We have entered the promise land. It is mid-week and the weekend is fast approaching. I am very excited for this weekend since i get to spend it with my two best friends. We always have a blast, lots of laughs. I am hosting this time so I may get to finally have some guinea pigs to test out some recipes! 😉 So on to some confessions.
* I have a doctor’s appointment for Seamus on Friday and I am so stressed about it. If you have been reading for awhile you may know that I lost my kitty Jasmine to feline breast cancer and it all started with feeling a lump on her belly. This past week I found a lump on Seamus on his belly and he has been growling when I pet his hind legs and parts of his belly which he never did before. Please keep him in your thoughts. I would be lost without him so hoping it is nothing major but better safe than sorry. Lots of snuggles are needed.
* I have this DIY project that I have been wanting to do for 2-1/2 weeks and I still haven’t done it! I really want to finish it and mail it out. It is a gift for a fellow blogger and I hope she likes it but I have to finish it first!!
* I confess I watch the Bachelor even though I could care less for Juan Pablo. If you saw the episode last night it was kinda hilarious. It was supposed to be dramatic but really it was Andi being a whiny BE-OTCH!!! Basically she broke up with him and then told him everything she hated about him. Don’t say “it’s ok” it’s annoying. Really?! I saw it as him validating that your feeling were valid and yours to make. Being rude is not OK!! Next time walk away with some dignity.
*I have been getting back into my gym routine after missing too many days due to the snow and having to shovel instead. So to get a compliment when I felt like a total slacker was pretty great to hear. I was doing a superset of dumbbell curls and hammer curls with 20 lb dumbbells per arm. Though I have done 35 lbs before I slacked.
Hearing a muscle dude ask me how many reps I did and saying most girl don’t lift that much gives me a fitness boner ala @vodka_and_soda
— Kerry Enos (@Tillthen_Smile) February 24, 2014
* We are supposed to get more snow today and I just might lose my mind. We still have about a foot of snow that still needs to melt. So depressing.
*After everything that happened with my basement flooding and the mold I am extremely paranoid of the air quality in my house. It is totally irrational but I bought an air purifier, vacuumed out my air ducts this weekend and doing a radon test of my basement.
Well that is all I have for you, only so much crazy can be put in one post! Hope this day goes by quickly for you!
Linking up with Kathy from Vodka and Soda for Humpday Confessions and with Liz from Fitness Blondie for the Hump Day Blog Hop.
I also need to get back in a workout routine. I was doing so good for awhile & then it all just stopped. February has not been good to me as far as the gym is concerned.
It is tough to get back to it, but we can totally do it!!!
Sending you and Seamus good thoughts for your appt on Friday!
Thank you so very much!
A million good thoughts for Seamus. I’d be a nervous wreck too.
Yay for weekends with best friends! I’ll be with mine this weekend too.
Thanks! It is stressing my out but hoping for the best. Nothing better then a little girl time! Hope you have a blast!
Ugh I wish I was coming to stay!!! I would be testing out all of your recipes! Lay em’ on me girl! I will keep sweet Seamus is my prayers, I pray so much he is OK. He is the cutest baby in the whole world and his videos crack me up. I hate you guys are getting so much, I know that makes everything harder. I couldn’t imagine staying on my gym routine 100% when it’s constantly snowing. Love you girl.
Me too!! Thank you, he is my everything. Hopefully I am just paranoid but better safe than sorry. Maybe he is just getting tubby and needs a diet!! Haha! Big Hugs and kisses!!
Really hope everything is ok with Seamus – i’m sure it will be!! Don’t worry this “snow” will just be a dusting – they promised lol!! I’m not even sure what I hate more about the bachelor this season, Juan, his annoying “what is that”, clare, or when he strokes their hair and just goes in for a kiss!! But I can’t stop watching lol!! Hope you have so much fun with your friends this weekend!
Thank you so much, I really hope so too! Hopefully it will pass by with no snow!! The stroking the hair thing is so weird. It’s like he has nothing to say so just kisses them. Girls time is the best time! 😉
I feel the same way about The Bachelor this season. I definitely don’t like him and he’s managed to get rid of or run off all the good girls. But still, I find myself watching it…!
I can’t hep it either. I was really hoping he would pick Renee.
I’m going to be thinking about Seamus… text me on Friday after you leave the vet.
Thank you! I will text you!
Oh no, poor Seamus! Hoping the vet will say everything is fine.
I cannot stand Juan Pablo. I actually loved what Andi said to him but too bad he’s too stupid to actually process any of it. I think it would be awesome if he ends up alone in the end!
I am hoping it is just something minor we can treat with antibiotics.
I think they both have valid points but I just think she handled it in a very bratty way. I mean if you don’t feel a connection walk away. Attacking someone for who they are was just mean spirited in my opinion. Spoiler I think he picks someone but doesn’t propose! 😉
Keeping Seamus in my thoughts! Way to kick ass in the gym. I get that from guys sometimes too. What? Girls can’t lift heavy?!
Thank you so much! We can totally lift heavy! You go girl!!
Oh my. You and Seamus will be in my thoughts all week. I’m nervous for you. Good luck!
Thank you so much! I am hoping it is not that can’t be fixed.
keeping seamus in my thoughts!!!
your tweet gave me a major boner. i love it when girls lift heavy!!
Thank you! You know I am all about the heavy weights. No 5-10 dumbbells for this girl! 😉
Keep me updated with Seamus! I’ll be thinking of him and Hawkeye and I are sending him lots and lots of love.
Thank you so much! They are our babies and I would be lost without him. Hoping for the best! I’ll keep in touch once I know more.
Still thinking about Seamus, poor baby!! And I’m so over Juan Pablo. He’s not very smart. I would’ve left too.
Thank you! He is acting normal so hoping he is not in pain. Yeah I think it is a combination of language, his personality and the situation but it just doesn’t work.
Sending good thoughts for Seamus!!!!! I lost two of my boxers to cancer and it’s horrible!!!
Thank you! Sorry about your Boxers! 🙁 I lost my last dog to cancer but she was 14, Seamus is only 8 so I hope it is nothing to worry over.
Sending so many good thoughts for Seamus- scary! And try not to think about the air- just don’t breath it 🙂
Thank you! Yes, especially after what happened with kitty. Haha! I’ll hold my breathe!!
Aw, I feel for you about Seamus! I wish all the best for the doctors appointment! Fingers crossed for good news!!
Thank you! I am hoping it is inflammation or just plain fat!! Hoping for the best! Thank you for thinking of him. Hope you are hitting smooth sails!
awe praying for your pup! I hope its not cancer. & boo to snow. Happy Hump day beautiful
Me too! We managed to not get any here! Thank goodness! Happy Hump Day dollface! 🙂
Sending good vibes Seamus’s and courage to you!
Thank you! I will feel so much better once I know if anything is wrong.
I really want your doggie to be A OK! I’m a dog person so my heart just broke to think about the bad stuff. Snow sucks balls.
Thank you so much! I am hoping it is nothing to worry about but will know soon. We manage to not get snow! I don’t think I could take anymore anyways!
You and Seamus are in my thoughts!
Thank you! I am hoping it is nothing but I need piece of mind!
Sending ALLLLL the good vibes for Seamus, poor buddy {and poor you}…I started watching The Bachelor because Juan Pablo is in Florida, but I got bored…fast. Other people have said that the season isn’t great, so I guess i’m not missing much? Except, he is reallllly nice to look at ;O)
Thank you! We need all the good thoughts we can get. You are not missing anything. He is horrible and a hypocrite and the girls are crazy! He does look good without a shirt! 😉
Sending all good thoughts, prayers and energy to you and Seamus. Hopefully, he’s just a little chunky…winter weight…we all get it eventually. All the best at your appointment.
Thank you so much! I hope it is just some Winter weight and maybe inflammation.
Poor Seamus! Keep us updated. It is so hard to not know what is wrong with them! Sorry about your snow. Next time someone here complains about rain and 40 degrees, I will remind them it could be worse!
Thanks, will do! I will feel better once I know something. We lucked out and didn’t get snow but we are expecting snow on Monday! It never ends! Haha!
good thoughts for mr seamus! and I really need to get back into my fitness routine.
Thank you! I am right there with you, tv star! 😉
Thinking of Seamus and hoping his appointment goes ok! And 35 lb curls?! Daaaaang! Go girl! I’m lucky if I get 10 lbs. right now hahaha #soweak
Thank you! It got moved to today, which is good so I can stop stressing. Haha! Yeah I lift heavy! I started off not being able to do much, just keep adding more when it become easy. 🙂
I’ll be thinking of Seamus tomorrow!!!!
Thank you! His appointment got bumped up and I got the thumbs up from the vet yesterday. It was just a fatty tumor which is totally benign and no worries. Thank goodness!
i don’t blame you for buying the air stuff. i don’t fool around with that stuff. mold, etc. is dangerous! ellesees.blogspot.com
Yes, it can do a lot of damage without you knowing. Better safe than sorry!
OMG this season of the Bachelor is driving me crazy – esp since he met with a former Bachelor during the first episode who told him not to kiss anyone on group dates, and then goes around doing just that. That was when I was like “nevermind.” haha. I feel genuinely bad for the girls.
Yes, there have been way to many instances of him flip flopping over which of his own rules he is going to follow.