Is it really Wednesday?! It feels like this week is flying by quickly. So let’s get right to the confessions…
* Ever since my concussion I have had trouble with balance and Focus T25 really tested it. I looked like I was stumbling out of a bar on New Years Eve. Not pretty! I burned over 500 calories between T25 and P90X3 but hoping to burn more once I get used to some of the moves.
* In High School I was voted Most Likely to Host a Talk Show! Surprising I know. Does a blog count? Gotta have goals! 😉
* I still don’t know how to add my posts to Google+, anyone know how? Teach me your ways!! NOTE: I saw a tutorial on Pinterest and now I can’t find it. I think I got it but will wait to see if it works.
* I am a sucker for a good cause! I broke my No Spend January twice so far! Once with a donation to the Young and Brave Foundation and once to the Girl Scouts selling cookies (I left the cookies).
* I haven’t seen a spider in my house in like 2 months, I know it is winter and all but I am getting a little paranoid about the statistic on how many spiders a person eats in a year! Weird I know, welcome to my brain!
* When I type the word together, I still say it out in my head TO.GET.HER. Thank you 2nd grade teacher for that trick.
* The desire to get another dog is so high I am finding it so hard to resist. I am afraid of how bent out of shape Seamus might get. I also want to get a bigger yard and house first which might takes a few years but this face……
Well that is all I have for now. So excited to share with you tomorrow my first Random Act of Kindness of the year! Also don’t forget to enter Helene’s Birthday Giveaway for $205 Paypal Cash here.
Linking up with Liz from Fitness Blondie
i’ve thought about another dog, but i don’t see how i’d have any more love to give. i mean i love him like he’s my real kid! so weird!!
Haha! I am the same with Seamus. He is my absolute baby!
I had vertigo about six years ago and still have balance issues from that. It sucks. If my sinuses are off my perception and balance is screwed too. I swore I had a brain tumor – nope! Just sinuses. hahaha
And now I’m dying over eating spiders.
You know my vote is for a Seamus friend!
Ugh! Not having great balance is horrible. Stupid sinuses! Doesn’t it just get stuck in your head?! It is freaking me out. I know i will bite the bullet eventually and get Seamus a buddy. 🙂
This week is flying by!!!! When we got Graycie, puppa (the pop) didn’t really care. Graycie become dominant of him though. So I would say depending on how old Semen is, that’s what should help you make the decision. Puppa is 14 and way too old to be dealing with a punk bitch lol! For the record I hate commenting on wordpress…but I love your face so there.
Semen?? HAHA!! OMG I am dying. I know you meant Seamus but I am 12 yrs old. Seamus is 8 so I am worried he is set in his ways, and he is a little protective of me with my Dad’s dog. Though he gets along with Angel.
did you get yourself checked out by the doc? be careful with concussions, girl. i heard that for bad ones, you will need rehab (what my doc told me after my accident).
and i’m getting the gears from both sides about a dog. kayla and my husband are constantly asking and talking about it.
Yeah, it is an old injury and I had a real problem with it for a year. There is just small residual issues I most likely will always have from it. It wasn’t as major as some but I had tingling for a year. Now it is mostly balance and short term memory issues.
Seriously a dog is the best thing EVER in life. They are a lot of work though, but nothing brightens a day better than a dog. I vote YES!!!
Soooo laughing about the spider thing, ewwww! In Texas (and I’m sure many southern states) you see tree roaches – mostly in the summer, but it isn’t weird to see them year-round because of the crazy weather. I haven’t seen one in awhile so of course you have me thinking about where they could be now…. ick!!!
Haha!! Sorry to freak you out. I know it is really cold so they must be hiding somewhere, but it makes you wonder!
They are probably my very worst fear in the world. Just be thankful you haven’t spotted the stink bug infestation around yet. We have SO many at our place in NH 🙁
They are horrible. I have heard about the stink bugs though I luckily haven’t seen any around here. That stinks, literally!
i don’t understand google+ one little bit!! glad I am not alone! I say get another dog so i can live vicariously through you 🙂
Haha!! Not sure why Google+ is still a thing. I am really trying to fight it but I know it is eventually going to happen.
Sometimes I think Jinx is still a little annoyed that we got Oliver since he was so used to getting ALL the attention, ha. But they do entertain each other now and Jinx is no longer as needy as he used to be. There’s benefits to having 2 dogs!
I am hoping Seamus would adjust but he is so needy. Glad that Jinx adjusted, gives me hope!
Every single time I type/write Wednesday, I say it in my head like needs to be spelled – Wed.Nes.Day. I can’t not do that!
I love that trick, i have to do it too otherwise I couldn’t spell it right. Haha!
I understand the dog thing. The man and i adopted another dog this summer and my baby hates her. It’s a good thing they don’t live together. It’s hard to handle sometimes!
It is so hard because you never know how they will react. Seamus is so possessive and hates when another animal tries to sit in my lap.
I do the same thing you do with together with Wednesday. WED. NES. DAY. Forever ingrained in my head.
Oh my goodness! I do that too for Wednesday. I would never spell it correctly without that trick!
Google+ is confusing! I put my posts on there for a while (akin to sharing a link on Facebook, just copy/paste the link into the status update) but got NO TRAFFIC whatsoever from it.
So I saw something on Pinterest to help it post automatically and I think it worked but I forgot to pin and now I can’t find it! 🙁
I want ALL THE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously. I want them ALL!!!!!!!!!
I can’t believe you left the cookies… that’s fucked up, Kerry… that’s reeeeeaaaalll fucked up.
I do too, they are all so cute!! Girllllll, I am working on my fitness!! My booty is thanking me!! 🙂
Besides Keebler now has the Coconut dreams year round so there!! :p
Since I can’t get another dog I think you probably should go ahead and get one for the both of us!! 🙂
Haha!!! I have done things for far worse reasons. 😉
Dang that’s a lot of calories – good for you! And good for you with your generous spirit and giving!
Google+ is easy. Just click on your share button at the bottom of your posts, hit the icon and it will share it 🙂
Thanks! I can’t wait to do more! I didn’t even think to do that, thanks!
I spend a LOT of time, like now, with Vertigo. It’s caused by my inner ears, damage from the constant ear infections I had until I was in my late 20’s. It sucks.
That stinks! It is really hard to do some things when your balance is off. 🙁
Whoa! You could have sent the cookies my way 🙂
Haha!! I am trying to say no to cookies right now!
I love all the little baby faces that I see on adoption sites – but Hawkeye would be downright intolerant bordering on petulant tantrum throwing if I ever got her a sibling. She’d probably try to eat it. I babysat my mom’s dog once and Hawkeye enjoyed him… until it was nighttime and he didn’t leave. Then she got very mad and territorial over her bed and me. She was born to be an only child.
It is so hard, because they are so cute!!! That is what I am so afraid of, since Seamus is protective and he didn’t like my kitty being on the bed with me either. He wants to be the only dog. He does act differently with my Dad’s dog but not sure how he would be. 🙁
I seriously don’t understand Google+! If you figure it out, please share! Imagine if you did have a talk show! That would be so cool!
I will share if I ever do figure it out. I think you have to make sure it is set to public, but I will keep checking. It would be so cool to have a talk show. It was probably because I was so talkative, I would never shut up!! Haha!
Oh gosh! Eating spiders in my sleep is probably one of my worst fears when I really get thinking about it. I’m very paranoid about it. Once, when I was younger, I woke up and a spider was on the pillow staring at me. I freaked out! Never wanted to go back to sleep!
Sorry to have put it in your head! That would have freaked me out so bad. Oh goodness!
Getting a second dog was the best decision we ever made!!! They play allll the time, wear each other out, are best friends, and cuddle allllll the time. They’re inseparable and it’s beyond adorable!
I really think that is what Seamus needs. I am so worried he won’t adjust though too. Decisions, decisions.
I totally think having a blog is kind of like a talk show! 🙂
It really is! They are quite entertaining!
I’ve been wanting another dog too. I think my doggie is getting old and he needs company. If I get one, I want a maltese since that’s a sister breed to my Shih Tzu. Love your doggie’s pic!
Thanks for linkin’ up with us 🙂
The Maltese are such pretty dogs too. Isn’t that dog so precious! It would be a good friend for Seamus. A Pom is my second choice. 🙂
OMG, To-get-her. Every time I spell that out, I think of my mom doing that for me. Ugh… thanks for the memory. Hope you’re feeling better kiddo!
It is a guarantee that I will never spell it wrong! 😉 You are very welcome! Thanks I am much better!