Happy Friday everyone!!! I am so excited for this weekend!! I have a four day weekend!! I have to take Seamus for his annual vet visit on Saturday and my cousin’s daughter has her graduation party and Boot Camp send off on Sunday so it will be jammed packed full of activities. I am also hoping to get started on my bathroom redesign so be sure to come back for some before and after pics. Now on to what I am loving lately.
One. Did you see my post yesterday? It showed my Dead of the Dead makeup that I did for Halloween for the last two years. I think this year I need to come up with a new costume so the search is on. I know it’s only August but it’s time. Oh and decorations, yup I will be sure doing some DIY projects coming up. Like figuring out how to recreate this since there are no directions.
Two. With Halloween comes fall and let me tell you summer was a bit dissapointing due to the crappy weather so I am keeping my head up for fall. My favorite! So I am on the hunt for some new tall boots.
Three. Did I mention that it is my Birthday at the end this month? Yeah it is. So I am wishing for…this candle, or a million bucks. Whichever comes first! 😉
Four. I am hoping to hit my 6 miles for my long run this weekend. My training for the half-marathon has been pitiful and I only have just over 6 weeks to get ready. Eeeekkkk!! Hoping that these help to fuel this run and don’t make e sick. Trying to find a good fuel source. First up is the Clif Shot Bloks. I’ll let you know what I think once I try them.
Five. I am on the look out for some floating shelves for the bathroom and found some from Target. Not sure if they will work or if I need to keep looking.
What are you loving lately?
Any runners have a favorite energy source for long runs?

Ikea has awesome floating shelves!
I didn’t even think about Ikea but I will be in the area so I will have to stop in there.
yay for your birthday coming up!!!! I loved your day of the dead makeup. You do know that my wedding consisted of sugar skulls right?
Ughh it makes me feel old, I am not in my 20’s anymore. LOL. Thanks, I did it myself. Of course I remember that is one more reason why I like you. 🙂
ehhhh I love fall!! that outfit is super cute 🙂
Thanks!! I love the fall and that will be my every day look in the fall pretty much!!
I can’t wait to hear what you think of the Clif Shot Blocks. I’m interested in trying different fuels, but don’t know where to start! And good luck with your 6 mile run – I’m only up to 4 as of now, so you’re ahead of me!!
Thanks!! I am going to be trying out a few so I will try and document what I try even though I know everyone is different. I am freaking out since I haven’t been really training consistently and I only have 6 weeks left!! Eeek! It has been a rough few months. Hope it goes smoothly.
You are getting me SO excited for fall! I’ve never experienced a real one and it’s my fav season. Southern California doesn’t have foliage really and it doesn’t get all that cold. Hopefully I’m taking a trip this November to see pretty leaves 🙂
Have a good weekend!
I wish it was Fall year round it really is so pretty!! You really should and apple picking for baked apple pies and the pumpkin patches! It really is the best! Though I wouldn’t mind living in Cali either! 😉
ikea makes some great floating shelves. they’re not that cheap but they work really well.
so my BIL just told me about his secret weapon energy source for long workouts: fig bars. i’m not kidding either. he showed me which ones he uses for long cycling events (from costco), they’re all natural, healthy, low in cals too. i tried one today about 15mins before my run (and after my intense lifting session in the morning so i was already tired) and bam! i was running like i stole something. they’re so good too!
Thanks!! I have an Ikea near me so I am going to scope them out this weekend!! You’re kidding me. Like a healthy version of a Fig Newton?? I don’t have a Costo membership, do you remember the brand so I can see if I can locate it elsewhere? Maybe Trader Joes or Whole Foods has it. I never would have though of figs. Must try. Thanks!
Happy Friday!
For my long run last weekend I ate some oatmeal pb & banana, drank coffee and had some energy bits (algae) and felt great! Make sure to be hydrated too.
I’ll be hunting for a pair of new fall boots as well this weekend.
Where did you get the Energy bits? Was it a particular brand? Thanks! Nothing better than finding a good pair of boots, happy hunting!
Definitely check out the Ikea shelves. They are a steal and hold up very well.
Is it a holiday in the states on Monday?! Either way, have a great long weekend!
Thanks. I will check out Ikea! No holiday just a mini vacation. Mental health break so to speak! Lol!