Today I get to celebrate the birthday of both of my nieces. The older niece was born in March and the other share the same birthday as their Daddy, my brother. So they decided to do a joined party in the middle for the larger extended family. So feel free to follow me on Instagram (@tillthensmileoften) for all the birthday pics.
Yesterday I saw this survey on Brittany’s blog and I thought it would be a great way for some of my newer followers to get to know me a little better.
The ABC’s of Kerry:
Addictions: Diet Coke, coffee, peanut butter, and hair products.
Bed size: Queen! Seamus needs space to spread out!
Chore you hate: Mopping the kitchen floors. I don’t know why. Maybe because it’s a two step process, but I would rather clean the toilets.
Dogs or cats: I have had both but I tend to favor dogs. I do miss my precious Jasmine though. (She passed in January)
Essential start of your day: Coffee and protein shake. I also have to read in the morning to help me wake up. So not a morning person. It is a slow process.
Favorite color: Yellow. I have loved Yellow for as long as I can remember. From clothes, to purses, to scarves, to accessories and at least one room in every place I’ve lived.
Gold or silver: Silver! Gold makes me feel like I am in the 80’s circa flava flav.
Height: 5’6. Tall for a girl but always wished I was a bit taller. My Mom is 5’3″ but my Dad is 6’3″ I got jipped! (UPDATE: My Mom texted me to say she wasn’t 4’11” she is 5’3″ I totally call bull on this but next time I see her I will have to measure) LOL.
Instruments you play (or have played): The flute. I had a really mean teacher that squeezed my fingers so bad I didn’t go back after one year.
Jobs titles you’ve had: Cashier, Server, Amusement park worker, Marketing Support, Case Worker, Government Contracts Admin. Okay that made me feel a little old.
Kids: Want them if I ever find the right person.
Live: Taxachusetts. Bean Town. Metro West Mass. Lived in Ohio while in College. Go Bucks!
Mom’s name: Mom! Just kidding it’s Andrea.
Nickname: Lee Lee or smiley.
Overnight hospital stays: Close but not yet. Lots of sprained ankles, sports injuries, severe hypothermia and when I got hit by a car riding my bike were all day trips.
Pet peeve: People who are constantly late. My time is just as important as your time. Also people who don’t follow through on promises or plans.
Quote from a movie: “You sit on a throne of lies” or “You’re not Santa…you smell like beef and cheese” both from Elf. Love that movie!
Right or left handed: South Paw. They say lefties are smarter. Just sayin’
Siblings: I have a sister and a brother.
Time you wake up: My alarm is set for 5:30 am but really Seamus usually wakes me up around 4:45am or so. Even on the weekends.
Underwear: Boy Shorts don’t have a preference from where, though I do have a Victoria’s Secret VIP black card. Like a Boss!
Vegetables you dislike: I am a picky eater so veggies are tough probably Brussel Sprouts or mushrooms. Yuck!
What makes you run late: I hate being late so really not much. I usually calculate in my head how much time I need to get ready, get somewhere and then add in a buffer of like 15 minutes. I blame my Dad for this I learned it from him.
X-rays you’ve had done: Seriously like my whole body! Chest, Arms, Hips, Legs. Cat Scans too.
Yummy food you make: I love to bake and some have said I should open a bakery but I am too scared. Maybe one day. I bring everything in to work though or I would be 300 pounds. I did share some healthy recipes here, here, here, and here.
Zoo animal: Hmm… Panda? It’s been awhile since I have been to a zoo.
This was a lot of fun. Hope you got to see a little bit more into my pesonality. What are some of your Addictions, pet peeves, or favorite movie quotes?
This is a fun idea for a post! Nice to get to know you better! Stopping by from the NE bloggers link up! Happy Sunday! 🙂
Stopping from the NE Bloggers hop. This is a pretty cool thing on how to “get to know” somebody. So many tidbits. ;)I’m with you on pandas though. They are pretty sweet. 🙂
Thanks, P.J. I had a really hard time thinking of a zoo animal, but pandas are so adorable. I think Giraffe would have been my second pic!
I need a bigger bed for my dog!! I am glad I am not the only person who’s sleep is dictated by an animal 🙂
Haha!! Totally! He runs the show. The thing is, even with a bigger bed he would probably still cuddle right on top of me! I kinda don’t mind though! 🙂