Happy Friday!! I am so looking forward to this weekend. I have a ton of things on my to do list (when do I not though). Hoping to get some more presents purchased and crossed off the list. Okay that is all the energy I have for now onto my five things this week!!
One. I am so overwhelmed and blessed to use my blog as a platform to help bring some support to the troops. I want to thanks all my blogging peeps who showed interest in my post of spending letters and/or care packages to the troops. All the links provided are ones I have used so I know they get to where they are supposed to go. See proof below of my homemade cookies and brownies. The guy in the first row second from the right said they made him king for the week until they ran out.
Two. I am going to a local craft fair this weekend and I am kinda excited. I love supporting local artists and hopefully will find a few X-Mas presents there.
Three. Reese’s Fudge. Do I really need to say anymore?
Four. Is it weird that I totally still want a Pug, even after watching this video. I don’t mind the snoring.
Five. To get this Friday going here is an old school jam. Hope it makes the day go by quicker!
That fudge… yum! I love craft fairs during the holidays. I hope you have some great finds to show us on Monday!
Doesn’t it sound amazing!! I am hoping to score a few good gifts at the craft fair. We go to one in Maine too which is in a few weeks.
Ah, the pugs really made me smile! So cute.
Happy Friday! 🙂
They are just so stinking cute! Now to find one to add to my pup family! Happy Friday!
AWWW I love #1!!!
I was so blown away at the people who wanted to do it! I know they will appreciate it so much! I love my bloggy friends!!
Owner of three pugs: the snoring is real.
You rock for #1.
Reese’s fudge WHAT.
Haha!! My co-workers told me about it the other day so I had to research it of course. Still worth it though. It is just a matter of time before i add one to the brood! Thanks girl I was so blown away, bloggers rock!
Right?! Like I need to make them ASAP!!!
Ummm I need to get involved with sending letters and packages ASAPY!
Stopping by from the linkup
I hope you do, they really need the boost this time of year and they really appreciate it!
did you get my other comment?it disappeared 🙁
Reese’s fudge? That sounds like quite possibly the most genius thing ever made
Right?!!! Like I want to make it so I can eat it all!
I. Want. Reese’s. Fudge!!!!!!!
It should be illegal it sounds so good!!!
That song IS old school! Totally forgot about it.
I heard it on my iPod on the way to work and knew it had to my jam for the week!! Totally OLD school but I was singing along!! 🙂
Pugs are awesome! John has a pug. Hawkeye is better though, of course 😉
Of course Poms are better but a Pug would keep Seamus company!! 🙂
I love going to craft fairs! I hope you have a great time and find some amazing stuff!
My brother really wants a pug, too. I think they’re adorable, but I’m a light sleeper and Maximus snores a little, so I don’t think I’d be able to put up with both Maximus and a pug.
It was such a big fair. i did get some gifts so it was a success! They are so cute but I totally understand if you are a light sleeper they may not be a good fit. Seamus breaths heavy but if I fall asleep first I am usually ok and sleep through it.
That fudge sounds amazing. I need to make it! I think I am the only person in the world who doesn’t like pugs! Haha!!
It could be really addictive fudge, but I am willing to take the chance and make it! 😉 Say what?! Those wrinkly nose and the wiggly bodies how can you not love them?! Just kidding they are not for everyone but I totally want one.
That’s amazing you sent all those desserts! Thanks for sharing your links’!
Thanks! He talked so much about missing home cooking and baked goods so I asked his favorites and sent them off. It was so amazing how appreciative he was and he was “rationing” them off. He told me people kept coming by his bunk asking if he had any more. It was the sweetest thing and it made my heart full that it meant so much to them.