I could finish it and it was such an amazing feeling crossing that finish line.
Then I saw that Kim from Racing Bananas nominated me for a Sunshine Award!!
The award is circulated to those bloggers to let them know that their posts brighten your day.
1. Why did you start your blog? I really was inspired by reading other blogs and the connections that they made with each other. I love being able to document the recipes I have tried, crafts I have completed, struggles I have had in hopes that others will want to try them or share their struggles too.
2. What is your favorite way to stay active and why do you love it? I love strength training. Seeing how hard I can push my muscles and how heavy I can go.
3. Coffee or tea? Coffee for sure!
4. Favorite movie or all time? Really like Boondock Saints (its a little dark but Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flannery – nuff said) for light hearted Elf
5. What is your favorite way to stay active in the winter (if you live in a cold weather state?) I really want to learn to snowboard but for now weight training in the gym works year round
6. What is the best thing you’ve done this summer? This is kinda sad but I can’t think of anything. 🙁 It has been crazy busy but not vey adventurous.
7. What is your dream occupation (if money, school, etc wasn’t a factor)? I would open a Doggy Daycare
8. What is your favorite way to spend the weekend? My weekdays are super busy so I like to spend the weekends really low key, no schedule, nothing to do. This works out half the time, the other times I am scrambling to get a million things done!
9. Who inspires you? Everyone!! Some inspire me to be happier, some to workout harder, some to try something new and exciting.
10. What is your favorite quote? “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far once can go.” – T.S. Eliot
Thanks to LaDawn and Kim for showing some love! Hope this helps get to know me a little better. Hope my blog brings a little sunshine to your day!
Who inspires you?
What sort of adventures have you completed this summer?
kathy @ vodka and soda says
i agree with you on the no schedule thing for the weekends. i normally can’t do that with a 5yr old running around but today is the first time in a long time (she’s at the cottage with my husband and my in laws) so i’m just enjoying the time alone.
Kerry says
What and you aren’t out doing cartwheels??? Or is it a wine and bath kinda day? I am sure those moments are few and far between so enjoy it when you can!!
LaDawn says
Wow! Seven triathlons! I can’t even run for more than fifteen minutes. Way to go! A doggy daycare would be so much fun to do!
Kerry says
Thanks, I had to take a break from them due to an accident but it will forever be my greatest feeling of accomplishment! Getting puppy kisses and watching them play would be the best!
Sarah says
3-4 books a week? Hot damn woman! I thought I was a reading champ! You’ll have to share some of your fav books sometime please. 🙂
Great job on all the tris too. What an awesome accomplishment x 7!
Kerry says
What sort of genre of books do you read? Thanks, it seems like a dream but I remember each one too!